Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 869

Even if the power of rules in some worlds allows such things as resurrection, it is definitely not that simple to resurrect!

The black tank disappeared and turned into black shadows. Among the black shadows, Voldemort's body gradually grew taller.

The eyes are big, red, and the eyes are like two slits, somewhat like cat eyes.The body is tall and sloppy, like a skeleton, without hair, and the body is as if there is no hair. It has a flat nose, two slits on the nostrils, pale hands and a good spider body.

The black mist turned into a black robe, covering his body.

It's ugly, but also very classic.

This is the Voldemort everyone fears!

The corners of Su Zhan's mouth raised slightly, and under the panic of Harry Potter and Fleur, and the excitement of Little Star, he smiled in satisfaction.

Chapter 1027

The resurrected Voldemort was not too excited, and slowly stretched out his hand toward the little star, his voice hoarse and cold said: "My wand!"

Little dwarf hurriedly took out a silver-white wand from his arms and handed it over.Taking back his wand, Voldemort looked at Dwarf Star and said, "Extend your arm!"

The little dwarf suddenly showed an expression of joy, thinking that Voldemort would help him recover his broken arm, and hurriedly raised his hand."Master, thank you!"

"The other arm, Little Dwarf." Voldemort said coldly.

The touched expression on Little Star's face instantly solidified, and Voldemort grabbed his arm and revealed the Dark Devil mark on it.

In addition to the mark of Voldemort, each Death Eater’s left arm will also have this mark imprinted on the black mark. It serves as a sign of identification and as long as he presses the black mark on the arm of a Death Eater. The ink mark can summon other Death Eaters.

Along with Voldemort's magic point on Pettigrew's arm, suddenly there were rolling thunder in the sky, and clouds were walking densely.Several shadows appeared from the air, quickly rushed to the vicinity, and turned into Death Eaters wearing black robes and masks.

"You are too conceited when you are wrong."

Seeing the Death Eaters around him appeared, Voldemort turned and looked at Su Zhan.

"If you didn't conceit me to resurrect, I am afraid I will never have a chance. However, I am resurrected, and you will come back for your conceit! But..." Voldemort paused and said: "You gave me a chance. I will also give you a chance, as long as you..."

"So much nonsense!" Su Zhan interrupted him impatiently.

Voldemort's expression changed a bit angry, but after a moment he was relieved, and he smiled apologetically: "Perhaps because he was too happy, after all, resurrection is an exciting thing."

"Harry, Furong, nothing will happen to you next, take the Goblet of Fire and send it back." Su Zhan said lightly.

"How about you sir?"

"Teacher, how about you?"

The two asked in unison.

Su Zhan smiled: "I? Of course I want to stay and have fun with Voldemort. It won't be easy to wait for him to resurrect, so I can't miss it. Okay, you go back, I'll go back later."

Fleur and Harry Potter looked at each other, and finally nodded and ran towards the Goblet of Fire.

They believe that the Soviet war is strong, and staying here is just a drag.

"Stop them!"

Voldemort snorted, and the Death Eaters rushed over.

It didn't matter whether Fleur left or not, but Harry Potter had to stay.

Voldemort has two people who must kill!

One is Harry Potter, he is the only one who has survived under his own hands. The existence of Harry Potter has insulted his reputation, so he must die!

The other is Su Zhan. If Harry Potter is just as embarrassed because he survived under him, then Su Zhan has prevented himself from resurrecting several times, and he has completely stepped on his reputation. If he does not kill Su Zhan, he would never want to stand up!Originally, his plan was only to bring Harry Potter over, use his blood to resurrect and kill Harry Potter, as a declaration of his resurrection!Tell everyone that he Voldemort is back and no one can live out of his hands!

However, he backfired!

He is still not sure that he can kill Su Zhan, but Harry Potter must die!


A powerful force suddenly swayed from Su Zhan's hands, ran across Harry Potter and Furong, and stopped the Death Eaters.

The Death Eaters rushed forward without a pause, and the energy immediately turned into ashes as soon as they were stuck, and the screams rang out, shocking everyone!

Voldemort snorted, chanting the spell softly, and his wand suddenly gleamed.

The Death Eaters looked forward to Voldemort hotly, one second, one second... after several seconds, the spell was hit without any response, as if it had fallen into the sea!

"How can this be?"

Voldemort was shocked, and the curse was fought like crazy with no money.

Then, the result is the same, there is no response.


The goblet of fire glowed, Harry Potter and Fleur had been teleported away...

"It can be cleared!"

Su Zhan said faintly, and immediately after waving his arms again, the Death Eaters felt a burst of energy coming, and before they could react, the people had disappeared.The next moment, when they appeared, they were completely dumbfounded.

What is this place?

The blue sky and green grass are like a paradise garden.

Just when they were surprised, a huge body appeared in front of them.

"You...who are you, what place is this!" someone asked in a deep voice.

"My name is Thanos!" the huge man said in a deep voice.



"Where did you send them!" Voldemort looked at Su Zhan in shock. He was not a magic item, nor did he feel any magic fluctuations, but his Death Eaters disappeared like this!

"Hell!" Su Zhan said lightly.

Hell, is that dead?

Voldemort was shocked for a moment, and the magic wand in his hand suddenly waved towards Su Zhan.

Killing curse!

One of the three forbidden curses, as the name suggests, the middle must die!

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