Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1492

"Yes! So if you don’t want to be taken advantage of by me and don’t want me to succeed, you must focus, focus, and focus again, and treat every training as an actual battle. Otherwise, what awaits you will be my claws. !"

After that, Su Zhan deliberately posed a posture of the dragon's claw hand grabbing the milk. With that shameless and insignificant expression, the two women instantly felt itching in front of them, as if they were really caught by him, and subconsciously retreated. A few steps!

Don't be caught by him anyway, stare at her first.

They almost thought of it at the same time!

"Of course, in order to stimulate your fighting spirit, the one who fails will be touched by me~"

Chapter 0025 Caitlin VS Du Qiangwei


The two originally wanted to put Su Zhan on first, but they didn't expect Zeng Su Zhan to add such a rule.

"Punishment is naturally to make you more focused, more attentive to fight for victory, and to achieve the effect of punishing you. As for what? It's very simple, I can help you become stronger, if you are not willing to accept it. Of course I won't force it. It doesn't matter whether I leave or stay behind!" Su Zhan said lightly, it is obvious that he is sure of you!

Although Du Qiangwei and Caitlin were a little reluctant, in the end no one spoke and agreed.

"Since you are all okay, it’s too early and you are already familiar with the environment, then let’s start. I will give you ten minutes to change your equipment, and the game will officially start after ten minutes. That is to say, whoever wears the equipment first and chooses the advantage The terrain, whoever can have the advantage. In addition, you don’t need to keep your hands. Injuries are also necessary. Even if you die, don’t worry, I’m here!"

Su Zhan reminded him, and then the calculation started!

"Aren't you going out?"

Seeing Su Zhan staying in place, the two couldn't help asking.

Su Zhan shook his head, smiling without saying a word, obviously he didn't plan to go out.

Is it impossible to change the equipment in front of him?The two looked at each other and didn't move!

"Remind you, it's only eight minutes. If you don't hurry up, you will start the fight here, Caitlin... You have no advantage in close combat, and I will not give up punishment just because you start the fight here!"

"So, whether you choose to be seen by me or touched by me, you decide for yourself"

Su Zhan's words made Caitlin have to think about it. She was a bit disadvantaged at close range. Everyone wanted to lose and be touched by Su Zhan. If they were to fight here, I'm afraid they would have little chance of winning!

To be touched or to be seen is a simple and difficult choice.

Simple because it is better to be seen than to be touched.The difficulty is because, no matter which one is going to suffer, it is Su Zhan who takes advantage!After gritting her teeth, Caitlin started to undress and change gear!

Seeing Caitlin doing this, Du Qiangwei still couldn't let go, but she knew very well that if she let Caitlin put on the equipment first, she would suffer.

These equipment is a burden to Su Zhan, but it is of great help to them.

"No, never lose!"

If Caitlin didn't change the equipment, the two would stand up to each other, maybe no one would change, but after Caitlin changed like this, Du Qiangwei didn't want to lose, so she could only change it!

Seeing their perfect bodies, Su Zhan couldn't help laughing secretly.


It's so simple!

In the end, Caitlin still took a small advantage and ran out of the wooden house first. After almost ten seconds, Caitlin got dressed and prepared to go out.

He opened the door and just walked out of the wooden house, the sound of the sniper rifle came to mind.


The vigorous gunfire sounded, Du Qiangwei was shocked, she did not expect that Caitlin hadn't walked far, and shot at this time.At this moment, she couldn't help but see where Caitlin was, and she couldn't identify the direction of the bullet. With instinct and the reaction ability that she had recently exercised, Du Qiangwei subconsciously bent down and squatted down.

With a snap, she felt the helmet hit hard, and the bullet seemed to flew out of his helmet.Du Qiangwei couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat, hurriedly shut the door and hid aside!

If she hadn't reacted quickly just now, this shot would have directly shot herself headshot!

What a killer!

"It's still relenting. She was slow for a long time for two seconds, and there was obvious hesitation. If she made up her mind from the beginning, even if you reacted quickly, you can't avoid it!"

Su Zhan shook his head and said lightly.

Du Qiangwei was stunned for two seconds!

What can be done in two seconds?

Two seconds can make Caitlin fire at least three shots, and two seconds can make Du Qiangwei avoid a fatal attack!

Du Qiangwei silently recalled the scenes just now, speculating on Caitlin's location.Taking a deep breath, her eyes became serious, and an impulse suddenly appeared behind her, Du Qiangwei backed away and disappeared!

In the next moment, Du Qiangwei had appeared outside the wooden house, she guessed Caitlin's location.But Caitlin was not here, she seemed to have shifted her position after firing the shot.

If a sniper wants to survive, it is impossible to stay where he fired, especially when it may be exposed!

Du Qiangwei and Caitlin also know their roots, she can guess Du Qiangwei's location, and Du Qiangwei can naturally guess that she can.

Next, is the real competition!

Su Zhan did not go out in the wooden house, sitting leisurely in a chair drinking tea, paying attention to the situation of the two from time to time.I have to say that Du Qiangwei and Caitlin are both excellent. From the beginning to now, they have been testing each other and looking for opportunities.As a sniper, Caitlin was really calm and did not shoot or even move.

It is not easy to find Caitlin in the vast forest!

If you didn't know that she was here, it would be hard to believe that there would be snipers here!

Caitlin controlled her breathing, hiding in the grass, her whole person seemed to have been integrated with her surroundings. She was very focused, feeling the movement around her, and waiting for the prey to appear.

In a daze, she felt a little itchy in her legs.

At first she thought it might be a bug, or it might be a sensation caused by holding a posture for too long, but gradually, the itching sensation became clearer and clearer, as if someone was touching her leg.

Touch your legs?

Wait, shouldn't it be...

Caitlin suddenly turned her head and was stunned for an instant.

I saw that Su Zhan didn't know when she came to her side, squatting behind her, reaching out to touch her leg!

"You..." Caitlin was shocked, when did he appear!

"Got you!"

Before Su Zhan spoke, he heard a soft drink in the distance.Du Qiangwei screamed badly. She turned over and fired a shot at the place where she was staying before she quickly ran into the nearby forest...

Chapter 0026 The Final Victory!

The sunset is on the west hills and the sunset glow is brilliant.

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