Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 847

There were still two or three days before school started, and there was no hurry to return to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Instead, I took them to lie down in Brooklyn, visited the University of Magic, and then took them to Mount Olympus to meet the Greek gods, and then they were ready to take the train and return to Hogwarts.

Near the beginning of school, the platform was very lively, many people greeted Su Zhan three after another.

Whether it's Zhang Qiu or Penello, they are all celebrities in the school, let alone Su Zhan.

Enter the platform and board the train.

I found a carriage and sat down.

Penello was a little excited to talk to Zhang Qiu about what he had learned from this holiday, and he felt quite a summary of his work.However, Zhang Qiu's interest didn't seem to be high, he just catered to a few words casually.

Speaking of it, Zhang Qiu was too quiet, and many things were easy for people to ignore her. Su Zhan thought about the reasons for Zhang Qiu's depression, and couldn't help being dumb.

She actually feels inferior!

As for where inferiority comes from?

Very simple, let's talk about Penello first.Originally, I took Penello to travel alone this time, and he had already passed that. This made Zhang Qiu naturally feel that he was not as good as Penello. Otherwise, how could the person who got close to him first is Penello? Instead of yourself?After all, every woman never feels worse than others!

Secondly, after arriving in that world, Su Zhan and Penello did not do less, but did not touch Zhang Qiu. Following Ruoxin, Ren Xing and others were taken one by one by himself, even Li Ji failed. Fortunately, it can be said that on the Apollo at the time, Zhang Qiu was the only one who was not taken down by himself!

This obvious difference naturally made Zhang Qiu feel that she was inferior to others and the teacher looked down on her.A quiet literary girl is usually full of emotions, and under her own random thoughts, that kind of inferiority complex will naturally arise!

So, whether it's a woman or a girl, you can't let them think about it. If you think about it, it will change!

Zhang Qiu looked out of the car window as if she was admiring the scenery. Suddenly her body trembled, and she glanced down, putting a hand on her leg, the leg not covered by stockings... the feeling of touching and The hot palm made Zhang Qiu panic suddenly, and his heartbeat accelerated a lot in an instant.

She wanted to see Su Zhan, but she didn't dare, so she could only be nervous and silent.

It feels good!

Strictly speaking, although Zhang Qiu has a very good feminine temperament, she is slightly inferior to Penero in terms of appearance and figure. The only advantage is that she is Chinese.Originally, Su Zhan had thought about eating Zhang Qiu on this vacation, but I didn’t expect to meet so many oriental beauties on the A390 flight. No matter the figure or appearance, Zhang Qiu was not comparable to Zhang Qiu. After satisfaction, Zhang Qiu naturally didn't have that desire anymore.However, in terms of feelings, Zhang Qiu naturally has an advantage over them, after all, he is his own student.

Lolita grew up to Tingting Yuli, but Ruoxin and the others could not compare.

Seeing Zhang Qiu blushing in silence, Su Zhan's hands slowly moved, and he could feel Zhang Qiu's body becoming tense because of tension, the uncontrollable shaking, and the look of giving and asking is so pitiful. It also makes people feel like they want to be more excessive.


Zhang Qiu suddenly yelled!

Su Zhan's hand paused and picked up the hand deep in the bottom of the skirt.

It turns out that Zhang Qiu is not screaming because of his depth at all, but the car window...

The window of the car appeared to be the kind of ice that was produced after freezing. The weather outside seemed to suddenly become icy, and the windows quickly froze. At the same time, white fog was also produced when breathing. The white mist that only appears in the weather!

Looking at Zhang Qiu and Penello, they both seemed to shiver coldly.

Something is wrong!

Chapter 1001 The Dementor and Sirius

The carriage became gloomy, cold and dark.

Zhang Qiu and Penello shivered with coldness. Zhang Qiu looked out the window and said in a low voice, "Outside, there seems to be something outside!"

As Zhang Qiu's voice fell, the train stopped abruptly, followed by... the lights in the carriage went out one by one, one by one, when the lights in their carriage went out, Zhang Qiu subconsciously held Su Zhan Penello also ran to the other side of Su Zhan and sat down.

Sudden changes, darkness suddenly descended.

Only Su Zhan can give them a sense of security.

The carriage shook intermittently, as if something was coming up.

"Don't be afraid!"

Su Zhan patted the backs of the two little girls with both hands to comfort them, and at the same time his eyes jumped, looking out through the carriage.

A ghost-like guy was checking out one by one in the carriages. It was wearing a cloak, and its whole body seemed to be soaked in water.At first glance, it looks really scary.

"Don't be afraid, it's just a dementor."

See what it is, Su Zhan said with a chuckle.

"Dementors? Oh my god, are they the dementors guarding Azkaban prison? They, why are they here?" Penero asked in surprise.

For dementors, no magician is not clear about not being afraid.

Dementors can absorb happiness, remind people of the most terrible things, and they can also absorb people's souls!

"It should be someone in Azkaban Prison who ran away? Don't worry about this!" Su Zhan said lightly, staring again.

In the front carriage, Harry Potter, Ron, and a man who was covered by a magic robe as if sleeping.At this time, a dementor had already opened the door of their carriage.

Harry Potter and Ron trembled in horror. Ron was carrying a pet mouse and got into his clothes.

The Dementor looked at Ron, then at Harry Potter, and suddenly opened his mouth at Harry Potter.In an instant, a faint shadow appeared on Harry Potter, as if something had been sucked out."It's interesting, this phantom should be Harry Potter's happy mood, right? It's a bit of a special talent for the food." Su Zhan said lightly, seeing Harry Potter fainted directly past.

Just being sucked out of happy emotions, there is not much harm.

The dementor turned and left with satisfaction, and came over here.

As it approaches, the feeling of coldness becomes more obvious.


Su Zhan let out a faint cold snort, and in an instant, the two little girls immediately felt a very warm breath exuding from him, and the cold and cold feeling swept away.

Seeing the dementor come to the door of the carriage, the two little girls didn't even feel scared at this time.

The dementor seemed to sense the power in this carriage, and hesitated to enter.


Su Zhan gave a soft drink, and the sound instantly penetrated the car door and hit the dementor as if it had substance.The harsh and screaming cry suddenly sounded, and the dementor suddenly retreated. At that moment, the original illusory body seemed to fall apart and almost disappeared!Without stopping, the Dementor turned and floated away quickly.

After a short while, the cold and darkness disappeared, the lights in the carriage turned on, and everything returned to normal!

"Sir, you are amazing!"

He drove the dementor away when he saw a word, and Penello admired him endlessly.

Zhang Qiu nodded again and again, this is a dementor, the dementor responsible for guarding Azkaban, the prisoners in Azkaban are all very powerful and cruel criminals, and how strong are the dementors responsible for guarding? Think about it.But a word from the teacher scared away the dementor and even almost wiped it out!

"Okay, stop flattering. It's just a dementor, you can deal with it as well, as long as you overcome your fear and master the method!" Su Zhan said with a light smile.

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