Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 834

After a night's rest, Ruoxin's feet are already better. Although she can't use too much force, it doesn't matter if she walks slowly.

She came to Su Zhan's side and asked Su Zhan's opinion.

The previous getting along made her inexplicably dependent on Su Zhan. What's more, now that Su Zhan is the leader, so I will ask Su Zhan's opinion.

"Can you do it?" Su Zhan asked.

"I can!"

"All right, then I will accompany you!"

"I'll go as well!"

Seeing Ruoxin and Su Zhan seem to be going out here, Ren Xing hurried over and said.

"Don't go, just stay here. By the way, let Mike prepare something to eat and drink. That building is quite big, so I might not be back at noon." Su Zhan said.

Although Ren Xing was a little reluctant, she turned around to find Mike.

Taking the things Mike prepared, Su Zhan helped Ruoxin get off the plane and walked towards the building last night.

The island feels different during the day and night. It is gloomy at night, but desolate during the day.This time I actually don't expect to find something to fix the engine. I just want to see if I can find any communication equipment and find a way to contact the outside world.

Speaking of it, it makes sense for night owls, night owls, to call them that way. Those monsters look like cats, and their habits are more or less the same. They hide and disappear during the day.

Don't talk about monsters along the way, there is not even a cry.

As I walked, I gradually moved away from the plane.

Sweat beads gradually appeared on Ruoxin’s forehead, and the sweat slipped in through the loose neckline along her neck. Su Zhan's casual glance made Su Zhan happen to see this scene. She couldn't help but feel a little fanciful. It was too deep and it made people feel Kind of wanting to find out.

"Go ahead and rest for a while." Su Zhan said, pointing to the tree next to him.

"It's okay." Ruoxin shook her head stubbornly.

Su Zhan shook his head and stopped. Under Ruoxin's surprised gaze, a princess hugged her. The sudden movement made Ruoxin a little flustered, and he subconsciously hugged Su Zhan's neck.Coming under the tree in three steps and two steps, Su Zhanjiang Ruoxin put down.

"Actually..." Ruoxin wanted to speak, but Su Zhan took off her shoes domineeringly, revealing her little white feet!

Chapter 0987 blue sky and white clouds, green grass and wilderness, this man has magic power!

"Sure enough, it's swollen again!"

Looking at the bulging ankles, Su Zhan frowned and said: "You can't stick to it like this, let alone explore the whole building. Now, you have two choices. One, I was carrying you like last night. . Second, I can give you a massage, and I promise you will get better after the massage!"


Ruoxin asked coldly.

"Yes, a very special technique, if you don't understand it, treat it as magic!" Su Zhan said.

Ruoxin has come to understand now, but... you have such a way, why didn't you talk about it last night?

Of course, Ruoxin won't ask about this at this time. If the feet can recover, it would be very helpful to the current situation, so she chose the latter.

"It might be a little painful, you have to bear it!" Su Zhan said, his fingers already moving.

"Ah... it hurts!"

Although Ruoxin was ready, she still yelled out subconsciously, but soon frowned and gritted her teeth not to make a sound.

Some people are born with a certain temperament, that is a temperament that is difficult to change, and it will radiate out of the gesture of unconsciousness.Ruoxin's appearance is not like Monica's flattery, nor does Ren Xing's intellectual exquisiteness, and even more different from Yang Linlin's sexy. She lives only from facial features, but a heroic spirit!However, her figure is too feminine, especially the upper circumference is too prominent. The combination of the two produces a contradictory special temperament, which makes people feel like they want to conquer and to be ravaged.

Rubbing her white feet, watching her wrinkled facial features and forbearance, Su Zhan's movements became softer, and the scope gradually spread from ankles and ankles.

Ruoxin resisted the pain, but couldn't resist the tingling sensation after touching her fingertips.

Seeing that his hand has been placed on her calf, it is obviously not a massage posture, Ruoxin gritted her teeth and whispered: "Magic, is magic like this?"

"You have to admit, my hands are magical!" Su Zhan raised his head and smiled.

Seeing Su Zhan's smile and acting without pretense, Ruoxin suddenly didn't know what to say.

It is the first time Ruoxin can say that taking advantage of it is so upright and justified!

"The most beautiful place on a woman's body, I think is the legs! A pair of beautiful legs is very attractive to me, your legs are beautiful! But strangely, it is not the legs that attract me." Su Zhan slowly Said, what was supposed to be very awkward, but it was very literary, and between Su Zhan's eyebrows, the clear expression in his eyes made people want to get angry and seemed unable to get angry.

"Thank you!"

Usually many people praise herself, but now Ruoxin really doesn't know what to say, so she can only say thank you!

"It's me who should say thank you!" Su Zhan slowly swayed back and forth on her lap, while looking at Ruoxin and said: "Tell you the truth, my identity and my ability are far beyond your imagination. Monsters? In my opinion, it’s no different from pet cats. Gods? That’s just the existence that I play with. You will know in the future that many gods in mythology either die on my hands or kneel down to worship, right I bow to my head and let me ask for what I want."

"But even so, I will be irritable, so this time it’s just to relax. Whether it’s the cute little girl by my side or meeting my wish with Monica in the bathroom, none of them can make me feel real. Relax!"

"Actually, I was surprised myself. According to normal circumstances, I should get you now, and the pair of balls on you will belong to me. But I can hold it back now, and I am still in the mood to talk to you."

Su Zhan seemed to laugh at himself.

Ruo Xin was in a daze. What he said was absurd at first, but inexplicably, she believed what he said.Saying so bluntly that you want to get yourself, but unexpectedly didn't disgust or hate yourself, but felt grateful?

What are you grateful for?

Ruoxin didn't know, or even why she would be grateful!

In a daze, Ruoxin felt that she should say something. She raised her head to speak, but suddenly found that Su Zhan’s face was close at hand, with heavy breathing and hot eyes, Ruoxin felt like she was melted for a moment. When he was gradually approaching, Ruoxin stepped back subconsciously, backed away, and...lay down on the ground...

The sun was blocked, only Su Zhan's face was getting closer.

She closed her eyes like a bell.

The warm touch came, and the jaws were immediately pried open.

She was a little panicked, her brain was blank, she didn't know what to do, so she could only let Su Zhan's a little bit of encroachment.At the same time, she felt that Su Zhan's hand had been squeezed somewhere on her own, giving her a special feeling.

"I said, my hand has magic power, and your ball also has magic power, so I can't put it down and let it go!"

The captain's suit was pulled apart a little bit, gradually revealing the true face of Lushan.

"No, don't..." Ruoxin woke up and said pleadingly.

"Sorry, it's too late!"

"You have to believe in your charm. I can't control it anymore, and I don't want to control it."

Su Zhan said softly, bowed his head... and kissed violently.

For a moment, Ruoxin seemed to feel that Su Zhan seemed to be a different person. If he was a gentle gentleman before, now he seems to be a violent warrior. The tears gradually sounded, and the wind blew. She felt chills.

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