Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 817

He looked like his...body, right?

"how is it going?"

Ekmore asked Ginny curiously.

"Oh, I have wings, Akemo, the teacher will let you in." Zhang Qiu reacted and said towards Akemo.

Ekmore pushed the door and walked in.

Zhang Qiu looked for Hermione, Ekmore entered the office again, only Ginny was standing outside, a little uneasy, not knowing what would happen.After waiting for about ten minutes, Ekmo's face was flushed, Ginny hurried to ask, but Ekmo waved: "Don't ask, the teacher let you in, you will know everything after you go in!"

"Oh!" Ginny opened the door and walked in.

Twenty minutes later, Ginny came out with the same red face, and then found Luna and Penello."The teacher tells you to go to the office, Luna goes in first."

Luna came out in less than fifteen minutes, but Penello wore it for half an hour.

All the students who got wings gathered together and spread their wings.

The wings of the three chasers who went first were white, while the wings of Luna and Penello's two batters were black.

Seeker Hermione’s wings are colored.

It is very easy to distinguish!

"Premier, why have you stayed for so long? Does the teacher have any other explanation?"

Why did you stay for so long?It's not because of the special relationship between me and my husband. My husband gives him wings and moves his hands at the same time!However, Penello would naturally not say this.

"Yes, sir, the white wings are faster, while the black wings are stronger and more powerful. As for the colored wings, both aspects have been enhanced. At present, wings are only given for reasons of identity. Good, you can upgrade the wings!" Penello said seriously.

These remarks were indeed made by the Soviet Union.

Can still be upgraded?

This made the little emotions that had been caused by different colors and different abilities vanished in an instant, all thinking about how to perform well.

"Hermione, sir asked you to take us familiar with wings to fly."

"Okay, let's go to the Forbidden Forest. It's more open and bigger!" Hermione nodded in response.

Su Zhan did not arrange any tactics, and the training was completely handed over to Hermione and Penello.

Two days are not long, but Su Zhan believes that as soon as they show up, everyone in the school will be extremely shocked!In the end, victory is bound to be won!

Time is fleeting, they have almost no rest, they have been adapting and learning.

It's time for two days.

The Quidditch Stadium is full of seats and lively.

Chapter 0970 Unexpected Game!

This is the first time for the Soviet War Division to participate in a Quidditch match, and naturally it is curious what it will look like when there are not many people.Although there are girls in Quidditch, most of these fierce competitions are still boys.

Although there is Su Zhan's fame bonus, most people are still not optimistic about the Su Zhan Branch.

the reason is simple.

Quidditch is a fierce competition and a team competition!Although Hermione’s wings are very threatening, Slytherin has already planned a tactic!

As long as you watch Hermione die, the rest of the Su Zhan Branch is not afraid.

Especially in the absence of Harry Potter.

Speaking of which, there are a total of eight people, seven of whom participated in the competition, but there was no Harry Potter, which surprised many people. How much is Harry Potter hated by the Soviet Union to lose the election?

In other words, how lucky he is to choose one from eight, and the result is him!

Quidditch Stadium, a huge oval-shaped stadium, surrounded by school teachers and students, three round globe gates of different heights are erected on both sides of the field, just throw the ghost fly ball into the opponent's goal to get 10 points!

On both sides of the field, players from the two branches are standing inside and ready.

Accompanied by the sound, the players on both sides of the field slowly walked out, on the left, the Slytherin player walked out, and Malfoy took the lead in the front, with an imposing vigor and expression.

On the other side, the players from the Su Zhan Branch finally came out.

Wearing white armor-like clothes on the body, for a moment, they were originally lovely and beautiful, giving people a sense of heroism, especially the aura, really amazing!

Hermione took the lead. Facing the exclamation and admiration of the surroundings, Hermione's performance was very calm. It can be said that the people from the Soviet War Academy are basically participating in Quidditch for the first time, but they are not nervous or stage fright. It feels like a group of people standing together, like an army, is depressing!

"What is it to wear like this? Such heavy clothes will definitely affect speed and flexibility, right?"

"What's the matter, they are girls, they must take defensive measures!"

"Wait, did you find out? Why is Ron alone holding the broom?"

"It's not about letting Ron be the goalkeeper and Hermione as the chaser, do you make up the rest?"

The people around were whispering and talking.

"Huh, it seems we are set to win!"

Malfoy triumphantly said a round, rode on his broomstick and flew into the air with the other Slytherin players, waiting for the kick-off, waiting for the game to start!On the other side, Ron was the only person in the Soviet Zhan Academy who rode a broomstick and flew up in front of his own goal, while the others stayed there!

"You guys, aren't you ready?" asked the teacher McGonagall in charge of kick-off.

Hermione shook her head: "I'm ready, Ms. McGonagall, you can tee off."

Ghost flying ball, wandering ball, golden snitch, these are all spiritual. Once kicked off, they will naturally have an advantage in the air. Teacher McGonagall originally wanted to take care of them, but seeing them so determined, there is no What to say, bend over, open the box where the ball is stored, and release the ball.

In an instant, all the balls flew into the air at a rapid speed.

The game has officially started!

At the beginning, the Slytherin side moved.

Malfoy looked around, choosing the Golden Snitch.The two batsmen had already flown over Hermione's side, staring at each other, looking like a guard.The three chasing hands dodge the wandering ball while chasing the ghost fly ball.

Suddenly, dazzled.

Ron closed in front of the goal alone, unspeakably sad.If he had known that this would be the result, he would rather be chosen by himself than Harry Potter!

Ron glanced down, Hermione and the others still didn't move, as if they were not in a hurry.

"Auntie, you are really moving!"

Ron's prayer was of no use, one of Slytherin's pursuers had already caught up with the ghost fly ball, and came directly in the direction of the goal.Ron was in a rush, subconsciously rushed out to block it, but Gui Feiqiu flew out from his cheek with a whistling sound.

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