Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 848

The Dementor left, and the train resumed its normal operation. However, after this battle, the train started discussing in a low voice. You don't need to ask Su Zhan to know what's going on!

Someone escaped from Azkaban!

Sirius Black.

Whether Sirius or Sirius is not a beauty, Su Zhan has no interest.However, as Sirius escaped from prison and the Dementor appeared, I was afraid something was going to happen at Hogwarts, or... it was related to Harry Potter again.

Sure enough, accidents happen every time the school starts!

Although there were some twists and turns in the middle, but in the end there was no surprise and no danger to Hogwarts.

Su Zhan was about to take Zhang Qiu and Penello back to the academy, when he saw Dumbledore waiting for him, his expression looked a little serious.

Mostly, it is also because of this!

"You go back to college first."

Su Zhan asked Zhang Qiu and Penello to go back first, and then walked to Dumbledore.

The two walked towards the academy, and Dumbledore said as they walked: "Sirius has escaped from Azkaban. His target is probably Hogwarts or Harry Potter. I am ready to arrange a dementor. Near the guard college, do you need it for your branch?"

"no need."

Su Zhan shook his head and refused. Perhaps in their opinion, Sirius was very dangerous, but to put it bluntly, Sirius was actually just a werewolf.

Sadako is enough!

"I know it will be like this. Naturally, it is more than enough to protect the branch with your ability, but...if you can, I hope you can protect the entire school as much as possible. After all...Sirius is very dangerous." Dumbledore said. A trace of pleading.

"I will."

Su Zhan was naturally happy to do this kind of thing to increase the power of faith.

Speaking of, coming back from this holiday, Su Zhan found that the power of faith in the school has a lot.

Hearing Su Zhan's promise, Dumbledore seemed relieved.

Seeing him nothing else, Su Zhan was not interested in chatting with an old man of him, and went back to the Su Zhan Branch.

The students had come back one after another, and they were chatting with each other about what they had learned during a holiday. Su Zhan met Hermione.

The little girl is already a little lotus with her pointed horns, and she has begun to take shape!

Penello has always been the focus, and this time, there will be one more Zhang Qiu.

The two of them were talking about being taken to another world by Su Zhan during the vacation. This experience immediately attracted the attention of all the students. They were amazed and sighed. They were even more thoughtful, thinking about how to go to another world. Take a look at the world.

Chapter 1002 Hermione with Xiaohe's Sharp Horns

"Teacher, you are partial!"

Su Zhan had just returned to the office and sat down when she saw Hermione rushing in, pouting unhappy.

Su Zhan smiled: "Why am I partial?"

"I am your earliest student. During the holidays, you took Penello and Zhang Qiu to another world. Why didn't you take me!"

"Going to another world is a reward for Penero. As for Zhang Qiu, although it was only an accident, she discovered the clues herself. If you are smart enough to find out, you can naturally follow along." Su Zhan laughed. .

Hermione pursed her mouth: "No wonder Penello attaches so much importance to rewards so crazy! If I knew it was such a reward, I would try my best to get the first place."

With that, Hermione’s eyes lit up suddenly, and she hurried to Su Zhan’s side, holding Su Zhan’s arm to please him and said, “Teacher, Penello has been rewarded several times. It must be the strongest in the branch. Yes, and she is so desperate, how can others compare to her? If she is rewarded every time, it is easy to dispel the enthusiasm of others!"

Su Zhan cocked his mouth. Although it was the little lotus who showed the sharp horns, Hermione still felt like holding her arm to please."Say it directly if you have something."

"Can the teacher help me so that I have a chance to be number one?" Hermione asked in kindly expectation.

Su Zhan Xiaoxiao suddenly flipped his palm, and a pendant appeared in his palm.

Hermione's eyes lit up instantly, and she asked expectantly: "Teacher, what is this?"

The pendant is a golden timer with a very long and delicate gold chain.

"The time converter, you can go back one hour in time with each turn, so you can have time to get more credits, but you should be careful not to be discovered by others, and do not be discovered by yourself so as not to cause the timeline Confusion, understand?" Su Zhan whispered.

"Understood, thank you teacher." Hermione stretched out her hand excitedly to get it, but Su Zhan deliberately avoided, and said with a smile: "Don't you have anything to say?"

"Representation?" Hermione was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly bowed her head and kissed Su Zhan's face."Is this all right? Teacher!"

"Weird spirit, take it!"

Su Zhan smiled and handed it to Hermione. Hermione yelled joyfully and left happily.

A lot of things can happen during a holiday. For example, all the students have developed. For example... the liar who originally taught black magic protection, Guidro resigned and left, and a new professor, Professor Lupin, came.This Professor Lupin was the one who sat in the same compartment with Harry Potter before!For another example, Hagrid was released from Azkaban.

The incident in the Chamber of Secrets, Hagrid was purely in the wrong, and many people knew this well, but Ginny was a student of Su Zhan, and Su Zhan didn't mention it, so naturally they couldn't tell.However, after a holiday, Dumbledore got Hagrid out, and as compensation made him a professor of magical biology!

It doesn't matter if the Soviet Union fights.

Each semester will hold an opening ceremony and enroll new students, but Su Zhan did not select students.At the ceremony, Dumbledore talked about Sirius and the Dementor. After all, this matter had been spread, and there was no need to hide it.There are dementors guarding the surroundings of the school. Although the students are still a little panicked, they are more worried about Sirius in comparison.

Although the branches will teach magic in their own way, there are still many group courses, such as Hagrid's magical creature class!

As the first class of an honored professor, Hagrid valued it very much and was also very nervous, and he prepared it carefully for a long time.

A few days after school started, finally... it was the class's turn.

Hagrid took the students to a teaching site specially selected near the Forbidden Forest.

A magical animal is here.

"This is Buckbeak. The eagle has a winged beast. The main purpose of this lesson is to learn how to ride it." Hagrid introduced to the students: "To get close to it, the first step is to bow. Keep eye contact with it, if it also bows to you in return, you can get close to it, who knows you can ride it. If it does not return a gift, then you better stay away from it."

Although Hagrid was a little nervous, he was serious. After explaining the things that needed to be paid attention to, he prepared to let the students try it. As a result, everyone backed away very tacitly, leaving only Harry Potter standing still stupidly.

"Very well, Harry is you."

"Me?" Harry Potter turned his head in amazement and couldn't help smiling.

Was pitted!

Buckbeak is very fierce, eagle-headed, and his eyes are very sharp.Although Harry Potter was a little scared, he could only bite the bullet at this time.According to Hagrid, he stopped after walking a certain distance, bent over and bowed, staring at each other.Buckbeak stared at Harry Potter, making Harry Potter very nervous, until he actually bowed his head in return, which made Harry Potter a sigh of relief.Under Hagrid's gesture, he slowly approached and gently touched it.Buckbeak seemed to like Harry Potter very much, and offered him his head as if he was going to let him sit on it.

Harry Potter was so delighted that he turned over and sat up. In a moment, his huge wings waved and Buckbeak flew directly into the air.


Su Zhan Branch.

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