Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 889

With this idea in mind, the British captain seemed to get better and better as he fought, and he became more confident as he fought, and he felt like he had the upper hand!

This shocked everyone and became excited.

Some people have even begun to proudly say that Su Zhan is nothing, once the British captain uses the sword in the stone, Su Zhan is gone!

Listening to the triumphant whispers of the soldier in the ear, the princess found that she was not as happy as she had imagined!

If Su is defeated, her reputation will reach its peak. She can have the opportunity to gain power and take revenge. But I don’t know why, but she is not happy at all, and even a little bit lost. I hope that Su Zhan will still have No other skills were displayed!

"Why do I think so? Do I really want him to win? Really so cheap?" The princess asked secretly but had no answer.

"If you are willing to stop, what I said before is still valid!" The British captain said again.

Su Zhan sneered dumbly: "Are you here? Why? I feel that I have the upper hand, so I feel confident again?"

"So what? You can't help me now. With the support of multidimensional cosmic energy, I can fight for a whole day!" The British captain snorted.

Su Zhan rolled his eyes: "You think you are Captain America, you are Captain England, don't grab other people's lines!"

"What does this have to do with Captain America!" The British captain didn't understand this, but he understood Su Zhan's contemptuous tone.

Since you refuse to admit defeat, go ahead and fight!

Don't talk about it all day, even if you keep fighting, he can!

"Oh, this is full force?" Feeling that the speed of the British captain and the power of the sword in the stone have increased a bit, Su Zhan said with a smile: "Alright, it's almost time to end, otherwise some guys are really real I thought... I Su Zhan is the kind of opponent that anyone can defeat!"

"What's the use of talking big,'s impossible!"

Su Zhan's aura rose again, overwhelming the British captain in an instant, and he was still climbing rapidly, as if it was endless!The British captain looked silly, and the confidence he gathered was finally tapped.

"How could it be, how could it be, how could you have improved so much. Without the increase of the sword in the stone, without the blessing of multidimensional cosmic energy, how could you have improved so much?" The British captain was shocked and looked at Su Zhan tremblingly: " didn't use all your strength from the beginning!"

"If you use your full strength, you will die early!" Su Zhan said lightly.

"You, how strong are you!"

Su Zhan shook his head.

"What do you mean, don't you bother to tell me?" the British captain angered.

Su Zhan smiled: "It's not that I don't bother to tell you, but I don't know how strong I am now. I thought that adding the sword in the stone should allow me to verify my current strength, but now it seems... it still doesn't work! "

"In this case, you are of no value, you can... die!"

Chapter 1053: Good People!

The God Killing Blade swung out of the void, but after it was cut out, it suddenly turned into a huge black dragon and rushed forward fiercely.

Swallowing the sky!

The British captain was shocked, the sword in the stone slashed out, and the powerful energy hit the black dragon.

The black dragon seemed to show a disdainful expression. The dragon's claw suddenly lifted, and it directly grabbed the energy of the sword in the stone, followed by the spread of the black mist, and instantly wrapped the sword in the stone, and even followed the sword in the stone seat. Captain Britain!

The British captain kept urging the sword in the stone, but the sword in the stone could not get rid of the black mist.

Either he gives up the sword in the stone now, or... is swept by the black mist together!

The British captain hesitated!

However, at this moment, the black dragon suddenly emitted a dazzling light, that kind of bright and hot, as if a sun was nearby again, the British captain yelled and subconsciously released the sword in the stone and covered his eyes.

However, his reaction was quick, with almost no pause, his body quickly retreated, and the multidimensional cosmic energy protected his whole body.

Unfortunately, it's still too late!

At the moment he retreated, he already felt that Su Zhan had come to him, and immediately afterwards, the multidimensional cosmic energy became unsmooth, as if something was controlling it!Regardless of the sting of the eyes, the British captain struggled to open his eyes, and suddenly discovered that the multidimensional cosmic energy in his body had been sucked away by Su Zhan!

"How can this be?"

The British captain was shocked, and then...he thought of something!

I thought of something that everyone seemed to forget.

Devouring ability!

Su Zhan's devouring ability!

It’s been too long. Su Zhan hasn’t done anything serious for too long. Even if he does it, it’s easy to wipe out his opponent. It’s been a long time since he has used the swallowing ability. It’s been forgotten for a while. Su Zhan is the strongest and most central. Ability is swallowing!

"It's useless, the energy of the multidimensional universe is not so easy to swallow. Your body can't bear the energy of the multidimensional universe, you will explode!" The British captain said coldly.

Others don't know, but he knows very well.

The multi-dimensional cosmic energy is a collection of other cosmic energies. These energies are quite overbearing when mixed together. If it weren't for your own uniform, you would simply not be able to withstand such an overbearing impact!This has nothing to do with physical strength, but... universe consciousness!

The British captain couldn't help laughing: "You think your phagocytic ability is the key to victory, but you didn’t expect to be the culprit who killed you? You rely on phagocytic ability to become stronger, but you end up dying under the phagocytic ability. You must be very upset now, surely regret it?"

His voice was full of excitement in Hysteria, without any equipment, the whole valley could hear it.

As for people from other countries, I heard it too!

Will Su Zhan die under his own devouring ability?This is big news!

For a long time, Su Zhan’s swallowing ability seemed unsolvable, but now there is a way to deal with it. He can swallow it, but it does not mean it can be digested. As long as there is energy similar to the multidimensional cosmic energy for Su Zhan to swallow, he will die. Drop!

It's a pity... It's a pity that I didn't know the news, now... Su Zhan is almost dead.

But this is also good, as soon as Su Zhan dies, the territory previously ceded can naturally be taken back!

"How could this be!"

The princess shouted gaffey.

The soldier next to him thought that the princess was happy and excited, and said with a smile: "This is how he invaded Britain! The British captain is our British hero, the hero of the entire world!"

"He really will die?" The princess murmured.

"Definitely, didn't the captain just said that the multidimensional cosmic energy can not be swallowed by anyone, but there is cosmic consciousness in it, but the captain can use this energy!" said the soldier proudly.

However, he did not realize that this answer did not reassure the princess but was even more worried!

Tick ​​tick!

The ticking of the clock seemed to sound in everyone's ears, silently feeling the loss of time, staring at Su Zhan, waiting for the moment he exploded!

"It seems to disappoint you!"

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