Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 845

In the live broadcast room, behind the computer, everyone was dumbfounded, even if they were separated from the video, they could feel the horrible atmosphere.

This, this is simply thunder punishment!

The rhythm of extinction!


Seeing those monsters turn into ashes one by one, everyone had a thought.

Su Zhan is definitely not a magician.

The magician could not be so powerful.

He is... God!

The god who controls everything and punishes the world!

The timid is already kneeling and worshipping in the video.

The power of faith, countless powers of faith, poured into Su Zhan from all over the world.

In this extraction, Su Zhan made a little trick.

In the past, believers only had some vague inductions during extraction, but this time, apart from induction, they can clearly see that the power of faith has turned into golden light flying out of their bodies and entering Su Zhan’s body. in!

In the video.

Su Zhan stood on the bow of the ship, golden rays of light rushed from all directions, and entered his body through the dark clouds.As the golden light increased, the dark clouds seemed to gradually disperse, and the light on Su Zhan's body became more and more prosperous. After a long time, the golden light gradually dissipated and the sky became clear.

Su Zhan turned around and walked back.

At this time, Su Zhan had a very unique temperament, obviously there was no change, but it gave people a sacred and ethereal feeling, as if they were integrated with this world.


Many people thought of this term!

But this word is used to describe Su Zhan, but it is not enough!

However, this is not the main thing. The main thing is that many believers know that Su Zhan, the power of their faith, has already been received. This not only shows that Su Zhan is a true god, but also verifies his piety!

It was a sensation.

The entire live broadcast room was a sensation, the Internet was a sensation, and even the world was a sensation!

Whether it is in the East or the West, there are endless legends about myths. Each country has its own myths and legends, but these are just legends, and no one has seen a real god.

But now, they see it!

This god is called Su Zhan!

"The live broadcast is not over yet. The island of Good Luck has been completely deserted. Although the monsters on the island have been extinct, it is clear that the island of Good Luck cannot be put into use anymore. For safety reasons, I decided to completely wipe out the island of Good Luck. Drop this place that may bring disasters to mankind."

Su Zhan’s voice was solemn and sacred. He raised his finger and casually pointed at the good luck island below. In an instant, a ball of energy like a shock wave rushed out of his finger, and the good luck had already been hit in an instant. island.

Click, click!

Lucky Island started to crack from the middle and shook violently. The buildings on the island collapsed quickly, and the waves gradually raged. In a blink of an eye, I heard a bang. Lucky Island exploded and fell apart. The block sinks into the sea!

Destroyed an island in a snap!

This makes those audiences who have not recovered from the thunder punishment and their beliefs directly dumbfounded!

"Okay, the live broadcast is over."

Su Zhan said lightly, Ren Xing had closed the live broadcast.

The live broadcast ended, but the world was boiling.

Some people have already tried to go to Lucky Island to meet Su Zhan in person.

However, at this time, the Helios had already left from Lucky Island and stopped on top of an aircraft carrier.

This aircraft carrier is moored in remote waters, and it seems to have been abandoned for a long time.

Su Zhan didn't explain, but just pointed at will. There was an explosion below, and the aircraft carrier sank.

mission completed!

Item 0999

All the people or national organizations who came to Lucky Island were disappointed. Su Zhan was no longer here. They launched various means to find the Soviet war, and finally had to return in disappointment.Although I can't find the Soviet Union, there are still traces to follow. For example, Oceanic Airlines. The Soviet Union is the president of Oceanic Airlines.

Another example is Yang Linlin and Ren Xing. They are all on board the Su Zhandu ship. If they come back, they can naturally ask what is going on. Therefore, whether it is Ocean Airlines, their unit or home, or even the places they frequent, there are a large number of them. People stay there!

At the same time, the matter of live broadcast has become the hottest topic, and it is estimated that it will not be surpassed in a short time.

Of course, all these Soviet wars have no interest.

Where is Su Zhan?

Go on vacation!

But there are a lot more people now. Originally, Zhang Qiu and Penello were the only ones, but now Duo Ruoxin, Monica, Ren Xing, Li Ji, and Yang Linlin.

Knowing the current situation, they did not dare to go back, did not dare to show up, they could only go on vacation with the Soviet war, and take the Helios for vacation, this is an absolutely rare experience!Of course, there is only one man on this ship, Su Zhan, and they are in the bag of Su Zhan, it is obvious...the absurd things are naturally indispensable.

Ruoxin and Monica were the first to put Su Zhan together.

A captain, a stewardess, so exciting.

It's just that the two people are not the opponents of Soviet Zhan, and finally Su Zhan called Yang Linlin and Penello over.

How absurd is it!

However, Su Zhan was also considerate, and did not bring Ren Xing and Zhang Qiu, Li Ji directly, after all, this is the first time, it is better to be alone!

Riding the Helios, flying back and forth around the world, experience the sights of different countries, the beautiful environment, and at the same time it is so absurd.

I really don’t know if this holiday is fresh and romantic or ridiculous!

"Is there any place you want to go?" Su Zhan asked when he came to Ren Xing's side.

Ren Xing curled her lips: "Where are you asking me to hand over for the first time?"

"Is it always an unforgettable memory? Isn't it better to be in a place you like?" Su Zhan said with a smile.

"Huh, what shall I say about Antarctica?"

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