Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 806

The two were taken aback and greeted them respectfully.

"The Philosopher's Stone is in my hand, you two guys don't look for it!"

Su Zhan said faintly, and then disappeared.

"Um, are we dreaming?"

"of course not."

Harry Potter said frustratedly: "It seems that the teacher already knew our intentions and took away the Philosopher's Stone in advance. It must be for us to concentrate on improving ourselves."

"Well, it must be so!" Ron nodded heavily.

It was a vacation not long after returning to school, but before that, I had to face exams and be assigned the first place in the branch.Because the Su Zhan Branch was established later, it did not participate this time.

As usual, Slytherin became number one in the branch.

"Just be quiet, everyone is quiet."

Dumbledore waved to silence the lively voice.

"The holiday is coming. You will leave the academy after this time of celebration in previous years. It's just a different year. Teacher Su Zhan from the Su Zhan Branch has caught Voldemort, who was frightened by the magic world and will be witnessed by all teachers and students To destroy Voldemort."

"What? A mysterious person, the one who can't even mention his name!"

"Oh my God, how did Teacher Su Zhan do it?"

"Isn't Voldemort dead?"

There was a moment of silence, and it boiled instantly after everyone had digested the news.

Not to mention the students, even the teachers such as McGonagall and Snape were stunned, looking at Su Zhan who was so calm as if he had nothing to do with him in disbelief!

Dumbledore kept pressing his hands and murmured quietly before he managed to suppress the boiling emotions.

When everyone was quiet and watching Su Zhan, Su Zhan spread his hands Shi Ran, and in an instant, a misty black ball rose into the sky, and in an instant it returned to its original appearance.

That powerful evil air, as soon as it appeared, gave everyone a heavy feeling of being held down by the mountain.


Needless to say, everyone knows that this must be Voldemort.

Dumbledore had arranged a reporter long ago, ready to take this scene.

Voldemort, this is a big mountain weighing on everyone's heart. Such important news must be known to the entire magical world.And he could also see that the reason why Su Zhan had to do this when there were most people was obviously also considering this.

"Do you have anything to say?"

Su Zhan looked at Voldemort being controlled and asked faintly.

Chapter 0959 Voldemort's Death and Holiday!

The last words?


Although Voldemort gave up, he did not despair.

Think this can completely wipe out yourself?too naive.

I am Voldemort, I am famous and fearful, and I dare not call the name Voldemort!

Looking at Su Zhan's casual expression and the surprised expressions of the people around him, Voldemort smiled."Do you think you can destroy me? I will..."

"You will come back again! If you want to say this sentence, I advise you to change the sentence, this stem is too old!" Before he finished his words, Su Zhan directly interrupted impatiently Up.

This made the arrogant and arrogant Voldemort suddenly become extremely embarrassed, and the pause sound made the surrounding silence even more, as if time had stopped.

"If you haven't spoken for a long time, it seems that you can't think of any new lines. can go to death!"

What about the last words that I have said, don’t you let me finish?

Voldemort roared angrily, but the power of Chaos had begun to be released and compressed. He could feel that he was being compressed quickly as if he had become a compressed biscuit.

"I said I will give you a chance. I will kill you, but I will not destroy you. I look forward to our next meeting, Mr. Props!" Just when Voldemort felt that he was about to explode, Su Zhan's voice suddenly Sounded.Voldemort looked at Su Zhan in surprise, and found that Su Zhan was waving at him with a smile.

"How do you know..."

Before he could finish his words, Voldemort exploded!

Like a black firework, it suddenly bloomed in the hall.

Voldemort, dead?

Everyone looked at the black firework in a daze, shocked.


The camera sounded, and the reporter took this scene.

"Well, I announce that it's a holiday!"

Dumbledore shouted loudly, and soon... cheers rang out.

I don't know if it was because of the holiday or because of Voldemort's death.

But one thing is certain.

Through this incident, Su Zhan surpassed Dumbledore and became the most admired person in the college!

The power of faith skyrocketed in an instant, and almost everyone had the power of faith.Regarding this, Su Zhan would naturally not be polite, and directly began to extract it.

Along with the extraction of the power of faith, a certain subtle feeling naturally arises.

But at this time everyone thought it was too emotional, and didn't think much about Su Zhan, the hero worship that eliminated Voldemort.

Soon, Voldemort was captured by Soviet Zhan, and the destruction of Hogwarts had spread throughout the magic world, and almost every newspaper had the headlines.

This report can be seen almost everywhere in the world, as long as it is related to magicians, including Brooklyn School of Magic.

As a teacher who went out from Brooklyn, Brooklyn naturally promoted vigorously. Almost every student knew that the person who wiped out Voldemort was a teacher in Brooklyn, which also added a lot of faith.

Brother is not in the arena, but the legend of brother still circulates in the arena!

Brooklyn, Hogwarts, all over the world, the power of faith increased this time, especially the influence of this matter is still fermenting, and the power of faith will continue to increase.

Su Zhan became famous.

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