Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 882

Su Zhan smiled, and suddenly, Wu Leike felt that there was something on his neck.Subconsciously stretched out his hand and touched it, and felt a palm-wide iron ring wrapped around his neck.It is obviously an iron ring, but the strange thing is that Wu Leike didn't feel the slightest discomfort, and his flexibility seemed particularly good. It seemed that he didn't have to worry about affecting his neck movement!

Kacha, when Wu Leike hadn't reacted, his hands were suddenly pulled back to the back with a forceful force, followed by a shackle to her handcuffs, her hands leaned back, and her body straightened naturally.Immediately afterwards, I saw that the ring on Su Zhan's hand suddenly emitted a green light, which was connected to the iron ring around his neck like a rope!

Then, Su Zhan walked forward leisurely, because the rope made her follow Su Zhan's pace involuntarily!


She understood it all at once.

Su Zhan is holding her hand, like his toy or his pet!

In the crowd, although the clothes were intact, she was walking in this way. She had already noticed the weird gazes of the people around her, and the humiliation made her want to find a place to get in.

She knew what Su Zhan meant when he said he wanted to do something, and she also knew why Su Zhan said that he would feel better if he died.

This kind of humiliation is really better than death!

Soon, everyone, and even the whole world will know that he, Wu Leike, an agent of MI6, was led by Su Zhan like a dog!

Chapter 1044

As Wu Leike guessed, the news spread quickly.

Su Zhan can be said to be a national spotlight in the UK, and countless people are watching his every move.

MI6, the British government, soon knew that Wu Leike's identity had been exposed!It might not matter if Su Zhan killed Wu Leike. In the face of a powerful figure like Su Zhan, many people have done well and accepted the consciousness of death, but Su Zhan's move made them extremely angry.

This is humiliation!

It is not only humiliating Wu Leike, but also humiliating the British government and all of them!

"How to do!"

"Wu Leike has been exposed, I am afraid they will go to the British captain soon. Moreover, in any case, Wu Leike must not continue to be humiliated!"

"But our strength is limited. Most of the strength is to protect the British captain. It is very difficult to rescue Wu Leike from Su Zhan. I am afraid that tough methods will not work!"

"Then what to do? Is it just looking at Wu Leike like this? This is our shame!"

"Or? Let's expel Wu Leike from MI6? Anyway, not many people know her true identity. Even if Su Zhan knows, we can deny it. In this way, what he did to Wu Leike won't affect her. Here we are, after all... Wu Leike is Chinese. We just need time to compensate her family, I believe Wu Leike will understand!" Someone suddenly said.

This attention made it clear that he was going to give up Wu Leike. It was very dishonest and disgusting, but it silenced everyone.

Indeed, as long as they deny, then at least they can preserve their face.

In Britain today, almost the whole country is striving for face and will not cede territories. If this spreads out, it will be a big blow!

Everyone is considering the pros and cons!

"I'm afraid it is still difficult. Even if Wu Leike can accept it, Su Zhan may not accept it. Even if we deny it, Su Zhan may have a way to verify Wu Leike's identity. We may be even more embarrassed by that time!" someone said in a deep voice.

"Let me go!"

Suddenly, a man opened the door and walked in, with an elegant manner, and his blond hair looked very noble!



As the person came in, everyone around stood up and shouted in surprise.

Britain is a constitutional monarchy. Although the royal family does not have much power, it is a status symbol!

"I can come forward and try to see if I can persuade Su Zhan to let Wu Leike go. If not, let him conceal Wu Leike's identity as much as possible!" The Princess said in a deep voice.

"Wang Hao, you may not know Su Zhan's style, if you go, I am afraid..." someone said worriedly.

The princess shook her head: "Of course I know Su Zhan's style, and I know he would not be interested if he were not a virgin. Therefore, I am safe, plus my identity, I believe Su Zhan will not do too much. Excessive!"

What the princess said seems to make sense. There is a chance of success, but... it's still too risky!

"It's about the face of the country and the crisis, this is my responsibility!"

The princess was very determined."You only need to protect the British Captain. If it succeeds, it is worth the risk and sacrifice. If it fails, then there is no point in considering these!"

After that, the princess had turned around and went out!



Wu Leike didn't dare to look up, and was led by Su Zhan step by step.Although she was just looking at the ground, she could still feel the countless light gathered around her!She is looking forward, looking forward to people from MI6 to save herself, even if... you can kill herself!

But no, no one is coming!

Intellectually, she knows what she will face, but emotionally, she still has some resentment!

I worked wholeheartedly, and even confronted Su Zhan contradictory. What happened?As a result, you didn’t care about me!I am afraid they will deny my identity and treat my parents kindly.

Thinking of his parents, Wu Leike felt sad again. They would be very sad to see me now!

"Someone is here, and she has some identity. Guess she came to save you or beg me?" Su Zhan said suddenly.

Wu Leike looked up and saw no one, but she was silent when she heard Su Zhan's questioning.

Su Zhan did not really intend to let Wu Leike answer. After asking, he asked Hermione: "In Britain, the status of the princess should be very high, right?"

"Yes teacher!" Hermione said.

"Compared with the teacher?" Su Zhan asked again.

Hermione said without hesitation: "Of course it's a far cry!"

"Then do you think the teacher is qualified to play as a princess?" Su Zhan asked again with a smile.

"Of course!" Hermione nodded affirmatively, and then whispered: "But teacher... isn't the princess better? After all, the princess... is not good enough for her husband, right?"

The princess, there is a queen, there is a concubine.

Su Zhan smiled and patted Hermione’s little head and said: "You’re right, but some people think so too. They think I don’t bother to do anything to her, so they rely on it! I don’t like others facing me, especially It’s this attitude when you ask me."

"What do you want to do, what princess!"

When Wu Leike next to him heard this, he vaguely guessed who the person will be, and asked subconsciously.

Su Zhan glanced at her without speaking, but waved his hand. In an instant, Wu Leike felt a ball in his mouth, which made her unable to speak and made her even more ashamed!

In a few minutes an extended luxury car stopped in front of them.

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