Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 835

Immediately afterwards, Su Zhan posted up.

The warmth of the touch made her feel like she was about to melt.



Blue sky and white clouds, green grass wilderness.

Ruoxin was a little dazed by the strong heartbeat in her ears.

regret?She didn't feel this way, she was just surprised, not surprised Su Zhan, but surprised herself.

As a very ambitious person who wants to be an independent captain, man, in love?She had never thought, let alone, that she would do something like this with a man who had only known each other for less than a day in such a place where the sky blue and white clouds were not hidden!

His hands are magical, and his people... even more magical!

Chapter 0988 this ball belongs to me!

Feeling the bursts of fragrance on the woman next to him, Su Zhan took out the long-lost cigarette and started smoking.

The cigarette curled up, Su Zhan felt extremely calm in his heart, the irritability had disappeared, as if he had vented out.

"Sorry, this is the first time you are, but I was too indulgent. It is because you have a very special charm. I know you can't bear it, but looking at you, I can't help but want more and want to want to !" Su Zhan looked at Ruoxin apologetically.

"So, I'm just a toy for you to vent your irritability?" Ruoxin asked in a low voice. Now she has no energy to do anything except talking.Even if she accepted the matter, but for the first time he did not pity like this, Ruoxin still had some resentment in her heart.

"No, I just want to conquer you, completely...conquer you!" Su Zhan looked at Ruoxin and said seriously.

No matter how powerful a woman is, she hopes that there is a man who can conquer herself and let herself rely on!

What's more, although Ruoxin is strong, she is only professional. Hearing Su Zhan's words, there is almost no resistance, and that bit of resentment is gone.

"What should I do now? You tore my clothes, and the whole morning has passed. I...I don't have the strength anymore." Ruoxin asked with some complaints.

She didn't even notice it, but she felt a little coquettish when she said it, especially the femininity between her eyebrows that she didn't have before.

If she is usually a kind of heroic spirit, now she is a little bit more flattering, making her facial features softer.

"What style of clothes do you usually wear?" Su Zhan asked.

"What?" Ruoxin didn't react, she immediately saw Su Zhan waving her hand, and suddenly a dress appeared in the air, followed by different styles of clothes in the air, dazzling, there is a whole sky Has become the feeling of own wardrobe!

"" Ruoxin looked at Su Zhan in surprise."Where did you change these clothes?"

Su Zhan smiled."Pick one!"

Ruoxin watched for a long time and finally chose one.

Jeans, long-sleeved T-shirt, very neutral style!

Su Zhan waved his hand, and the other clothes disappeared. Only this set of clothes fell slowly and fell into Su Zhan's hands.

"I will put it on for you!"

Su Zhan said softly, and Ruoxin nodded.

Although a little shy, she didn't have the strength to wear it herself.

"Didn't you say to help me wear it? What are your hands touching?"

"Oh, don't... stop making trouble!"

Under Ruoxin's complaining voices, Su Zhan really satisfies his hand habit, and also left a very symmetrical superb on the pair of balls, planted strawberries!

After helping Ruoxin get dressed, Su Zhan helped her recover.When Ruoxin found out that her physical condition was so good, she didn't know what to say.

"First eat something, and then go." Su Zhan took out something. The two of them were like a picnic. They had eaten to fill their stomachs. Su Zhan reached out to her and hesitated. Ruoxin handed it over. Holding hands and walked into that abandoned building!

However, it was not because Su Zhan's mood had calmed down to speed up their exploration process, it was because Su Zhan's hands were always dishonest.Ruoxin now believes that he is really his own fan, so obsessed!

Mo said she couldn't stand her being single for many years and she had matured and opened the door. Even if she could, her efficiency would be greatly affected.

In any case, when the sun was about to go down, the two finally explored the entire building and did not find any communication equipment, and the original communication equipment was either destroyed or torn down!

"Relax, as if you are on holiday here, if no one finds here in a few days, I have my own way to take you away!"

Su Zhan said comfortingly.

"Can you promise me one thing?" Ruoxin asked suddenly.

"Of course!" Su Zhan asked.

"I know you like it very much, and I am actually very happy that you like it very much... But can you not catch one side and let it go?"


"Actually, I can use both hands together..."

When the two returned to the plane, the sun had already set, and the people on the plane were a little disappointed seeing the two returning empty-handed.However, they are even more curious about how Ruoxin changed her outfit?

Why do you change clothes?

Maybe Gary Gao did not see it, but Monica, Ren Xing, and even Yang Linlin, who are also women, could see the changes in Ruoxin's body!

"This guy actually succeeded!"

Ren Xing was secretly surprised. What she could see was that Ruoxin was the hardest to deal with, independent, responsible, and strong. This was not an ordinary woman. She didn't expect to go out for only one day before she was taken down!

Did he use any magic that can confuse people?It must be so, he is a magician, otherwise, how could Ruoxin be so easily dealt with by him.

After dinner, it was already night outside.

Although no one said anything, everyone was a little nervous.

As night falls, those monsters...maybe coming?

Although the people on duty were arranged, the others did not go back to rest. Instead, they stayed in the recreation room, sitting one by one, looking at each other, seemingly waiting for something.

"Come!" Suddenly, the people on duty made a trembling voice, and everyone at the same time leaned toward the window to look out. In the darkness, monsters emerged one by one, gathering here.


Penello looked at Su Zhan inquiringly.

Su Zhan shook his head and said with a smile: "Today is in a good mood. I will go down myself. By the way, the aircraft's audio equipment can still be used? I will play with those little wild cats, who, you are not a musician. Otherwise it's boring!"

Su Zhan said with a smile, then got up and went out under the stunned eyes of everyone!

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