Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 844

Seeing Ren Xing's triumphant expression, Su Zhan chuckled and said, "They found the monster."

Ren Xing hurriedly pointed the camera at the void projection. Sure enough, Zhang Qiu and Penello had already spotted groups of monsters, waving their magic wands, and all kinds of magic had been cast.

Everyone's thoughts also shifted from Yang Linlin to the monster.

Is this a monster on Lucky Island?Sure enough, cruel!

Is this magic?Oh my god, it's so gorgeous, so powerful!

Along with the heroic performance of Zhang Qiu and Penello, Su Zhan felt that the power of faith was growing wildly.

Su Zhan glanced at Ren Xing, who stretched out a finger.Are there already 100 million people?

No wonder it has grown so fast.

Although the live broadcast is not over yet, Su Zhan can already be sure that this method really works.

Taking advantage of this hot live broadcast, a lot of attention has been gathered.Even if the live broadcast ends, this video will definitely be watched frequently, which can also increase the effect.When you think that something in the illusion is real, that kind of impact is very easy for people to believe. It can be said that with this live video, the power of belief will continue to increase.

After taking a look at the progress of the two little girls in the screen, he estimated that it would take some time to kill three hundred monsters.

You can't watch this time, right?

After thinking about it, Su Zhan winked at Ren Xing, then quietly took Yang Linlin's hand and entered the Sun God.

Yang Linlin hesitated. After all, he is broadcasting. Can he disappear like this?

Moreover, she always feels that if she enters, what will happen...

However, she seemed to be out of control, and was gently pulled by Su Zhan, and her feet moved inexplicably.

Entering the Apollo, Su Zhan took Yang Linlin directly to the room inside, his room!

After entering, what you see is a very luxurious bed!

Intuition tells her that Su Zhan used to roll with many people on this bed, even... many people together!Moreover, instinct told her that she might be one of them right away.Feeling Su Zhan letting go, Yang Linlin just wanted to speak, her current state is not very calm, it is better to calm down first.

It's just... Will Su Zhan give her this opportunity?

Just as she was about to open her mouth, Su Zhan had already kissed him, and at the same time, his hands waved quickly, and the clothes on Yang Linlin were taken off in an instant!

"Don't be like this, I haven't thought about it, it's still live broadcast outside, don't be like this..." Yang Linlin said pleadingly.

"What else do you need to consider? I like you, you can run away? What's more, people all over the world have seen you kiss me, and you have been labeled as me, just taking advantage of this opportunity. , Stick this label more profoundly!" Su Zhan said domineeringly, put Yang Linlin down and rushed directly!

Although Yang Linlin feels that this is not good, the body cannot be controlled. As a woman who has never experienced this kind of thing, the body will naturally produce desires. When this desire is released, it is no longer a matter of willpower. Resisted!

Yang Linlin quickly became addicted to it, and when the last step came, she screamed out in a trance.


It deserves to be a singer debut, and his voice is very penetrating.

The few people outside heard this weird cry in an instant, and they looked at each other for a moment, and they all thought it was extremely absurd!

Su Zhan actually did this kind of thing at this time?This is too... ridiculous, right?

Ren Xing subconsciously glanced at the comments in the live broadcast room. Fortunately, they seemed to be focused on the Magical Girl vs. Monsters, and did not hear the cry.

But before Ren Xing breathed a sigh of relief, he heard Yang Linlin's very rhythmic voices one after another.

"Oh my God! Would you like this!"

Ren Xing was speechless. The voice was too loud and there was no restraint at all. People in the live broadcast room must have heard it.In desperation, Ren Xing could only turn off the sound. Anyway, what I was watching was just a virtual projection. It didn't matter whether there was sound or not!

Although the people in the live broadcast room couldn't hear it, the people on the ship heard it clearly!

This sound is too torturous!

Chapter 0998 Thunder Punishment and Faith and True God!

At first, everyone pretended not to hear and could control it.But as Yang Linlin's voice came and went one after another, it seemed to have become a magic sound that pierced the ears. The more you don't want to hear it, the clearer and truer the sound, and the more it keeps coming to mind.

What Monica thought of was the absurdity in the bathroom.

What Ruoxin thought of was the madness under the blue sky and white clouds.

As for Ren Xing, what he thought of was the appearance of kneeling at his feet on this Helios!

The only person who may not have this memory should be Li Ji, but her mood is also abnormal. One is the influence of this voice, and second, as the bodyguard of the Soviet war, the guard on this ship, the absurd follow-up intention of the Soviet war She has seen it now, and I am afraid...I can't escape this fate!

In torment and trance, time passed by every minute.

When Su Zhan walked out alone, all the talents reacted, and it was over.

Seeing Su Zhan's slightly dissatisfied look, it is obvious that Yang Linlin alone cannot be satisfied, and now she probably doesn't have the strength to move together?Monica and Ruoxin, who had experienced it personally, thought in their hearts.

At this time, Zhang Qiu and Penello were also beheading the monsters in full swing. Su Zhan glanced at the number of people in the live broadcast room. Nima actually exceeded one billion?It's not live broadcast of the fierce battle between himself and Yang Linlin, why did it increase so quickly?

"Penello is back."

In the video, Penello has spread his wings and flew back, with a look of triumph and excitement on his face.

She took the lead in beheading three hundred monsters!

She had just flew up here, and Zhang Qiu over there came back unwillingly.

Almost back to the Helios!

"Penello, you won, remember to look back for me for a reward!" Su Zhan simply decided the winner, Ren Xing had already turned his voice back on at this time.

"There are almost 700 monsters on the island, hand it to me!"

Su Zhan said lightly, walked to the bow, then opened his hands.

In an instant, the sky and the earth changed color, and the originally clear sky suddenly became densely clouded, black and oppressive, making people feel extremely depressed.In the darkness, Su Zhan's body was shining brightly.In the dark clouds, lightning flashes suddenly, and the rumbling voice is extremely heavy!


Su Zhan spit out a word, and in an instant, countless thunder and lightning suddenly appeared in the air, violently slashing towards the island.

Click, the sound of clicking is endless.

The thunder and lightning smashed on the monsters with great accuracy. The monsters had been frightened and fled around. The speed was very fast, but they still couldn't dodge the lightning!

With a boom, he was directly bombed into scum!

Hundreds of thunder and lightning descended at the same time, one can imagine how terrifying and what a situation this is.

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