Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 799

"Teacher, I... can I live with you?" Ron and Harry were about to leave, but suddenly heard Hermione ask in a low voice.

"Afraid?" Su Zhan asked with a smile.

"No, no, I just feel more at ease, and I can learn more about magic from the teacher." Hermione said.

"Well, you just live in Hebe's room." Su Zhan responded with a smile.



Harry Potter and Ron looked at Su Zhan expectantly.

Su Zhan curled his lips: "Don't look at me. I don't have that much space. Okay, let's go back and rest. Hermione will follow me."


Harry Potter and Ron agreed in disappointment, looking at Hermione's small eyes with indescribable envy.

They also knew that Su Zhan was best for Hermione, and Hermione was clever and well-behaved, much better than them.Especially the wings, I don't know how the teacher did it, it's really... so beautiful!

Their disappointed and enviable eyes Su Zhan didn't care at all. They took Hermione back to the wooden house and let her live in Heber's room. As for Heber, it was obvious that he had stayed in Su Zhan's room.From Hermione's point of view, Hebe is the teacher's servant, so...some things are justified.

After all, in the world of magicians, there are rich, powerful, and pure-blooded magician families who still have many servants.

This night, Hermione slept very securely and at ease.

As if he could feel the teacher's generous and safe body protecting himself.Of course, she didn't forget the teacher's words, lying on the bed just thinking about the battle with the trolls, she felt that she could do better next time!

This night, many people tossed and turned and found it difficult to fall asleep.

It was a calm and restless night, and the students were uneasy in their dormitories, guessing about the fate of the monster.The teachers were amazed by the strength of the three students including Su Zhan and Hermione.

And Hermione's three little guys were reminiscing about the battle.

Su Zhan and Hebe should be the only ones who slept on the ground, this matter is not worthy of their excitement.

The next morning, when Su Zhan was giving them class, Principal Dumbledore came, and first praised the three Hermiones, and gave them ten credits, so it was useless.

The credits are actually the competition of the four branches.

After that, Dumbledore said: "Teacher Su, I have seen your abilities. It didn't take long for these three little guys to learn from you and have such outstanding strength and performance."

"Haha, principal, just say anything." Su Zhan said.

Dumbledore smiled and nodded: "Although most of the teachers in the school at the beginning have some opinions on your requirements, but after this time of contact, I believe they have been These students are the future of the wizarding world. If you can train more of these students, whether they are in Brooklyn or anywhere in the future, this is a good thing!"

"How many more students do you want me to teach? I will think about it in the next year." Su Zhan said lightly.

"You don't have to wait until the next term. Any student in the school can teach as long as you feel good!" Dumbledore said.

"Oh, I'm afraid the dean of the branch will be upset by doing this?" Su Zhan said with a smile.

"For the sake of the students' future, they won't," Dumbledore said.

"I will think about it."

"Okay, then I will leave first."

Dumbledore said goodbye and left, Su Zhan finally pondered the benefits of this matter.

First of all, accepting a few more students will not delay him too much time and energy.Secondly, there are more students and more opportunities for performance, and the power of faith will increase quickly.Of course... Su Zhan also noticed that there are actually many beauties in the school.

When Su Zhan considered it, the academy had already exploded.

Principal Dumbledore personally praised the trio of Hermione for defeating the trolls, especially Hermione’s wings, and even more prominently mentioned them. Wings are all tempting to everyone, and they usually don’t show up. Not dewy, but I didn't expect to be able to defeat the trolls.While envious, it also made them feel more and more... It is a very good choice to study with Teacher Su Zhan!

Especially when Principal Dumbledore said that Teacher Su Zhan was very likely to pick a few more students, many people had their own thoughts and began to show their best.

Su Zhan was not angry with Dumbledore's actions. The reason is simple. In almost a day, the power of faith has greatly increased!

It seems that you have to pretend to be compelling when you need to pretend to be!

Before Su Zhan was ready to pay close attention to any suitable students, one student took the initiative to find Su Zhan.

"What's your name?"

Looking at the black-haired, obviously Asian girl, Su Zhan asked with interest.

In the Harlem Potter world, there are basically no Asians. This little girl is usually low-key enough, and she doesn't pay attention to it.

"Teacher Su, my name is Zhang Qiu."

"Zhang Qiu, are you Chinese?" Su Zhan asked.

"Yes, it is."

"I didn't expect to meet a Chinese fellow." Su Zhan chuckled and said, "Are you a freshman this year? Which college are you assigned to?"

"Ravenclaw College!"

"Oh, Ravenclaw College, which is wise and savvy for choosing a student. So, what can you do with me?"

The four major branches, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin, each has its own selection criteria, and there are relatively more female students in Ravenclaw.

"I want to learn magic from Teacher Su." Zhang Qiu said firmly.

She was in the same grade as Hermione. This year's freshman, after being assigned to Ravenclaw, she was very happy and studied hard. Although she is usually low-key, she is not bad among freshmen, just a comparison with Hermione. , Too much difference.Not to mention this gap, and the wings that every girl is envious of, the identity of Teacher Su Zhan alone makes her think she wants to try it!

After all, they are all Chinese!

This is extremely rare here.

"Well, you can learn magic with me, but not now. I may enroll a few more students, maybe there will be Ravenclaw students, wait until I'm sure, and talk about it together, so as not to trouble one by one. How about, do you have anything to accept? Talented or cute and beautiful!" Su Zhan asked with a smile.

Talented to understand, cute and beautiful...

Zhang Qiu really thought of someone!

Chapter 0952

"Teacher, I think of a person, her name is Marietta Ekmore, she is also a freshman, she was assigned to the Ravenclaw branch with me, she is very nice, we are very good friends! And she is also very good She is beautiful with reddish blond curly hair. She also admires Teacher Su very much. I can call her over. If she knows that she can learn from you, she will be very happy.” Zhang Qiu said hurriedly.

She has never forgotten her little friend!

"No need!" Su Zhan shook his head, which made Zhang Qiu a little disappointed. Didn't the teacher look after her?

"It turned out to be her, the daughter of Mrs. Ekmore, the Floo Network Administration of the Department of Magical Transportation. Okay, you can tell her. If she has this idea, she can come with you at that time." With a thought, Su Zhan has already found her.

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