Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 800

She has the power of faith in her body, and Zhang Qiu did not deliberately help her friends say good things.

"Thank you teacher, she will definitely be very excited." Zhang Qiu was overjoyed when Su Zhan agreed, and suddenly she thought of another one."Teacher, do you know Penello Crivarta?"

"She is the head of our branch, one year older than us, very talented, wise and intelligent, and very beautiful. It is said that many senior seniors have a crush on her!"

"I see." Su Zhan nodded.

Zhang Qiu racked his brains for a long time, but it was a pity that she was a new student after all, and not many people knew.

"Well, you can go back first, and just wait for the notification at that time." Su Zhan said with a smile.

Zhang Qiu not only recommended himself, but also recommended two people to himself, which is already a surprise.

An Ekmo and Penello are both good.

Especially Penello, talent looks are the best choice.

Since we want to increase the number of students, many things have to be reconsidered, such as teaching venues and housing.

As for the location.

Su Zhan walked out of the wooden house, turned his head and glanced at the forbidden forest behind him!

I haven't gone in to see it. It is said that it is deserted and quiet, and the people living in it are some magical animals.

For example, eight-eyed giant spiders, unicorns, curses, werewolves, etc.It can be regarded as one of the forbidden places. Students are usually not allowed to enter. Hagrid is guarded here, and they can only be allowed to enter when they are in confinement or when taking a class to protect magical creatures.

This is a great place.

"Principal Dumbledore, I already have a few suitable new students, but my original place is not suitable for me. I built a dormitory and teaching office in the Forbidden Forest."

Dumbledore who was in the office suddenly heard the voice in his head and was startled.But it quickly came to pass, this should be Su Zhan.

"Forbidden forest?" He muttered subconsciously.

"Yes, I plan to teach in a semi-enclosed manner. The Forbidden Forest is a very good place!" Su Zhan said.

Dumbledore was taken aback. He didn't expect to hear it. This way of communication surprised him and felt amazing.After hesitating, Dumbledore said, "But the forbidden forest is very dangerous."

"Danger? I didn't realize it, this kind of level is just right for them." Su Zhan said casually.


Thinking of Su Zhan daring to let Hermione and the others use trolls to practice their hands, Dumbledore knew that he didn't take the so-called danger in the Forbidden Forest seriously.

"I will ask you to help you build it as soon as possible..."

"Don't have to be so troublesome, I can do it myself, and it will be done soon."

"Come by yourself? What are you going to do? Hey, have you disconnected?" Dumbledore asked curiously, but there was no more Su Zhan response in his mind.

After cutting off the connection with Dumbledore, Su Zhan called Hebe into the Forbidden Forest.

"Wait, are you going in?"

Hagrid ran from the side at this moment and asked.

"Yes, I'm going to teach inside. You can ask Dumbledore for details." Su Zhan didn't explain much to Hagrid, and went straight in.

Hagrid hesitated and turned to find Dumbledore.

The forbidden forest is extremely quiet, and the space is large. The barren and primitive environment is indeed very suitable for some magical animals to live here. Similarly, it is indeed dangerous here. Apart from Hagrid, I am afraid that no one can live in peace here.

After all, despite the fact that Hagrid was so huge and had a brutal face, he actually liked animals very much.

"It turned out to be a unicorn. Unicorns are very rare now." Heber looked at the unicorns that flashed in the distance and was a little surprised. It was the first time that Su Zhan saw a unicorn. It looks almost the same, except that there is an extra horn on the top of the head.

"The blood of a unicorn can make people live forever, and it is the most holy creature. However, although killing such a holy creature can make people live forever, it will also be cursed and punished," Heber said in a low voice. ."There is a unicorn in Olympus, but it is much stronger than this one."

"Da da, da da."

The unicorn disappeared in a flash, but the sound of horseshoes gradually sounded.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a guy whose upper body was a man but a horse body at the waist.


"Mixed blood?"

Heber looked at it, then shook his head: "It's not a mixed race, it turned out to be just an ordinary horseman."

"who are you?"

The horseman asked vigilantly, he could feel the kind of fear deep in his soul.

These two people are very powerful!

"This is my lord, Su Zhan, lord of the gods." Hebo said.

"Lord of the gods?"

The horse was a little surprised.

Heber frowned, his divine power suddenly released.

Even though she is not strong in divine power and is not good at fighting, but it is easy to deal with such ordinary horsemen.In an instant, the horseman was on all fours and looked like he was kneeling.

"Call all the guys here, and I will explain them one by one." Su Zhan said lightly.

Heber nodded, releasing his power.

In an instant, all the creatures in the entire Forbidden Forest felt it. Although they were inexplicably scared, they dared to come over here. Not long after, all kinds of creatures appeared all around, densely packed, and it was spectacular. !

Chapter 0953: The Castle In The Forbidden Forest

Eight-eyed giant spiders, unicorns, night skimmers, horsemen, werewolves, deer, etc., all kinds of magical animals came from their own territory, looking at Hebe vigilantly and fearfully. The animal instinct is very Strong, they can feel Hebe's strength!

I have to say that Hebe is a very smart maid, she knows who is the master.

He immediately withdrew his supernatural power and quietly retreated to Su Zhan.

Looking around, Su Zhan gave a chuckle, and the power of chaos was released instantly.

Click! Click!

Almost for an instant, all the magical creatures felt the unparalleled pressure, and squatted directly on the ground.The fear that arises from the depths of the soul is far greater than the feeling just now.All of a sudden they understood that this person... is the master!

"In the future, I will be the master of this forbidden forest. I and my students will live here. If you don’t want to die, but you still want to live here, be honest in the future. If my students are in any danger here, I won't find out who did it. I will kill all of you without leaving them. So, you'd better use snacks!" Su Zhan's voice was very peaceful, but these guys were inexplicably scared.

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