Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 641

Every time he saw Clark wearing his suit, leather shoes and glasses, Su Zhan felt that it was against him. The shape of the red underwear was more suitable for him.

Seeing Su Zhan suddenly appearing, Clark hesitated and said: "That's it, I have seen your news."


Talk to Zede's news.

"If you are not busy, can you do me a favor?"

"What's busy?"

"Yes, I have a colleague who has always reported your news. She is a fan of superheroes. She has always wanted to make a special report about you. You know, news about you. Many, but there is no serious topic..."

"What I am more curious about is, what about Superman?" Su Zhan asked.

Clark smirked and pointed at himself!

"Well, it's convenient for you, but I really didn't know what to do with this special report... By the way, what is your colleague's name?"

"Loise, Louise Lane!" Clark said hurriedly.

Su Zhan smiled.

"What is her relationship with you and ask you to take the initiative to help?"

"No, it doesn't matter, it's just a colleague. Because I did an interview with Superman, and the response was pretty good, and Louise has always wanted to do your interview, and has been trying all kinds of ways to contact you, just...just It didn't work. She was too persistent, and the company's situation was a bit delicate, so I thought, if it's convenient for you, can you do her a favor!" Clark explained.

"Really? You know that my personality follows the style. You are sending sheep into the mouth of a tiger." Su Zhan said deliberately.

Clark shook his head: "Your feelings and your personal affairs are your own business. I also know that you are not the kind of person who will force others. If you wish, it doesn't count!"

"Well, it looks like you are really meaningless to her. Okay, you can help me contact her, just say I have time now."

"Okay, I'll let her come."

"Wait, why are you here? Breaking the rooftops for an interview? I remember there seems to be a cafe next to it. I'll just go there and wait for her." Su Zhan said, and the person had already flown directly off the rooftop.

When he came to the cafe next to him, Su Zhan found a spot and sat down.

As a relatively prosperous and developed city, Metropolis has a higher awareness of superheroes because of the existence of superman. As an undoubted star among superheroes, Su Zhan's awareness is not to be mentioned.

I was recognized as soon as I came in, some were excited, some were whispering, some were secretly taking pictures, and even the waiter was agitated and rushed, and even after Su Zhan gave a tip, he was a little reluctant to leave.

Su Zhan was drinking coffee and looking out the window.

Soon I saw a woman with curly hair and a beautiful red dress came out of the office building of the Planet Daily and walked to the coffee shop.

Chapter 0779 Louise Lane

Although Louise deliberately controlled her emotions, the joy and excitement between her eyebrows could not be hidden.She didn't expect that she was so lucky. At the same time, Clark himself did an exclusive interview with Superman, and even helped her contact Su Zhan. I really can't see that Clark, who is usually not outstanding, has such a relationship.Excited, she deliberately patched up her makeup when she came out. Before entering the coffee shop, Louise saw Su Zhan sitting there from the window.

Stand out from the crowd, outstanding.

Like the light in the darkness, it can catch the eyes in an instant, making people unforgettable and unignorable.

"Hello, this is Louise, Louise Lane."

Louise came to Su Zhan and plucked up the courage to stretch out her hand to introduce herself.

Su Zhan smiled and shook hands with her, and said: "You are more beautiful than I thought, sit down."

The chair pulled away by herself, Louise was slightly surprised, and then sat down.

"Thank you!"

As soon as she sat down, Louise heard whispers.

"Who is she, she took the initiative to talk to Su Zhan, and she succeeded."

"Maybe Su Zhan fell in love with her, after all, she is also very beautiful."

"Cut, I don't believe it, just look at it, maybe she will leave soon."

Listening to these whispers, Louise not only had no atmosphere, but also had a feeling of pride. She could hear the sourness of these people's voices.

"Although I promised my friend to accept your interview, I changed my mind." After taking Louise to the seat, Su Zhan put his hands together and looked at her.

Louise was shocked instantly and hurriedly wanted to speak, but Su Zhan shook her head and said: "Don't be anxious to refute, listen to me first. Originally, I was planning to ask you what you asked and what to answer, and cooperate with you in this interview. But Now, I suddenly feel that it’s just you asking me to answer a little bit. So why don’t you ask me a question, how about I ask you a question?”

Louise was relieved when she heard this, as long as she didn't refuse her interview."What can I ask? I'm not a superhero or a star."

"Because I am curious about you." Su Zhan smiled and raised his hand and called the waiter to ask for a cup of coffee for Louise.

"How do you know I like to drink this?" Louise was surprised to see that the coffee ordered by Su Zhan happened to be what she liked.

Su Zhan did not answer, but smiled to himself: "Actually I knew you a long time ago."

Louise's eyes lit up slightly, and she heard Su Zhan continue talking."I agreed to this interview because I knew your name and it was you. Otherwise, I wouldn't be interested in such an interview. So, I promised not only for you to interview me."

"Well, I understand, what do you want to ask, I will answer you truthfully." Louise said seriously, and took out the recording pen and the interview questions she had prepared long ago.

"I'll ask you to ask first. After you finish asking, I will remember how many questions you asked, and then I will ask you again." Su Zhan said with a smile, Louise nodded and asked the prepared questions one by one.

Su Zhan did not play slippery, and answered Louise’s question very cooperatively, even if the question was tricky and did not evasive or perfuse, this made Louise’s eyes brighter and Su Zhan’s cooperation made Louise feel herself The questions I prepared...seems too few.

"The last question, what do you think about the harem group?" Louise said.

Su Zhan smiled: "Are you asking this for the netizens, or are you curious to ask?"

"Both, I am also very curious about how you think about this problem!" Louise did not deny this problem.

"I think four words are enough for you to love me!" Su Zhan laughed.

If you wish, Louise repeated it gently, and then said with a smile: "Thank you for your cooperation. That's all for the interview. If you have any questions, I will cooperate with you to answer you."

"I've calculated it, it's probably forty-two questions. But I'm afraid I won't have time when I have something to do. Why don't we ask you again at another time?" Su Zhan asked.

"of course can!"

Louise nodded in response, then took out her business card and handed it to Su Zhan: "You can call me anytime."

"I will, then, I'll go first." Su Zhan collected his business card, and the two came out of the cafe. Louise was ready to report back to the agency to sort out the news."Oh, by the way, if it is convenient, can you tell me where you are going in a hurry? Is there any case that needs to be dealt with?"

"Oh? No, I'm going to pick another girl." Su Zhan smiled brightly and time was gone.

Louise was really stunned when she heard this answer. She turned out to be... to pick up girls?Wait, what does the other girl mean?The other word is not appropriate here, except... Does he mean this to me?

This time is exactly when school is over.

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