Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 870

Su Zhan did not move, did not even resist, and the Killing Curse accurately focused on him.Voldemort was stunned for a moment, and then exulted: "I said, you will pay for your own conceit. The Death Curse is an extremely cruel forbidden curse, and you will die!"

"is it?"

The corner of Su Zhan's mouth was slightly tilted, revealing an arc of disdain.

"of course!"

Voldemort nodded affirmatively and looked at Su Zhan intently, waiting for him to pay for his arrogance.

As time passed, Su Zhan was still standing in place, the disdainful smile on his mouth became more and more obvious.

Voldemort, who was originally confident, gradually became a little hesitant. For so long... he should be dead. Why, why does he seem to be okay?

"That's it?" Su Zhan said with a sneer."This is what Voldemort, who everyone is afraid of calling his name, only has this ability? Anyone who serves tea and drinks around me can easily kill you! If there is no other ability to press the box, I will do it. !"

Chapter 1028 The stronger you step on you, the better!

"It's impossible!" Voldemort yelled in horror.

"There is any powerful magic you can use!" Su Zhan said lightly.

This indifferent calm gave Voldemort a feeling that no matter what magic he used, he couldn't hurt him.But he still didn't believe it, he didn't believe that anyone could be so powerful, he was Voldemort, and people didn't dare to call his name, the fearsome Voldemort!Although he was a little weak after being resurrected, he could no longer take care of so much at this moment, as countless powerful and deadly magic swarmed towards Su Zhan.

The originally ugly and terrifying face became savage and crazy, a spell was murmured quickly in his mouth, and the wand was swung quickly.

However, Su Zhan was as if a virtual projection didn't exist at all, and all the magic hits came to nothing without any response.

After more than a dozen spells were released in a row, Voldemort panted and looked at Su Zhan, the madness in his eyes gradually turned into despair.

He doesn't believe it!

He doesn't believe anyone can do it.

But the facts are in front of him, but he can't help but believe it!

"Run! Must run!"

Voldemort's mentality had suddenly risen to the thought of running away, facing an unrivaled opponent like Su Zhan, he didn't know what else he could do besides running.Once again there was a magic spell, and Voldemort turned to run.

"I just asked you to take action, but I didn't allow you to run!"

Su Zhan's voice suddenly sounded, and a cold and powerful breath came out suddenly. In an instant, Voldemort felt his body become extremely fragile, as if there was a big mountain pressing firmly on his shoulders, with a puff, Voldemort was already on his knees.

"Tsk tsk, if someone sees the mighty Voldemort kneeling in front of me like a dog at this time, I don't know what they would think!" Su Zhan tut said.

Voldemort shouted ferociously: "Why, why is this happening! Why!!!"

"Although there are some clichés that I don't even believe in myself, I have to say that evil can't overcome righteousness! Even without me, you won't be able to defeat Harry Potter in the end, you will only perish completely!" Su Zhan smiled ."But, you should be fortunate to have met me. Although the ending will not change in any way, at least...I will give you a chance!"

Voldemort stared at Su Zhan suddenly, with an unbelievable guess."You, would you still give me a chance?"

"Why not?" Su Zhan said with a smile: "As a big demon who frightens everyone in the magical world, who will I step on if you die? No one can step on, how can I gain the power of faith? Just like you develop food Like the dead, I also want to develop. The only difference is that your purpose is to increase your subordinates and power, and I only need the power of faith in them!"

"So I am going to give you another chance to do what you want." Su Zhan said with a smile.

It sounds unbelievable, but Voldemort is sure that he is serious.

He was desperate at first, but now he has a hope again.Although he had already developed a fear of Su Zhan and the unmatched thought in his heart, he certainly would not let it go if he had the opportunity. If Voldemort was such an easy and hopeless person, he would not have been thinking about it for so long.

"If I succeed, no matter how strong you are, you will still be just one person and can't save the world!" Voldemort said solemnly.

Su Zhan smiled: "You can't succeed!"

"You will pay for your arrogance." Voldemort said.

"I'm waiting for that day!" Su Zhan smiled and waved his finger abruptly.

Suddenly Voldemort felt a sharp pain in his arm, and with a click, his left arm broke at the sound and flew quickly to Su Zhan's hand.

"Let's treat this as a trophy, otherwise it's really hard to explain when I go back!" Su Zhan said with a smile.

Voldemort supported his broken arm and stood up slowly, enduring the pain, the mountain-like pressure had disappeared.He looked at Su Zhan silently and turned to leave.

"You are Voldemort, and your resurrection momentum can't be too weak." Su Zhan suddenly said.

Voldemort stopped and turned his head and glanced at Su Zhan."why?"

"The stronger the opponent, the more terrifying, the more you can improve your faith and worship by killing the opponent!" Su Zhan said lightly.


Voldemort snorted and turned away.

After Voldemort was gone, Su Zhan disappeared.

The next moment, he has returned to the Goblet of Fire arena.As soon as he appeared, Su Zhan mobilized the powerful Chaos power to cover the entire arena, and made small changes in everyone's mind. The whole process was so fast that no one would react at all!

As for the modified content, it's very simple.

It was to make them forget that they let Harry Potter's blood to Voldemort to resurrect him.

After all, his purpose is to increase the power of faith. If he let others know that he resurrected Voldemort, Voldemort began to destroy, even if he killed Voldemort in the end, the increased power of faith would be less. Some people think that if they don’t let it Voldemort's resurrection won't have so many things, this is not beautiful!


The surroundings suddenly became noisy, and everyone looked at Su Zhan hotly.

Harry Potter and Fleur came back to talk about Voldemort's resurrection. Of course, the version in everyone's memory is that they saw Voldemort first. Harry Potter was caught by Pettigrew and bleed, resurrected Voldemort, and then Su Zhan appeared. !

"How... how?"

Dumbledore looked at Su Zhan nervously.

Su Zhan pretended to be regretful and said: "Although he solved some of his core Death Eaters, he also beheaded one of his arms, but that guy was too cunning and let him run!" With that, Su Zhan already took Voldemort's arm. Came out.

Looking at Voldemort's arm, everyone couldn't help taking a breath.

Dumbledore took a deep breath. Although he did not kill Voldemort, his conspiracy had been destroyed, so... it was already very good.

Chapter 1029: Agreement against Soviet War?

Dumbledore announced the champion of the Goblet of Fire, Harry Potter and Fleur!

After all, they got the Goblet of Fire. According to the rules of the game, the champion is naturally them.As for Su Zhan, he has no interest in the Goblet of Fire champion. What he is most interested in now is what great things Voldemort will do!

The more arrogant and powerful Voldemort is, the more fear and helpless people will be, and the more they will have faith in themselves when they kill Voldemort!

If it weren't for Voldemort's value, Voldemort would now be ashes!

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