Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 892

"It's easy to survive. Just make a video, voluntarily hand over the British territory to me, and resign from the king as an ordinary person under my domination, I promise not to kill you!" Su Zhan said with a smile.

"I am willing, I am willing!" What territory, what king, how can life be important at this time!

"Go and help him shoot, just follow the content I requested!" Su Zhan said to Wu Leike.

Wu Leike led the king outside.

Before long, an explosive news came out.

A series of politicians and officials died, and the king declared that he would voluntarily hand over the territory to the Soviet Union and resigned his status as the king.Below this news is a video. In the video, the king’s words are correct, and he looks forward to becoming a subject of the Soviet War.

As soon as the news spread, the whole of Britain exploded!

What kind of king is this?Too bad, right?

Why did all the other officials die, but only the king survived?

This is traitorous and prosperous!

Suddenly, the king, who had a good sense of status among the people, became a mouse crossing the street, and everyone shouted and beat.In addition, some people began to protest, unwilling to submit to the Soviet war!Before this wave had formed a scale, another video came out.

Chapter 1056

The video is a hall.

In the hall, the king was sitting with a group of officials, opposite Su Zhan.One of the officials was blown up as soon as they spoke, and they died one by one after the officials exploded, leaving the king shivering, clutching his head like an ostrich!


Seeing this picture, everyone was disdainful.

However, when they heard Su Zhan said that because of the pleading of the princess, Yu Xin could not bear to take only half of the territory, many people were excited.

The princess, the princess is coming forward again!

However, this excitement did not last long. The damn cowardly king even agreed to cede all the territory and resigned as a subject of the Soviet War, just to save his life!

Although they have already seen the video of the king before, but with this complete video, it highlights the king's cowardly behavior. The most important thing is that there is a contrast with the princess!

The princess was not afraid of life and death, and begged and pleaded, but she retained half of the territory.

But the king, who should have come forward, ceded all the territory timidly.

Judgment is made!

Soon many people said that even if the king is no longer the king, the princess will always be their princess!

That's not a big deal, another video came out.

This is the picture of the princess kneeling in front of Su Zhan in the valley.There is only a picture, no sound, and no time. Everyone knows that this is the picture of the princess begging Su Zhan!

When the screen went blank at the end of the video, Su Zhan's voice rang.

"I thought this was just some politicians or cowardly kings just for profit. I didn't expect that there were women who moved me! Out of respect, I blocked the voice in the video. Moreover, as long as she manages the other half Territory, I declare that I will not take the initiative to provoke war and live together in peace!"

As soon as this video came out, it completely detonated the people's worship of the princess, and at the same time, the sense of Su Zhan was better. At least... he respects our hero, and his respect for the princess makes the people a little proud and contented.

At the same time, even more disdain for the king and the officials who died!

Of course, the most important thing is that the Soviet War declared that it would not launch a war and coexist peacefully.

This means that Britain still exists!

This relieved many bloody citizens, at least...the country is still there!

In almost less than a day, countless people gathered near the palace where the princess lived. They shouted loudly, held up flags, and petitioned the princess to become Queen of England. The voice and scale are so magnificent that you would not agree. Not good posture!

From the princess to the queen.

It was just one day that no one even dared to object. The moment the princess agreed, the cheers outside were deafening, which shows how high the reputation of the princess is now.

As for the king is still alive, is that okay?

Who cares?

You are just a coward who is greedy for life and fear of death. You have already resigned from the position of the king and voluntarily become a subject of the territory of the war alliance. Then you can't take care of our business!

This series of changes can be said to be joyful and worrying!

But no matter what, things will continue.

The new queen came to the Soviet war alone to discuss territorial matters.

Everyone is supporting the queen and waiting for the good news from the queen!Some individuals even claimed that if Su Zhan dared to be disrespectful to the Queen, they would commit suicide!What Su Zhan gets is only a piece of unmanned land!

"Queen, queen, queen!"

There were many people on the periphery of the yard where the negotiation was located, shouting the Queen’s name in excitement and cheering on the Queen, which was considered a demonstration against the Soviet Union.

The queen walked in, and there was only Su Zhan, Madame Viper.

Wu Leike, Natasha, and Spider-Woman are all outside to maintain law and order.

Regarding Mrs. Viper's daimyo queen, it is clear that Su Zhan's most loyal maid, Mariko's deputy, can be said to be a high-powered and prominent position.She came here, obviously she was about to take charge of the territory here!

The queen looked at Madame Viper, and Madame Viper was also looking at her.

Regarding some of the Queen's situation, Madame Viper doesn't know much, to be precise, she knows as much as outsiders.So she is also very curious, what kind of woman can make Su Zhan feel respected and voluntarily give up half of the territory?Now it seems that there is nothing special about it except for the long and beautiful temperament!Mrs. Viper smiled and spoke first."The division of territories is made like this. Belfast and Dublin are left to you, from Newcastle to you, Edinburgh, Glasgow to you, including Newcastle and the other side to us! If you agree, we will give you half It’s time to be processed in months."

Madame Viper took out the map and marked it.

However, the queen did not look at it, nor express it.

Instead, he walked to Su Zhan's side!

"What do you mean? Do you look down on me?" Madame Viper was a little displeased. The Queen's move seemed to say that she was not qualified to talk to her, and she wanted to talk to Su Zhan.

Too arrogant!

Mrs. Viper sneered as she was about to speak, but suddenly saw the queen kneel down with a thud.

Su Zhan hooked her chin with her toes, asked her to raise her head, and asked with a smile: "What do you think of those voices outside? Your Lady Queen!"

"I have only one identity, a dog at the feet of my master!" the queen said in a deep voice.

"This...what's going on?"

Madame Viper is dumbfounded, this change is too fast, right?

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