Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1493

Su Zhan didn't show up again after disrupting the situation again, but neither Caitlin nor Du Qiangwei relaxed their vigilance.In the end, Caitlin won.

Caitlin was overwhelmed with pride, Du Qiangwei's face was gloomy.

In this environment, even if Du Qiangwei's reaction is quicker, it will be a bit of a disadvantage, but she has also learned a lot. She believes that if you compare it tomorrow, it will definitely not be herself.

Su Zhan beat up the beasts and tidied them up as a good meal. The three people gathered around the table, but their moods were different.After eating and tidying up, Caitlin looked at Du Qiangwei with great interest, as if she was ready to watch the show.Of course Du Qiangwei knew what she was going to see, but she said nothing.

Su Zhan patted the bedside and said, "Come on, it's time to accept the punishment!"

Du Qiangwei snorted and turned to Caitlin and said, "Tomorrow it will be your turn!"

Caitlin shrugged, looking impossible.

After the training, the two had already taken off their equipment. At this time, they were wearing more casual clothes. Du Qiangwei was lying down, the height was really not bad.Su Zhan smiled happily, stretched out his hands and squeezed it unceremoniously.Although it is separated from the clothes, it is not a bump, but a direct squeeze, which naturally feels different.Du Qiangwei compared his eyes and gritted his teeth in a generous posture.She was not afraid of Su Zhan's pinch. Su Zhan did not succeed in training alone before, but under Caitlin's gaze, it made her feel a bit embarrassing, especially the one who lost!

Du Qiangwei was released only after Su Zhan had become addicted to his hands, and then as night fell, the three began to sleep and rest.

This process is not so difficult to accept, and the two women's minds are put on tomorrow's training, not long after lying down, they fell asleep!

Early the next morning, Du Qiangwei got up first to prepare.

Time is like a knife, and time is like a song.

As time passed day by day, the two women almost had their own winners and losers. Su Zhan no longer just shot one shot like the first day. It is really like the same at the beginning, will often change camps, which makes the two women miserable. At the same time, the astonishment and strength of the battle are also rapidly increasing.Du Qiangwei is more proficient in the use of teleportation, faster, and even the distance range is greatly increased.And Caitlin's concentration is really terrible now, Su Zhan is a little admired.

Once Su Zhan deliberately got on and off, and even stripped Caitlin's pants, but Caitlin remained motionless as if she was dead!

As for the punishment for the loser, the two are also used to it.

After all, you have lost, I have lost, you have been touched by Su Zhan, and I have been touched by Su Zhan, neither of us should laugh at anyone!

The only cheap thing is Su Zhan. Touching during the day and night, now he can tell who is who without opening his eyes and just relying on his hand!

Living in the same room, frankly relative, the relationship between the three is also increasing rapidly.

Unconsciously changing their clothes and being touched generously, the two women seemed to have no longer resisted the Soviet war's actions, and even became accustomed to them.

"The holiday is almost over, and the training camp is almost over. I believe your progress during this period can be felt even without me! Tomorrow, we will leave here and go directly to the Giant. So far, the victory of the two of you The record is still tied, so today is the last time to truly tell the winner!"

Su Zhan's words made the two women become serious, their eyes full of sparks of desire to win!

"Since it is the last time, then this punishment has to be changed. I have delayed training with you for such a long time, and I sleep with you every day. I have to endure very hard! If Lena is here, we I don’t know how many times I have rolled. Therefore, the punishment for losing today is not just being touched!"

Du Qiangwei and Caitlin pouted, let you take advantage of this every day, do you still feel uncomfortable?

Said as if we are not uncomfortable!

What is the biggest torment for men?Just two beautiful and perfect women get along with you day and night, in the same room, you can see and touch, but you can’t go!This long day is definitely the biggest torture!

"I won't lose!"

Du Qiangwei said confidently.

"It must be me who wins!"

Caitlin said not to be outdone.

It didn't take the time of Su Zhan to start, and the two men began to change their equipment at the same time.

Seeing that the two quickly changed their equipment and ran out of the wooden house, Su Zhan touched his chin.

"Is this a default? I just don't know what it will be? Du Qiangwei has a better figure, but Caitlin's temperament is also good. It's really hard to distinguish. Oh, forgot to say, if there is a tie Both of them have to accept punishment!" Thinking of this, Su Zhan hurriedly teleported out to find Du Qiangwei.

But by the way that Du Qiangwei had just teleported, Du Qiangwei had already gotten into the wormhole.

The speed of the reaction surprised Su Zhan.

Su Zhan went to look for Caitlin, but as soon as he appeared, he was shot directly. After the shot, Caitlin didn't give Su Zhan a chance to speak, and turned around and disappeared in the forest.


It seems that the two of them hope they don't interfere in this competition?

Also, this time the competition will not improve too much. In the past, for training, Su Zhan's spoiler was naturally meaningful. Now that it is to tell the final victory, the two also hope that it will be fair and fight with all their strength!

Knowing their thoughts, Su Zhan simply stopped participating, teleported back to the wooden house, quietly waiting for the result of the game.

This battle started at noon and has not ended until the sun sets.

After the dinner has been heated several times, the taste has changed a little.

Finally, when the sky was full of stars and the full moon was bright, a person slowly walked out of the forest.

Du Qiangwei, or Caitlin?

Su Zhan stood in front of the wooden house and watched quietly.

She walked very slowly and looked very tired. After walking for almost a minute or two, she came to the wooden house and showed her true face.

Item 0027

"what a pity!"

Seeing the visitor, Su Zhan sighed softly.

Du Qiangwei snorted coldly, and said, "The sky is fine today, I am looking at the stars outside!"

After speaking, Du Qiangwei turned and left again, without entering the house at all.

Su Zhan clicked his mouth, watching Du Qiangwei's figure walk away.Obviously, the so-called watching the stars is just not wanting to stay and disturb them, of does not rule out that Du Qiangwei does not want to see such a dirty scene!

Almost ten minutes later, Caitlin returned with her tired body, her expression was calm, but her eyes were slightly unwilling.

In the end, she still lost to Du Qiangwei, allowing her to find her place!

After entering the house, she found that Du Qiangwei was not there, and Caitlin did not respond. She took off her equipment and said, "I'm going to take a bath."


Su Zhan responded, and Caitlin had turned around with her things.

Almost an hour later, Caitlin came back from the shower, wearing a hot pants T-shirt, the same as she usually wears when she is about to rest.After coming back, Caitlin lay down directly.

After closing the door, Su Zhan came to Caitlin and lay down. Caitlin didn't say a word, Su Zhan didn't say a word either, and he didn't know what was going to happen next, Su Zhan's hand was as usual.Caitlin's muffled voice gradually rang. Her voice was not loud in the past, but today it does not seem to be suspiciously converging. Not only the voice has improved a lot, but the body's reaction has also become much stronger. Seeing that beautiful Su Zhan kissed her face.

From slow to fast, from smooth to excited.

Gradually sink...

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