Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 881

Wu Leike turned and returned to the room.

Hermione asked in a low voice, "Teacher, who is the person you are looking for?"

"By then, you will know that he has something in his hand, which is very good!" Su Zhan said with a smile.



"Su Zhan is going to find Brian Braddock, what should I do!"

Back in the room, Wu Leike whispered anxiously, seeming to be asking someone's opinion, but there was no one in the room!

"Follow him, if the situation is urgent, allow action! Brian is our only hope!" A low voice sounded in the room, and Wu Leike claimed that it was, then he cleaned up and turned around and went out.

It is not surprising that Wu Leike wants to come to Su Zhan with him, it would be strange if she didn't follow.

"Do you know where to find this person?"

Out of the hotel, Wu Leike asked curiously.

Su Zhan smiled and looked at Wu Leike and said, "I have never known anything I want to know. No matter if I hide there or have any thoughts, I can know everything!"

"Yes, is it... Then, that's really amazing." The sharp eyes made Wu Leike feel stripped and uncovered in an instant, making her eyes dodge subconsciously... Could it be that He already knows who I am?Wu Leike thought anxiously, but found that Su Zhan turned his head after saying this sentence, as if he didn't know anything.

Wu Leike hesitated, and asked, "Who is this Brian? Is it worth asking you to find him? Is he special?"

"Special... His father was once a disciple of Merlin, the great magician. He was saved by Merlin and possessed super powers! He can even connect England to the multidimensional cosmic energy matrix to gain energy to strengthen himself. His uniform can maintain this energy for a long time, allowing him to have super powers even if he is not in the UK! Similarly...He also has a sword that can rank among the top weapons in the universe, the sword in the stone!"

Every time Su Zhan said, Wu Leike's shock increased by one point. In the end, she was completely certain that Su Zhan knew the true identity of this person!

Captain Britain!

Unexpectedly, one of his reasons for coming to England was for the British captain. No wonder... No wonder he didn't need to show up for territorial matters, but he came in person.

So... Does he already know?

"Your complexion doesn't look good, is it because you feel unwell?" Su Zhan asked suddenly.

Wu Leike hurriedly nodded: "Yes, it's a bit, maybe it's because I didn't sleep!"

"Oh, let me help you recover!"

Su Zhan smiled and finished speaking, his hand was already pressed on Wu Leike's ass involuntarily.

Wu Leike wanted to avoid subconsciously, but how could he avoid it?Soon she felt that Su Zhan's hand seemed to move recklessly, and a torrent of heat hit her, making her feel like she was about to be melted.

"No, it's okay, I'm much better already, thank you!" Wu Leike whispered, trying to make Su Zhan loose himself.

Su Zhan said solemnly: "How can it be okay? You have a serious mind, and why are people worried. I think... the person you are worried about is definitely not me, but... the British captain, right?"

"What, what?" Wu Leike asked with shocked waves in his heart and shocked face.

Chapter 1043 Wu Leike Being Leaded Away

"What are you talking about, I don't know the British captain!" Wu Leike said in a panic.

Su Zhan smiled, and suddenly let go of his hand, but he put his arm around her shoulder, at first glance it seemed like an intimate act between a couple.Holding Wu Leike in her arms, Su Zhan whispered in her ear: "Actually, you are doing very well. If you are an ordinary person, it is really hard to doubt your identity, but I am not an ordinary person! When you show up, I already know your identity. In fact, you don’t need to hide anything at all, because I don’t intend to sneak in what I want to do, even if you are lurking by my side, it’s okay to follow me upright, you You can know what you want."

Wu Leike was silent.

"I believe MI6 already knows that I'm going to find the British captain. At this time, the British captain should already know it. If I guess right, it must be heavily guarded there. After all, the British captain is your only hope. Well! Using the energy matrix of the multidimensional universe to protect Britain, once it succeeds, it might be useless even if Thanos comes, so naturally there is no need to cede territory!"

"You, how do you know?"

Wu Leike finally couldn't help it.

Knowing her identity shocked her, but Su Zhan knew what the British captain was doing, which made her shocked.

As Su Zhan said, the British captain is using the energy matrix of the multidimensional universe to try to protect the entire United Kingdom.Although this would anger the Soviet war, they believed that even the Soviet war should not be able to solve the multi-dimensional cosmic energy matrix, plus the British captain with the sword in the stone, should be able to deal with the Soviet war.

Of course, it doesn't have to be dealt with. Only with the ability to negotiate can we negotiate with the Soviet Union!

They refuse to cede land!

However, it takes time to construct the energy matrix of the multidimensional universe, at least one month. Because the Soviet Union was accepting territories from other countries, they bought a lot of time, and even they did it well if they came from the war alliance. The idea of ​​procrastination, but never expected Su Zhan to come, and Su Zhan already knew their purpose!

Can't let him go to the British captain!

This was Wu Leike's first thought, so she moved.

Seeing Su Zhan, who was holding her close at hand, she moved!

As if to hold Su Zhan’s waist, Wu Leike slowly stretched out her hand. She was wearing a long-sleeved coat today, and her wrist shook slightly, and a thin needle appeared in her palm. There is a certain characteristic toxin on it, which is not fatal, but it can make people lose consciousness in an instant and fall into a deep sleep!

Seeing Su Zhan's unawareness, Wu Leike hesitated for a moment.

She said before that Su Zhan is the hero of the Chinese people, but this sentence came from the bottom of the heart, and it was true that she admired Su Zhan.But... after all, her identity is different. She is an agent of MI6, and her parents are both in Britain and under protection. She must...stop the Soviet war!She couldn't help showing an apologetic expression to Su Zhan, seeming to apologize for hiding her identity.

Near, getting closer.

Wu Leike could feel her hands trembling. This was the first time she was trembling during the mission, which shows the contradiction in her heart.


The needle had already pierced Su Zhan, Wu Leike said softly.


At the same time, Su Zhan said something almost simultaneously.

Wu Leike was stunned for a moment, wondering why he said sorry to herself, but soon she found that her needle could not pierce Su Zhan's body.Wu Leike was shocked, and Su Zhan said with a smile: "I'm sorry to have made you in vain, not to mention that your needle won't hurt me at all, even if it can! This toxin will not do anything at all! What a pity, Originally, I thought that you must be Chinese, and you are still so beautiful, so I am not going to target you, but I didn’t would do something with me!

"Regardless of the reason, since you have done it, I have to show it, otherwise, wouldn't it be conniving that others can do it at will without being punished?"

Su Zhan said with a smile, as if he was just chatting.

"You actually shot the teacher?"

Hermione next to her was furious when she heard her magic wand ready to do it, but Su Zhan stopped it!

"You kill me!" Wu Leike whispered.

Su Zhan smiled and said, "Kill you? No, I won't do that. I still feel a little distressed when I kill you."

"You won't kill me?" Wu Leike asked unexpectedly. Just now he said that he would do something to behave like you, but now he said he would not kill himself?

"Yes, I don't kill you, but believe me! You might think that it might be better to die!"

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