Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 864

As soon as Su Zhan came in, he saw a voice rushing towards him, and the fragrance in the air followed along!He subconsciously opened his hands and hugged the opponent, feeling the impact of his body. Before Su Zhan could even speak, he was pecked heavily on his face.

"Mr. Su Zhan, you are amazing!"

Furong shouted excitedly.


Su Zhan thought it was Penello but didn't expect it to be Furong, but never expected that she would be so excited and hug and kiss herself.

Seeing Furong's excitement, Su Zhan didn't know what to say, but subconsciously patted her.

But because of the hug pose, Su Zhan's hand happened to be behind her, this shot...

Su Zhan can only say that the hand feels better than imagined!

Fu Rong, who was originally so excited, calmed down because of Su Zhan's shot, and left Su Zhan's arms with a flushed face... Seeing her embarrassed look, Su Zhan smiled and said, "Thank you, I heard that the second scene The clue to the game is in the golden egg. If you are in trouble, you can come to me!"

"Thank you, sir, I will." Furong lowered her head and said, the charm that appeared inadvertently was really extraordinary.

It's worthy of the blood of Meibab!

Su Zhan walked to the side of Penello and sat down, and Furong hesitated and followed.

Although it was just a small chat, time passed by minute by minute, and it took almost an hour to hear the distant cheers. It seemed... Harry Potter also passed the game.

The schedule of the game will not be so intensive, and time will be given to the players to figure out the clues of the golden egg. So after the first game, people’s passion gradually calmed down, and the players worked hard with their friends to solve the problem. The secret of the golden egg!

The fifth floor, bathroom.

Su Zhan brought Penello to here.

Penello was a little confused: "Sir, what are we doing here? If you want to take a bath, you can wash it in the branch yard!"

Su Zhan smiled: "You will know why soon."

Although Penello was still a bit at a loss, she could do whatever her husband said.Before long, Penello was already sitting in the pool without an inch, with countless bubbles floating on the water. Penello stretched out his arm to help Su Zhan in front of him rub his back!Gradually, she somewhat forgot why she came here to take a shower!

Su Zhan gradually dived into the water droplets, with a hand, the golden egg appeared out of thin air.

Soon, a faint light appeared on the golden egg, and then there seemed to be something swimming around inside, and there were bursts of singing.


This is the clue in the golden egg!

When the singing ended, Su Zhan put away the golden egg but did not rush to pay the surface. Instead, he turned around and caught Penello's leg, then crawled out in front of her.Penello was still thinking about the hint in the singing, but Su Zhan had already hugged her.

Chapter 1021


Penello only had time to say a word, and then he never had a chance to speak again.

After a long time, Su Zhan released Penello.

Penello leaned on the edge of the pool and whispered: "Sir, is this my reward for winning the game?"

"No, I just suddenly thought you were beautiful." Su Zhan said softly, touching her soft hair.

Penello snorted, although it was not because of the reward, it made her feel happy and satisfied!

"The second game should be in the water. I remember that there should be related magic in the magic book, and there is still time for you to learn!" Su Zhan moved.

Penello nodded."I won't let the husband down!"

The clue of the golden egg is not so easy to decipher. There is nothing special about it. Once it is opened, it will make a harsh sound, which will only be revealed by the water in the bath on the fifth floor.

While others were still trying to crack the clues, Penello had already learned targeted magic, and Su Zhan went to class every day as usual, and then extracted the power of faith!

Unknowingly, there was news that a dance party was going to be held in the school, saying that it was to welcome the two magic schools to promote international and school exchanges.

As soon as the news came, Penello, Hermione Zhang Qiu, and even other students came to find themselves one after another, wanting to be their dance partners, but they were all rejected by Su Zhan.

Not only refused, Su Zhan also didn't allow them to find a dance partner. If they wanted to, they could only find girls!

Prom dances are naturally unavoidable. Su Zhan doesn't want to see his students cuddling with others, even if it's just dancing!

Although this requirement is somewhat unreasonable, the students consciously comply with it. They don't really want to dance, but such activities always make them feel novel.Moreover, they are even more curious about who would be Su Zhan's dance partner!Teachers will naturally not be with those older professors, and they are not branch students, so there will be only Busbarton students, right?

In fact, they are right!

Su Zhan’s dance partner is indeed Busbarton’s student Furong!

Furong got the news of the dance party earlier than others, so she invited Su Zhan early in the morning. As the first girl who invited herself and was interested in it, Su Zhan would naturally not refuse, and readily agreed. Up!

The school has begun to arrange the dance party, and almost everyone has chosen their dance partners.The girls in the Su Zhan Branch are a female-female union, each in a group.Harry Potter and Ron wanted to invite their dance partners, but one agreed to their invitation at all. In the end, they saw Penello's behavior and wanted to follow suit, but... the girls and Girls dancing together can make people feel pleasing to the eye, but boys dancing with's a bit disgusting.The last two can only give up their intention of teaming up, so be ashamed!

One by one dressed up to attend, like little adults.

Suits and dresses on the body really meant a prom. A group of groups walked into the prom scene holding hands, and danced gracefully to the sound of melodious music.

Su Zhan stood at the door of the ball, waiting for Furong.

But instead of waiting for Furong, it was Gabriel first!

"Mr. Su Zhan."

Gabriel ran up to Su Zhan and asked happily, and then said, "My sister is still entangled in which dress to wear. It may be a bit late to come!"

"I see." Su Zhan smiled and rubbed her head. Gabriel couldn't help showing a comfortable expression. Meeting twice, two such behaviors gave Gabriel an indescribable sense of comfort. I really like this feeling!

Not long after Gabriel entered the ball, Su Zhan met Furong.

It was really well dressed.

The light blue evening dress, their college seems to like this color.Evening gowns are very close-fitting, and you can see that they are expensive at first glance. Tube tops, princess dresses, plus the special temperament of Furong, are like a pearl in the dark, dazzling!

Furong lowered her head slightly, a little cramped, this is her best and most beautiful dress.Although she lowered her head, she could feel Su Zhan's gaze falling on her body, which made her a little proud, and she did not waste her efforts.

"very beautiful!"

Su Zhan came over with a smile and raised his arm.

Furong hurriedly reached out and took Su Zhan's arm, and the two walked into the ball.

As soon as I entered, I already attracted the attention of the audience.

Originally they were wondering who Su Zhan would look for as a dance partner, but now they are attending because of Furong's costume, so beautiful, it's hard not to attract attention!

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