Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 888

Yes, satisfied!

The energy radiated from the British captain did not waste his week of waiting, very strong!

"It's not necessary to get to this point! As long as you are willing to leave and agree not to ask Britain to cede territory, I can let you leave!" The British captain said slowly.

"Agree to let me go?" Su Zhan seemed to have heard some joke, and couldn't help laughing: "Do you think the energy of this matrix can stop me? Do you can defeat me? Even with a victor Tell me in a tone of voice, can you let me go?"

"Did you suddenly gain powerful energy, so you lost your self-expansion?"

"Are you qualified to say this to me?"

The face of the British captain was constantly changing, and Su Zhan's contemptuous tone made him very upset. He is the British captain!The only person who can fight you, you say I am not qualified?Powerful energy burst out suddenly, and layers of air waves surging, as if forming a vacuum zone.

"Well, you still want to pop beans, you think you are a Saiyan!"

The British captain does not know what Saiyan is, but he knows the contempt of Su Zhan!

With a roar, the British captain, like teleporting, instantly came to Su Zhan and punched him.Very fast and very powerful!

Su Zhan slammed his fists, and in an instant, the powerful forces collided, making the space seem to explode, with a thud, deafening.Immediately afterwards, such explosions sounded one after another, Su Zhan and the British Captain had already fought together, and their speed was indistinguishable from each other.

Except for the two constantly changing phantoms and the continuous sound of clashes, nothing can be seen!


There was a heavy sound, and the British captain fell to the ground quickly like a kite with a broken line. After sliding for a full seven or eight meters before stopping, a deep scratch was left on the ground!

The British captain struggled to stand up, but he did not succeed.

His eyes were full of horror, he couldn't think, never thought that Su Zhanhui was so outrageous!

I thought that with the energy of the multidimensional universe, I should be able to defeat the Soviet war. After all...this is the energy of the multidimensional universe.No matter how strong Su Zhan was, he wouldn't have the energy of the Multidimensional Universe.

But he was wrong!

He found that Su Zhan's energy was stronger than his own multidimensional universe, and that feeling was as if he also had the energy of multidimensional universe, even... this energy level was much higher than his own!

From beginning to end.

From beginning to end, Su Zhan was an understatement, no matter how fast he was or how strong he was, he just used one hand!With just one hand, he blocked his own attack, and even...the other hand...threw him out with a punch.

"Multi-dimensional cosmic energy is really interesting. I feel a certain rule power in it, but it is not the rule power of this world, so it is greatly discounted, but it is just such a rare thing." Su Zhan said lightly. One sentence, and then looked at the British captain."Is that stunned? Get up and fight again!"

The British captain gritted his teeth and rushed over again, and the two banged and banged together quickly.Still with one hand, the British captain was still beaten to fly. This time, Su Zhan didn't give him any chance to shock. When he flew out again, Su Zhan had already caught up and continued to attack!

The uniform on the British captain is a bit special. It should have been made by the great magician Merlin himself. It has strong defensive capabilities...Through this uniform, the energy of the multidimensional universe can flood his body and make his body change. Strong and strong!

Su Zhan did not deliberately suppress his own power, but the British captain can handle so much. It can be seen that the multi-dimensional cosmic energy is powerful, or... how powerful the rules contained in it are!


The British captain flew out again. At this time, his mask was a little damaged, his nose was swollen, his mouth was bleeding, and his body was better like falling apart. It hurts even if he doesn't move.

"I admit that you are very strong, but..." the British captain slowly spoke with support.

Su Zhan sneered: "Acknowledge your sister, do you need to admit that I am strong or not? If you know that you still have a sword in the stone useless, don't waste time, chirp, come on, draw the sword!

When the voice fell, Su Zhan stretched out his chest, and in an instant, the God Killing Blade slowly pulled out.

Perhaps knowing that the war is coming, the Blade of God Killing has also become extremely restless, looking very excited!

Holding the God Killing Blade, Su Zhan pointed at the void."The time has come to test the results, to see if the sword in the stone is stronger, or my God Killing Blade is stronger!"

"The Blade of God Killing, you can't swallow good things less. If you can't compare with the sword in the stone, you don't want to devour the good things! But if you win, the sword in the stone will be yours. Swallowed Sword in the Stone, you should evolve again!"

Su Zhan said softly, I don't know if the Blade of God Killing understood it, but it has already released a strong fighting spirit, and layers of dark light shining in the sword body, intensifying, as if to split everything in this world!

The one-handed Su Zhan is already so strong. With his god-killing blade, the British captain can clearly feel that this is a weapon with the power to destroy the world!

The sword in the stone can only rely on the sword in the stone!

Chapter 1052 I don't know how strong I am!

Sword in the Stone!

The British captain has taken out the sword in the stone!

The name of the sword in the stone is very loud, and there are many various legendary shapes.The sword in the hands of Captain Britain does not look too gorgeous, neither domineering nor unique, with a sacred and noble atmosphere in its simplicity!

"This is the sword in the stone? It looks good!"

Su Zhan looked at the sword in the stone and felt the eager state of the Blade of Godslayer, and smiled slightly: "Fight!"

As the voice fell, Su Zhan suddenly rushed forward, and instantly came to the front of the British captain, and the God Killing Blade quickly slashed.With the sword in the stone in hand, the British captain seemed to have regained some confidence and confidence. Seeing that Su Zhan took the lead, the British captain directly swung the sword in the stone!


The two weapons collided, and a powerful shock wave surged out from the two of them.

The ground under the feet of the two of them instantly sank.

At the end of the blow, the two of them did not pause at all, and they made their moves almost as if they were heart-to-hearted, and the sound of bangs came out again and again.

This sword in the stone is indeed one of the best swords in the Marvel world!Ordinary weapons simply cannot withstand the attack like the Blade of God Killing. The Blade of God Killing on the plane is different from other weapons. While attacking, it will also consume the energy of the opponent, but the sword in the stone is naturally special. Because of its energy, the Blade of God Killing cannot be swallowed so easily!

Every time it collides, the Blade of God Killing will be devoured.But there seems to be a layer of magic protection on the sword in the stone, which makes the blade of God Killer feel very unsmooth to swallow, and the effect of swallowing is greatly reduced!

The fighting skills of the two are very good, and their weapons are one by one. You can imagine how fierce the battle is.Whether it is a collision between each other or a competition to release energy from a long distance, both are earth-shattering and fierce!

There are no other people in the center of the valley, but the command post far away in the valley can still monitor the environment here. Not only them, but other countries also pay attention to the battle with their own means!

It can be said that this is not just a battle between the British captain and the Soviet war.If the British captain loses, maybe no one is the opponent of the Soviet war. Wouldn't he have to let him knead by then!

Although we lost this time and ceded land, there are still many people and many countries are not reconciled.

If the British captain wins, they may consider uniting with Britain.If they lose, they will consider giving up the idea completely!

People are all about interests first.

Especially those politicians, although they will be afraid, once they have enough benefits to make their hearts move, they will relapse in a solid state.

Judging from the current situation, it seems that the two are evenly matched, which gives many people hope.

Maybe it can win?

Not only do they think so, but the British captain also thinks so!

Although Su Zhan was a little temperless and timid at first, as he started his hands, gradually... that confidence returned to him.The power of the sword in the stone, even if it was Su Zhan, even if Su Zhan used the Blade of Killing Gods, it did not fall in the slightest. Coupled with the continuous influx of energy from the multidimensional universe, the British Captain felt that maybe... ?

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