Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 894

"Stop! Who are you? If you don't tell me, I will do it!" Spider-woman shouted, and the'venom explosion' was ready to go.

The old man still ignored him and continued to move forward.

Spider-woman gritted her teeth, and the'venom explosion' shot at the old man in an instant.

The old man didn't evade, as if he hadn't seen it, when the'venom explosion' hit him, there was no reaction.Spider-Woman frowned and rushed to prepare to do it.At the same time, Wu Leike also shot, but something strange happened.

At that moment, time seemed to stand still, and immediately following Spider-woman, she felt a palpitating heart, and she lay on the ground with a puff, and Wu Leike was the same!

I don't even know what the old man has done, the two of them are so dizzy with no resistance!

That's it for Wu Leike, no matter how powerful it is, she is only an agent, but Spider-Woman is not an ordinary person, and she can't resist it, so she loses!


The door opened, and Su Zhan walked out slowly.

Holding the Blade of God Killing in one hand, the sword in the stone in the other.

Originally, he was fusing the sword in the stone with the blade of Godslayer, but the effect was somewhat unexpected.

That's hard!

The hardness of the sword in the stone exceeded Su Zhan's original judgment. With the ability to cover it, it failed to integrate successfully after trying for a long time.It seems that you need to wear water through the stone, and you have to sharpen it!Although I knew that the sword in the stone was very strong, I didn't expect it to be so strong!

It seems that the British captain has not exerted the full power of the sword in the stone at all!

Recalling the introduction about the sword in the stone, it is said that... this sword has the ability to split the multiverse with one sword, and holding this sword is like a god!

Although Su Zhan didn't urge the sword in the stone at this time, he could still feel the sword in the stone powerful!Just now, he felt the agitation of the sword in the stone, and always wanted to get out of it.Immediately afterwards, the old man appeared, so Su Zhan immediately guessed the identity of the old man.

The sword in the stone, but the Great Mage Merlin gave it to Captain Britain!

Su Zhan looked at the old man in front of him, and this old man was also looking at Su Zhan.

After a moment of silence, Su Zhan slowly opened his mouth and said, "The person who hurt me as soon as I came here is really awesome!"

"I just let them be quiet, they are not qualified to participate in some things!" The old man said in a tone that they are all rubbish, which made Su Zhan quite unhappy!

Turning the sword in the stone casually, Su Zhan pouted and said: "If you want to hold the sword in the stone from my hand, you are not qualified!"

"This is mine!" The old man said lightly: "You should have guessed who I am. I am the guardian of the almighty universe, Merlin!"

"and then?"

Seeing that Mei Lin just introduced his identity and stopped speaking, Su Zhan said with a sneer: "You don't think that telling me an identity can scare me? The Almighty Guardian of the Universe, hehe, it sounds pretty silly! "

"I know you don't care about my identity, and your energy is too strong, even if I am not sure that I can beat you! So, this time I just want to return to the sword in the stone." Mei Lin said lightly.

"Why?" Su Zhan asked with a sneer.

Merlin frowned: "You may not know the meaning of the identity of the guardian of the almighty universe. I can easily destroy and control multiple multiverses. Nature and the single universe in the multiverse are also included."

"You threaten me?"

"The sword in the stone is more important than the single universe and the multiverse! Anyway, I will take it back!" Mei Lin said lightly.

Although I didn't admit it, the ins and outs of the words are already obvious!

Simply put, if Su Zhan does not return the Sword in the Stone, he will destroy this single universe!Of course, even if this single universe destroys Su Zhan, nothing will happen, but he has paid so much in this world, how can he allow this world to be easily destroyed?Merlin threatened with this!

"Very good!" Su Zhan smiled suddenly, smiling very happily."You want to destroy this world? Just do it! You can destroy this world, and I can bring it back to life! Although I am not an almighty guardian of the universe, you know I can do it! My power can ignore cause and effect. , Even if I destroy or resurrect a certain world, there will be no impact. The most important thing is...I hope you do this!"

"Why?" Merlin frowned. Things... seemed a little different from what he had imagined.

"If you destroy this world, the power of the rules of this world will disappear. If I resurrect it, I can take the opportunity to control the power of the rules of this world! At that time, this world, this single universe will be completely removed from What kind of multiverse, the omnipotent universe disappeared, or that it became independent, belongs to the universe that truly belongs to me!" Su Zhan said with a smile."So, I really hope you do that. Before that, I have time to transfer what I care about. I won't have any loss. Do it, just do it!"

At this time, Su Zhan began to encourage and urge, but Mei Lin's brows wrinkled deeper and deeper.

"Why? Don't you dare to do it? If you don't do it, then I will do it!" Looking at Mei Lin, Su Zhan's smile suddenly disappeared, and he changed into a cold expression.With a flick of his palm, the sword in the stone entered the system space, and Mei Lin's brow furrowed deeper, even a little shocked.

"I can't even sense the existence of the sword in the stone, how is this possible?" Mei Lin asked in surprise.

"There are so many impossible things!"

Su Zhan sneered, the power of chaos covered the God-killing Blade, and the light of the God-killing Blade became more and more prosperous. A powerful breath enveloped the two of them, as if they were isolated from this world.

Cut out with one sword!


Merlin was finally moved. He could feel the powerful energy contained in the Blade of Killing God, which was energy that even he dared not ignore.

"Still lost!"

Mei Lin sighed, her body suddenly turned into nothingness and disappeared instantly.

The moment he disappeared, the Blade of God Killing was already cut over!

Chapter 1059: Unwilling Merlin

"This grandson runs so fast!"

Merlin's figure disappeared, and the Blade of God Killing returned to peace, Su Zhan cursed lightly.

He was 80% sure that the sword hit Mei Lin just now, if it hadn't been for Mei Lin's disappearance too fast, this sword would have hurt him seriously!

Regardless of the fact that the cut just now seemed to be no different from the past, Su Zhan did his best.

It's been a long time since he made a full shot. He doesn't know the power of this cut, but he can be sure that if he hits Merlin, even if Merlin won't die, Nima don't think about it.Withdrawing the Blade of Killing God, Su Zhan looked at Spider-Woman and Wu Leike.

Of these two people, one is regarded as their own captives, the other is actually not much related, or even a somewhat hostile relationship, but they have taken action to stop them, which is considered to be a bit moved by Su Zhan.

He picked them up and went inside, Su Zhan helped them wake up.




In a certain void space, Mei Lin's figure suddenly appeared. As soon as he appeared, he vomited blood. A big hole appeared in the robe. When he looked down, not only the robe, but also the body appeared a big hole.

"So strong!"

Merlin took a deep breath subconsciously. If he didn't react quickly, he might be left behind.

That sword was cut out, and it shouldn’t hurt herself, but Merlin clearly felt that the energy fluctuations around him seemed to be pulled by something, which made his disappearance a little bit slower. It was just a little bit slower. A sword!

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