Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 893

"Because of respect, decided to take only half of the territory?"

Madame Viper remembered Su Zhan's words in the video, Nima, is this respect?Is there this kind of respect for kneeling on the ground with your chin hooked by your toes?

In a trance, Madame Viper seemed to hear the people shouting the queen's name fanatically outside, and then looked at the queen who was kneeling there.Mrs. Viper couldn't help thinking: If those people knew that the queen they respect was a dog of the owner, they would not know how they would feel!

Master, that's amazing!

Madame Viper couldn't help but look at Su Zhan in admiration. This is playing with everyone in applause. This is revenge, the real revenge!

Do you not surrender to me and believe in your queen?Yes, the queen you admire is just a dog at my feet!

Thinking about it makes me feel exciting!

It's no wonder that the owner will change his attention, and will give out the meat that is so big that he eats the meat, which is not the case at all!

Chapter 1057 Strong Enemy Appears?

"The territory is divided according to what Mrs. Viper said before. From now on, my territory will be changed to the province of England, and Mrs. Viper will be responsible for it. You will deal more with each other and work together to meet my requirements as soon as possible!"

"In addition, your current prestige is only temporary. It is due to this special situation. You must completely transform this prestige into their trust. You should have a case about how to do it, and if you need to cooperate, You can go to Mrs. Viper directly."

"For the time being, you will stay here. The territorial matter cannot be resolved so quickly. The longer the delay, the longer they will feel your contribution!"


Mrs. Viper and the Queen said in response.

"What are you going to do with that guy?"

That guy is naturally the former king.

The queen subconsciously showed an expression of hatred, and said in a deep voice: "I have waited for so long, and now I am not in a hurry. As long as he is still in the master's territory, sooner or later there will be revenge. The master should have something. Beware, this thing shouldn't end like this!"

"Oh? What else, tell me!"

"I have heard some rumors that the reason why Brian was able to become the captain of the United Kingdom was because of the great magician Merlin, which seems to be related to the multidimensional cosmic matrix. Moreover, the great magician Merlin is from England after all, and has something to do with the royal family." Said.

Su Zhan smiled: "Don't expect to vomit what I eat, the Great Mage! If he dares to come, it will happen...I haven't gotten hooked yet!"

The queen didn't speak, she just told the news she knew, how to do it still depends on Su Zhan.

The people outside never meant to retreat. Although they don't know how the talks are going on in the room and how they are going, their mood is extremely high.Especially when news comes out from time to time that a certain territory has been negotiated, it makes them mixed.At the same time, they also felt the Queen’s hardship, and they worshiped and trusted the Queen even more!

The negotiation lasted for two days!

Two days later, the queen walked out of the room tiredly, and everyone was a little distressed and guilty looking at the queen's appearance. With so many men, they could only rely on one woman to save the country.

"If they know that their beloved queen is so exhausted not because of negotiation, but because of serving the master, will they be crazy?"

Standing by the window and looking outside, Mrs. Viper said with a smile.

"I only know that it won't be long before the whole of Britain will be included in the province of England! And when they react, they won't even resist!" Su Zhan smiled faintly: "Here, I will leave it to you. You have been helping Mariko before. This experience should be enough. If you need anything, just speak up."

"Don't worry, master!" Madame Viper was confident.

"Now that the territories are divided, you can go to work."

Siege is easy and hard to defend!

Although the territory has been taken down, it must be cleaned up, and a series of trivial things to be done, such as stabilizing the people. Failure to handle any of the links can easily lead to major problems.Madame Viper did not delay time either. After Su Zhan's order, Madame Viper had already left.

Natasha's manpower had already been prepared, and soon... drastic reforms began!

Changing the ownership of a country is not a trifling matter, especially when the other party does not cooperate, many things will not be so clear and drizzle.

Madame Viper was originally a member of Hydra, and Natasha was a spy agent, neither was a soft-hearted lord!

Whether it is the British province or the United Kingdom, both sides are reintegrating at the fastest speed.

At this time, Su Zhan was fusing the sword in the stone into the Blade of Killing God.

The sword in the stone is one of the best things in the Marvel world, and it can be called a magic sword!

The sword of magic.

Both the sword itself and the abilities contained in it are extremely powerful. At least in terms of hardness, it can be evenly matched with the Blade of Godslayer. It is not easy to integrate it into the Blade of Godslayer!

Since he agreed to Su Zhan, the Blade of the Killing of Gods, he would not be unbelievable, not to mention that although the sword in the stone is good, the Blade of Killing of the Gods is his weapon!

"You, are you still going?"

Outside the room, Wu Leike looked at Spider-Woman and asked softly.

Spider-Woman was stunned and did not speak.

She should have left. Originally, this matter had nothing to do with her. Although Su Zhan asked her to think about it before, the matter has already reached this point. Obviously, the so-called consideration is not needed. Killing.

But she stayed, even if Su Zhan didn't say anything at all, but Spider-Woman unknowingly seemed to have become his bodyguard. She has been busy for a short time!

"What about you? Why don't you leave?" Spider-Woman asked Wu Leike.

Wu Leike said: "No, he didn't say let me go, how dare I go! Moreover, my family was also protected by the black widow. I know there is no meaning of threat, and I am not qualified. It's just that. ...I have been removed from MI6, even if he lets me go, not know where to go!"

The confusion is more than Spider-Woman!

This person needs a goal, no matter if the goal is good or bad, big or small, you can feel the direction.

Now, Spider-Woman and Wu Leike have no goals!

Suddenly, Spider-Woman frowned and looked far away vigilantly!

There was nothing, but it made her feel very uneasy, as if something powerful was about to appear.Wu Leike's reaction was a bit slower than her, but her long career as an agent has made her intuition particularly sensitive, and she has subconsciously pulled out the gun!

Along with the movements and gazes of the two of them, a magical energy gradually appeared in the open space not far in front, and then... a person stepped out of the void and appeared!

An old man!

He carried an indescribable breath.


It was so strong that just a glance made Wu Leike and Spider-Woman feel heart palpitations!

Chapter 1058 Merlin

"Who are you!" Spider-Woman asked in a deep voice.

The old man didn't look at her at all, just walked over slowly.

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