Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Arrives Chapter 863

Listening to the noise outside and the news of Penello's victory, Su Zhan nodded in satisfaction.

"It's my turn, you can do it too, if you are in danger, then exit!" Su Zhan confessed to Harry Potter, and then slowly walked out.

At this time, the dragon in the venue has been changed, and the golden egg is also ready!

The difference is that the other dragons are all tied, but the black dragon in front of Su Zhan is not.

Its eyes exuded a ferocious ferocity, and it felt extremely dangerous.

Everyone gradually calmed down. Penero finished the game so quickly. They were looking forward to what he would do as a teacher, as a dean, and as a hero in the magic world?

But... this time the black dragon is the most ferocious, and it hasn't been anchored yet.

I'm afraid, it's not that easy to deal with, right?

Just when everyone was curious and waited, Su Zhan walked out slowly.

The black dragon turned his head and stared at Su Zhan with contempt in his eyes.

From its point of view, Su Zhan is dwarf like an ant!


The black dragon looked up to the sky and let out a dragon roar. The sound was deafening and extremely ferocious, making people subconsciously cover their ears, and a layer of haze appeared in their hearts.

So strong!

The power of a roar has scared many timid people.

"Oh, this black dragon is too strong. It seems too manic and cruel. I knew it shouldn't have been removed!" Dumbledore frowned and said with some concern.

"Should...should be all right?"

Dumbledore shook his head: "This black dragon is the most difficult to tame, or it has not been tamed. To catch it, it has paid a very tragic price. If it weren't for the Soviet war, this black dragon is definitely It's impossible to release it. Get ready, everyone, if there is an accident, you must stop it, so as not to hurt people!"

Hearing Dumbledore's words, everyone became nervous and worried, staring at the stadium one by one, ready to go.

"The little guy has a bad temper." Looking at the ferocious black dragon, Su Zhan chuckled out his ears."You choose to surrender now, I can consider not killing you!"

"Surrender you? Dream!"

The black dragon can't speak, but the disdainful expression on its face has already expressed this meaning.

The huge wings spread out and rose into the air. The sky seemed to become dim all of a sudden, the roaring dragon roar continued, and the black dragon swooped down from the air howling, fast and powerful, as if to fight Su Completely crushed.

Anyone can feel it, the fierce aura exuded by the black dragon!

In the sound of shock and panic, Su Zhan slightly raised his head to look at the fast approaching shadow, and slightly raised his finger...

Chapter 1020 Dragon Slaying!

An astonishing black dragon whizzed towards him, Su Zhan did not move but just raised his finger.

What is he going to do?

At this dangerous time, he just raised his finger. Is it because he planned to greet the mother of the black dragon?

"Oh my god..."

"what is that?"

When everyone was wondering and guessing, suddenly there was a cry of exclamation, and Su Zhan's raised finger suddenly emitted a light wave.

The speed was so fast that he couldn't see clearly, and he heard a swish, the light wave had hit the black dragon.

The speed of the black dragon did not slow down in the slightest, and it seemed that it had no effect.


Everyone was puzzled, but Su Zhan's mouth was already raised.

Seeing that the black dragon was about to rush in front of him, he heard a loud bang, and the sound was deafening, which shook everyone at once, and followed them to an incredible scene.

The head of the black dragon is blown up!

It exploded, just so without warning, it exploded gorgeously.

With blood splattered, the headless black dragon fell to the ground and fell in front of Su Zhan. Its wings slowly stirred up a few times before hanging down motionlessly!


One finger exploded the black dragon's head, killing the black dragon that is said to be the most ferocious!

Slay the dragon!

It turned out to be a dragon slaying, and it was so easy.

The surroundings were extremely silent, and had not yet reacted in shock.Su Zhan Shi Ran walked to the golden egg and took it up and looked at Dumbledore.

Dumbledore didn't expect such a result at all. He was just talking about how dangerous this black dragon is, so that everyone should be prepared, but he was killed by Su Zhan!

In a daze, Dumbledore seemed to see Su Zhan raising his hand to him?

The scene of the black dragon being headshot subconsciously appeared in his mind, and his body shivered, Dumbledore knelt down instinctively.


"Principal Dumbledore, what are you doing?"

The people around him looked at Dumbledore in surprise, surprised that he was so flexible at an age?

Dumbledore also reacted at this time. He smiled wryly and stood up and glanced at Su Zhan. He raised his hand, but he was asking why the game was not announced yet, but the power of Su Zhan raising his hand. It was too shocking, and Dumbledore had an evasive reaction subconsciously.

Dumbledore smiled awkwardly, and hurriedly declared the victory of the Soviet Union, ignoring the loss of people just now!

In an instant, cheers rang.

Although Su Zhan seemed to take longer than his student Penello, it was completely different, because Su Zhan killed the black dragon in a second, and this alone was enough to make everyone cheer!

Su Zhan casually waved his hands around, holding the golden egg and preparing to leave.

As a result of this wave of hands, Su Zhan found that many people were subconsciously shrinking their heads, and couldn't help feeling funny!

There is still the last game in the game, but the audience felt that it was enough to have fun. Seeing Su Zhan slaying the dragon, this game was not in vain.As for Harry Potter?Not many people care about what he will do.

While cleaning up the arena, Su Zhan has come to a place for the players to rest!

Although the previous games have passed smoothly, the process is not so easy, and it definitely needs medical treatment or rest.

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