Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 640

Su Zhan let go of Chloe reluctantly and watched Chloe answer the call with flushing face.Not to mention, she is certainly not a beautiful woman who is all over the country, but she has a special feeling mixed with several special temperaments.

It has the competence of a policeman, the youthfulness of a virgin, and the maturity of being a mother.

Very complicated, very contradictory, but surprisingly harmonious.

Now even if there is no such thing as God, Su Zhan is beginning to be interested in her.But I have to say that God really takes great pains to pick people.

"Sorry, I have to go to the bureau first. In the case just now, the paparazzi has already pleaded guilty. Although I hate him, he should be punished. However, I always feel that this case was not his responsibility. So..." Hanging up the phone, Chloe's mood has calmed down a bit, but some of his cheeks are flushed, and there is a little apologetic in his words.

"Use me to help you?" Su Zhan asked...

"No, I can do it myself!"

Chloe knew that if Su Zhan helped to investigate it quickly, she refused.

"Well, then I'll take you there!"

Su Zhan didn't force it, pulled Chloe up, hugged her waist, and instantly...appeared in the busy police station.


The originally noisy and busy police station quieted down the moment Su Zhan and Chloe appeared. Chloe realized that all his colleagues looked at him with that kind of surprise and envy.

This made her a little panicked, and hurriedly let go of Su Zhan, squeezing her hair and said nervously: "I, I'm going to work now."

"Okay, see you tonight."

"See you tonight." Chloe didn't hear exactly what Su Zhan was talking about, and hurriedly responded and turned away.

Seeing her shy look, Su Zhan couldn't help but smile, and showed an expression that everyone knew to the police around him, and then disappeared.

It didn't take long for the quiet police station to become uproarious, and the level of excitement almost broke through the roof.

Su Zhan.

Green Lantern, did he fall in love with Chloe?

Envy, surprise, shock, everything.

However, no one ridiculed them. In fact, everything has a double standard. Su Zhan, and people outside the Su Zhan, the same thing is two different reactions and attitudes.

After leaving the police station, Su Zhan went to Haibin City, the base of the Raptor Team.

As the first city and the first instance he appeared in the DC world, Su Zhan still has a lot of affection for this place, not to mention that it is also the base of the Raptor team, which is the main location of his harem camp.

Although he simply sent Zede over before, he didn't wait much, just take advantage of it and take a look at it now.

Su Zhan came back to the point of surprise to the members of the Raptor team. Zed said that Su Zhan was picking up girls, and logically he shouldn't be back so soon.

Felicity said in surprise: "You won't fail so soon? How could this be possible!"

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It didn't take long before and after Su Zhan left and returned. If he hadn't failed, he wouldn't have time to come over now.IT female Felicity pushed her glasses and she was a little unbelievable. Although she didn't have much contact with Su Zhan, Su Zhan is her male god. She really didn't believe that someone would reject her so quickly.

"They didn't fail, but came over after taking advantage of the intermission."

The poison ivy girl next to her answered.

Su Zhan rolled his eyes."You are also free enough. You can monitor it as far as Los Angeles? Your ability can be enhanced now!"

The Poison Ivy girl curled her lips: "Who wants you to go wherever you go, but go to the park."

The big grass trees in the park, as long as plants, can be used by Poison Ivy.But having said that, she can monitor this distance, which shows that her strength has indeed increased somewhat exaggerated.

If you work hard, I am afraid you can monitor the entire earth.

"Listen to her bragging, that's because the white queen's system monitored your picture and she only knew it." Thea dismantled the platform beside."But you really have the means. You are much better than my brother. I think if there is no call to interrupt, I'm afraid you can get it right away."

Su Zhan's face went black.


Feelings you watched the live broadcast!

"After the white queen, set permissions. You are not allowed to monitor when I am with a woman."

Su Zhan said in a loud voice, soon... a sweet voice sounded for a month.

"Permissions set!"

"It's stingy, anyway, waiting for you to get started, it's not like you can see it sooner or later, you have the ability... Don't several people at a time!" Thea hummed.

"That has nothing to do with you."

"Why doesn't matter? Now who doesn't know that the Raptor team is your Su Zhan's harem group. The White Queen, let the news come out." Thea said unconvinced, and soon... Numerous people appeared in front of Su Zhan. The information keywords on the virtual screen are Su Zhan, Raptor Team.

"The Goddess of Victory, the captain of the Raptor team, has a hot temper? Suspected of being lonely and dissatisfied."

"The black and white canary sisters are at odds, probably because they are competing for favor."


All are lace news like this.

Su Zhan looked at the news and touched his chin and said, "This is still true. I am not in the arena, but there are my legends in the rivers and lakes. How long have I not seen my face? How come there is so much gossip news?"

"You are not here, we are here! We have tasks every day!" Thea snorted and said, "They don't matter, but there are still no. Now even if I go out and tell people, I don't have that kind of relationship with you. I'm afraid that no one will believe that the relationship hasn't happened yet. Instead, I will be said that I can't compete for favor, and I'm so embarrassed to use this method to pay attention."

"Stop, stop! I pushed you back to make you worthy of the name." Su Zhan interrupted Xia's words with a wave of his hand, Xia chuckled, feeling a tricky trick.

"Um, Super, Superman seems to be looking for you." Felicity whispered.


Su Zhan was a little surprised, and then took out his ID card to contact Superman.

"Are you back? Do you have time?"


"Something, I want to ask you for something." Superman's tone was a little embarrassed, which made Su Zhan curious. What made her so embarrassed?

"Okay, I'll be there soon!"

After hanging up, Su Zhan smiled apologetically at her, and then disappeared.

The next moment, Su Zhan appeared on the rooftop balcony of the metropolitan planet Japan.

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