Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 801

Too ruthless.

Do not ask at all to destroy it!

In the future, no matter who you are, you must pay attention to his students. In any case, there should be no accident, and don't think about taking care of your own territory as before.

"That's it, let's all go away. Also, follow me, the unicorn." Su Zhan waved his hand, and soon the animals dispersed.

The unicorn slowly walked to Su Zhan's side, uneasy, not knowing why he left alone.

Su Zhan did not explain!

Voldemort now needs the blood of the unicorn to survive. He wanted to see if the unicorn followed him, and did Voldemort have the guts to kill the unicorn!

"Is there any open space and suitable place to live around here?" Su Zhan asked towards the unicorn.

The unicorn nodded.

"Take me to see."

Su Zhan turned over and rode directly on the unicorn, then reached out and pulled Hebe up.


The unicorn began to cross the rugged pit road. After walking for about ten minutes, he saw a very empty open space. Near this open space, Su Zhan also found a water hole!

"That's it!"

Su Zhan turned over and nodded in satisfaction as he looked around.

With arms raised, the power of chaos was released.

Although this force was not aimed at it, the unicorn knelt on all fours in horror.

With the rise of the power of Chaos, soon... a building has risen from the ground, like a miracle, deafening, and in less than five minutes, a towering and gorgeous castle has been built.

The castle completely enclosed this open space, including the waterhole inside.

"In the future, without my permission, let them come here less." Su Zhan gave a light command, and Hebe nodded and prepared to return to inform.

"Artemis should like this place." As the three goddesses, hunting, and the moon goddess, Artemis likes this jungle environment.

The castle was built, and Su Zhan and Heber went in and strolled around. The entire details were constructed by Su Zhan himself. Naturally, they were familiar with it, and the effect was very satisfactory.

At the top of the castle, the highest point is the room of Su Zhan.

Hebe's next door.

Classrooms and dormitories are all available, no worse than the castle of the college.

Taking out the water pool, Su Zhan transformed it into a place for swimming and fun.

Think about it, even though they are only children now, when they grow up, what will this pool look like.

"It seems that Harry Potter and Ron are going to live outside!" Su Zhan said with a light smile.

The two of them didn't know that their fate had become miserable, and they were watching the Quidditch game with great interest.Because they couldn't participate, as spectators, they knew the secrets of the Quidditch match intuitively.

"Back to the wooden house."

Looking at the excitement, Harry Potter and Ron suddenly heard the teacher's voice in their minds, glanced at each other, reluctantly left the arena and returned to the wooden house.

When they arrived, Hermione had already arrived.


When Su Zhan and Heber walked out of the forbidden forest, the three little guys hurriedly asked respectfully.

Su Zhan nodded and said: "I have admitted a few more students, so starting from today, I will teach you in the Forbidden Forest. I have built the castle, Hermione, you just move in, although there are few people now, But soon there will be friends."

"is teacher!"

"Then, what about us?"

Harry Potter asked Ron, why was it just Hermione.

"You? You will live here in the wooden house to prevent anyone who does not get my permission from entering the forbidden forest. This is your test and duty, and of course it is also a teaching method. If you don’t keep it well, I will consider You go to another branch to study."


Although I didn't see what the castle looked like, living in a wooden house made Harry Potter and Ron a little disappointed.Fortunately, the two of them were accustomed to being bullied, and the other was a little dull and submissive, so the two of them did not dare to refute, let alone resentment, not to mention whether it was about whether they could continue to learn from the teacher, and it was just a test.

The poor two guys don't know what kind of tragic experience they will face in the future.

"Now, go back and pack things."

Su Zhan waved his hand and let them go away.

Hebe stayed and packed his things, while Su Zhan went to the academy.

"Hello, Master Su."

"Teacher Su Zhan."

After passing by, countless students respectfully greeted Su Zhan, and some even had hot eyes in their eyes.

"Teacher Su Zhan, can I learn magic from you? I belong to the Malfoy family and have the purest blood!" Draco Malfoy, with a golden back, ran from a distance and said proudly.

"From now on, I will teach in the Forbidden Forest. Harry Potter and Ron are responsible for guarding the Forbidden Forest. Whenever you can defeat them, you can learn magic with me!" Su Zhan said lightly.

"Okay, I won't let the teacher down!" Harry Potter, Ron?There were only two turtles, and Malfoy was confident, ready to challenge them when he turned back.

Item 0954

The library is the most crowded place in the school's spare time. Most students will supplement themselves here, including Penello Krivarta.

As the prefect, Penello first guaranteed that her strength could convince the public. Although she was talented and intelligent, hard work was also one of her strengths.In her spare time, she almost always comes to the library to supplement herself.

At this time, Penello was looking at a potion recipe book intently, sitting in the corner of the library, no one bothered here, so she could concentrate on studying.

Feeling that someone was sitting across from him, Penello thought it was a student who looked up, only to realize that it was not.

"Su, Mr. Su Zhan."

Penello screamed in a panic, and subconsciously tucked his hair.

"take it easy."

Seeing her nervous look, Su Zhan said with a smile.

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