Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 805

I wanted to use the invisibility cloak to find news about the Sorcerer's Stone, but unexpectedly ran into the gatekeeper and saw Snape arguing with Quirrell again. After being frightened, Harry Potter hurriedly left and returned to no avail.

Back at the wooden house, Harry Potter told Ron that they were quite disappointed.

When Harry Potter was thinking about the Philosopher's Stone, Su Zhan also thought of the Philosopher's Stone.

It was mainly after seeing Voldemort that Su Zhan remembered that this creature was parasitic on Quirrell and tried to resurrect, and the key to the resurrection was the Philosopher's Stone. After all, that thing could make an elixir.

Although the Philosopher’s Stone is not of much use to Su Zhan, turning stones into gold?He is not short of money.Make an elixir?Stop making trouble, he is immortal now, and he can make others live forever, without the elixir of life.

Whether it’s immortal or resurrection.

Doesn't mean immortality, the grade is still relatively low!

Su Zhan vaguely remembered that the Philosopher's Stone seemed to be in a magic mirror, and it seemed that it needed some specific requirements to get it.

With a thought in his heart, Su Zhan suddenly disappeared from the room, and the next moment he appeared in a dark secret room.

At the center is a standing mirror.

In front of the mirror, a person is standing there looking at the mirror.

"Don't look at it, even if you see the old world, you can't see where the magic stone is."

The sound suddenly sounded, which made Quillo startled. He turned around and said in a panic: "Su, Teacher Su Zhan, I don't understand what you are talking about."

"At this time, I pretended to be stupid and denied. Are you looking down on my IQ?"

Su Zhan pouted his lips and walked over slowly.

Qi Luo stepped aside subconsciously, and Su Zhan glanced at the magic mirror.

The real name of the magic mirror is called the magic mirror of Eris, not the magic mirror in Snow White.It can make people see the most urgent and strong desire deep in their heart.At the same time, the Philosopher's Stone is also hidden inside, and only those who want it but not use it can get the Philosopher's Stone.Therefore, this magic mirror is also used as a prop for the guardian magic stone to deal with Voldemort!

Standing in front of the magic mirror, Su Zhan really wanted to know what would appear in the mirror.

Unfortunately, I didn't see anything.

Only his own reflection in the mirror, nothing else!

Su Zhan is very clear about his desire, that is the power of rules.

However, the magic mirror could not be revealed. It is estimated that the level of the magic mirror is too low.

Shaking his head, Su Zhan was a little disappointed, thinking of the Sorcerer's Stone in his heart. Suddenly, Su Zhan felt something stiff in his palm.

Spread out your palm, it is the magic stone!

Item 0958

"You, how did you get the magic stone?" Looking at the magic stone in Su Zhan's hand, Qi Luo couldn't help but ask in surprise.

I watched it for so long and didn't respond. Why did the magic stone appear when he saw it?

"The Sorcerer's Stone is in the magic mirror, and only those who want to get it but don't use it can get it. You want to get the Sorcerer's Stone to help Voldemort resurrect, of course you can't get it!" Su Zhan said lightly.

"How do you know this?"

Quirrell was shocked.

"Even Voldemort is in my hand, how do you tell me?" Su Zhan flipped his hand, revealing Voldemort in the shape of a black mist ball.

Although the appearance has changed a lot, the special connection that Voldemort had been parasitic on Quirrell before suddenly made Quirrell feel that this was Voldemort.

The great Voldemort, unexpectedly... was caught?

Quirrell felt that his beliefs were about to collapse.

This is the great Voldemort, but at this time it is like a plaything in the palm of Su Zhan. This...this makes him simply unacceptable.

"Your mission has been completed, so... you can go to death."

Su Zhan looked at Qi Luo and said lightly.Quirrell knew it was not good, so he turned around and wanted to run, Nima ran quite fast.

Sure enough, people stimulate their potential between life and death!

Su Zhan raised his hand and made a gun-like finger with his fingers."Bang!" Su Zhan made a sound. When the sound stopped, Qi Luo seemed to have been hit by a gun, and his body shook suddenly, followed by as if burned and swallowed, and instantly turned to ashes. !

Turning around, Su Zhan looked at the magic mirror.

Although he can't use it, this magic mirror is quite interesting, and he can get one in the branch courtyard later.

"Unexpectedly, it would be such a result, he... was actually caught by you."

Dumbledore's voice suddenly sounded, and he walked out slowly.

"After watching the show for a long time, I finally showed up? I thought you planned to never come out." Su Zhan was not surprised. Although Dumbledore looked like an old man, he still had a strong control over the academy.

It's impossible for him to know such a big thing.

"It's not that I don't want to come out, it's just... I can't deal with him!" Dumbledore gave a wry smile, and then said: "I thought it would be Harry Potter who got the Philosopher's Stone, but I didn't expect it to be you!"

"After all, you are only a person, and there are many unexpected things." Su Zhan said faintly, turning around and saying: "Although it is useless, since it is in my hands, I am not going to hand it over. Anyway, this thing It will be destroyed in the end."

"He is in your hands, and this Philosopher's Stone is no longer necessary to save it." Dumbledore nodded and said, "Besides, it is of no use to you, so it is just right to put it in your hand. As for it, how are you going to deal with it?"

"After Christmas, the student returns to school and kills him before the holiday starts!" Su Zhan said lightly.

"I will arrange it," Dumbledore said.

"Then I'll trouble you, it's not too early, so let's rest early." Su Zhan breathed, waved his hand, and then disappeared suddenly.

Dumbledore was shocked. This was the first time he saw Su Zhan teleport in person.

"Who on earth are you!"

Dumbledore couldn't help but murmured.



After Christmas, the students returned to school one after another. The wooden house once again became a lively gathering place. When they came back, people began to challenge Harry Potter and Ron. Their miserable lives began with the end of Christmas. Up!

After another difficult victory, Harry Potter and Ron helped each other to prepare to go to the library. On the one hand, they learned some knowledge and on the other hand they continued to find the whereabouts of the Philosopher's Stone.

At this time, Su Zhan suddenly appeared in front of them.


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