Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 816

Su Zhan swept over them one by one.

Hermione, Penello, Zhang Qiu, Ekmo, Luna, Ginny.And Harry Potter and Ron!

The game requires seven people to participate.

There are only eight students in the college.

And most of them are girls, who are not used to and good at the fierce Quidditch competition.

"I will announce the candidates for this competition!"

Su Zhan paused, and pointed to Harry Potter under everyone's eyes.

Harry Potter froze for a moment: "Me?"

"No, it's someone other than you!" Su Zhan shook his head.


Harry Potter was so happy that he was selected the first one, but he turned himself away unexpectedly.

"Why?" Harry Potter asked with some confusion.

"Don't you still have your own business to do?" Su Zhan looked at him with a smile.

Teacher, got it!

Although Harry Potter wants to participate in the Quidditch game, he wants to figure out the secret room more, but it turns out that Ron is a helper, now it seems that he can only come by himself!

"Ron, during this time you practice flying." Su Zhan turned his head and said to Ron.

Ron nodded excitedly.

"Hermione, you come to be the seeker, Ron is responsible for the goalkeeper, Penello, Luna, you two are the batsmen, Zhang Qiu, Ekmore, Ginny, you are the pursuit!"

After arranging the position, Su Zhan said: "Although the number of people in the Su Zhan Branch has been very small, it has crushed the other four branches in all aspects, and Quidditch is no exception. Be the first, get the Academy Cup, and then enter the flame. The Cup Triwizard Tournament, this is the goal I set for you!"

"Oh my god, this... this is too difficult, teacher, is it possible with us?"

This goal really frightened them.

"Mr. said yes, we must be able to!" Penello said solemnly.

Hermione also said: "Yes, don't forget, we are the Su Zhan Branch! And I have wings, I am faster and more flexible than them, and I will definitely win!"

Chapter 0969 The picture is so beautiful!

Thinking of Hermione's wings, everyone increased a lot of confidence.After all, Hermione's wings are very flexible and very fast, which is not comparable to a flying broom!As long as Hermione can catch the'Golden Snitch', she can win!

"As a student of the Soviet War Branch, I said early on that you are unique and different. Although the Quidditch game requires riding a flying broomstick, I specifically asked that wings are also possible! Think about you riding Flying around with the broom, I feel that the picture is too beautiful, I can't bear to look at it directly! Therefore, I will give each of you wings!" Su Zhan said.

"Really? Teacher, can we also have wings?"

"Is it the same as Hermione?"

Everyone is excited at the thought of being able to have wings. You must know that Hermione has always been their envy!

"Yes, but the color of the wings will be different and the effect will be different."

"As for the details, you will know soon. Oh, let me say, Ron, you don't have your share!"

"Huh?" Ron, who was already excited, instantly said with excitement: "Teacher, why?"

"Girls have wings like angels, like elves, why do a man grow wings? It's ugly, our college takes the United States as the standard!" Su Zhan said ruthlessly!

Ron fainted instantly.

"Zhang Qiu, Ikemo, Ginny, you follow me." After Su Zhan called, he took away three girls.

"You are waiting here, Zhang Qiu, you come in first."

When he came to Su Zhan's office, Su Zhan asked Zhang Qiu to go in alone, and then closed the door.


Zhang Qiu was a little nervous.

"Don't be nervous." Su Zhan smiled softly, which relaxed Zhang Qiu a lot, but the next words made her nervous again."Don't be nervous, come and take off your clothes."

"Huh? Take off, undress?"

Zhang Qiu looked at Su Zhan in surprise.

Su Zhan said without changing his face: "Yes, if you don't take off your clothes, I'm going to help you get your wings?"

"Oh, oh." Zhang Qiu reacted to this, the reason is normal.

But, is this a bit too embarrassing?

Although they are not too old, they are already at the age of the beginning of love, but it is not the time to play mud with boys when they were young.After hesitating, Zhang Qiu felt that he should still trust the teacher!


It must not be so easy to get wings.

Taking off the robe of the mage and the black courtyard uniform, Zhang Qiu lowered his head to block his body.

Su Zhan walked behind Zhang Qiu and pressed a few times on her back. In an instant, Zhang Qiu felt as if something was growing. The unspeakable feeling made her a little unbearable, as if she wanted to Break through all constraints!


The quiet Zhang Qiu gave a loud yell,-the pair of white wings suddenly opened.

Zhang Qiu looked at his wings in disbelief, completely stunned.Although it wasn't Hermione's colorful wings, the white angel-like wings made her even more shocked.Because it was too shocking, she always kept things that opened her wings.

Hold your chest and abdomen, open your hands!

"Well, not bad!" Looking at Zhang Qiu, Su Zhan nodded in satisfaction.

"Thank you, teacher!" Zhang Qiu said hurriedly, before remembering his own situation, he almost instinctively retracted his wings and put on his clothes.

"You can go to Hermione to understand the condition of the wings, and let Ekmore come in by the way!" Su Zhan said.

"Good teacher!"

Zhang Qiu blushed and nodded out. The moment Zhang Qiu closed the door, Zhang Qiu was suddenly at a loss.

What the teacher said is good, is it a boastful wing, or is it your own?

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