My wife is the Pirate Empress

My wife is the Chapter 1226 of the One Piece.

Chapter 719 God Carving Heroes Chapter 23 Chapter Reversible Jiuyin

Chapter 719 God Carving Heroes Chapter 23 Chapter Reversible Jiuyin

The phrase of the gods, the twenty-third chapter reverses Jiuyin

Blood songs know Ouyang Feng's neuropathy, it is just about the wrong person. Explain with a madman? Can this explain? When the blood song is in the eyes, Ouyang Feng is attacking the blood songs, and the blood song is rushing to open, Ouyang Feng is emptying, but as a congenital master, Ouyang Feng does not stop, and it is rushing When the body turns, if the is generally jumped toward Hong Qi.

The dragon 18 palms and ! It's almost neighborhood!

If Xiaofeng's Dragon Eighteen is natural, it is natural to defeat . After Xiao Feng died, there was only fifteen palms in the middle of the gang, and the other three palms were relying on generations to help themselves.

So Xiao Feng Dragon Eighteen is the strongest.

The most abused eighteen palm is the last three palms. This also leads to why some dynasties, the help of helping is named. Some people can't create a three palm! Some people have created, and it is also a three palm in which it is.

Blood songs, Hong Qi, Ouyang Feng is playing together, it is really helpless.

"Hey, discover the system B task, save the West tortix, Beibei."

System Reward: Dragon Eighteen Pocket Front Friday. "

I heard the words, the blood songs are also rushing up, and the West is north, because of a junior, it is natural to make all the things. So the three people were playing.

During the period, Beibei, the West is shocked, did not expect blood songs, small age swordsman? ? ? Blood songs rely on the solitary sword to break the world, hard and the West, the north war.

I want to try to see how much this kid is trying. Beibei heart is dark.

This kid, talents really high? West poison is also in mind.

Two people immediately got hands to deal with blood songs.

Naturally, they use their seven-made success. Such a few hundred strokes, blood songs are gradually can't support.

And Beibei, the power of the West is much exhausted, although the internal force is deep, but the strength is not equal to internal force. Can a martial arts master do not eat? This is obviously impossible.

The blood song is different, and the mystery of Jiuyang God is that most martial arts after cultivation, can learn immediately.

In addition, the strength source is from endless and automatically generated.

This is also the unique existence of Jiuyang God. Zhang Wuji is a powerful foundation with this kind of martial art.

Ouyang Feng breathed over, after a while, suddenly felt a headache, suddenly thought of, and laughed, "I remembered, I think it, I am Ouyang Feng! West poison Ouyang Feng! "It turned out to see the Beica Road." You are the old flowers, Hu Quan. "

Hong Qi Gong looked at Ouyang Feng, and there was no longer poison between the looks again, and it was also laughed, "old poison, old poison, you finally remember."

Immediately, Hong Quan also said, "Your old poison, reverse the cultivation of Jiu Yin Zhenjing, it is good, I am, I am, I am not enemy."

"That is the matter of the year." Ouyang Feng smiled and smiled. "It's really powerful. It is this little doll, it is gently, but the martial arts is high. He wants to in the world."

"Mind, you finally remember." Yang is also happy on the side. Ouyang Feng looked at Yang, and nodded, Ouyangke died, but he had Yang's mei, which is also a good thing. And the madness of the madness, Ouyang Feng has already wanted to understand, "" "The old name," the old name " The man is grateful, to decion. "

"The old poison should change the evil spirits, the world is anever, hahaha." Hong Qi laughed. But it is true that it is really happy to decide to Ouyang Feng.

Yang is also invisible.

"The child, you are now fine, you should be happy." Ouyang Feng said.

Wen said, Yang has wiped tears, nodded to be. In life, there is too little person in Yang, and Ouyang Feng is one. Ouyang Feng can change the evil, and Yang is naturally happy.

"Ohman." Ouyang Feng thought about what was it. "I have practiced Guo Jing Huang Rong to give me the fake Jiuyin Zhenjing, although there is no intention to practice into reverse Jiuyin, can reverse the meridians, what to do There is no use of me, even some dead points, I can also reverse it, this is a strange job. But this fake Jiuyin really, I can't give you a coincidence, I can't give you. Some of my martial arts experience can teach you. "

Wen Yan, Yang Gao Hi.

Hong Qiong laughed, "Lauga, you teach this kid, we will not listen."

Blood songs are also nodded. For Ouyang Feng's martial arts, blood songs are really not interested.

Unless Ouyang Feng's poison can give him.

"No, I am teaching here! I am still a bit unclear now. I am afraid that I am wrong, my name is high, you have high martial arts, there is also this kid, martial arts is also extraordinary, you come to correct."

Hong Qi smiled, nodded, so I'm going to talk about him immediately. Among the few people, Hong Qifong martial arts is the highest, after all, Ouyang Feng is crazy, and Hong Qiong has been practicing.

When Ouyang Feng explained, it could not help but go in to reverse the meridians. This is called blood songs, and it is a new odd, and it is not covered by secret.

For example, Wang Zhongyang was killed by a person in swords, and it was undoubtedly. But Ouyang Feng will not die, because he can reverse it elsewhere!

This is the force to reverse the nine yin.

For example, the wind is never gone, the cover is hurt, causing a lot of skill. If there is a reversal of Jiuyin, even if it is a hovering door. Immediately, the door will also twist to other ordinary acupuncture points.

Three days, several people listened to Ouyang Feng to explain the reversal of Jiuyin. Jiuyin Zhenjing, Bao Damn, including light power, knife, swords, palm, treatment, etc. This is the most enlisted script.

However, add the reversal of nine yin, Jiu Yin really is really complete.

Finally, the West and Beibei are talking about the five stunts in the world.

Congenital strength, too difficult to practice!

A total of three floors, cultivated into the first floor, then abandon the first martial arts, re-cultivate, cultivate to the second floor, and then cultivate all martial arts and re-cultivate.

Wang Zhongyang is just cultivating to the second floor.

Because the congenital function is too big! It's hard to keep your martial arts, and you are gone!

In addition to congenital strength, it is a yang finger.

One yang finger, the martial arts, not only killing people, can also treat some people who have a cold and cold power with the masculinity of a yang!

"Right, two kids, I have something, I may want you to do it."

Chapter 720, the first chapter of the fire, the first chapter of the new challenge

Chapter 720, the first chapter of the fire, the first chapter of the new challenge

Naruto first chapter new challenge

Here is the country of fire, leaf village!

At this moment, the village seems to be calm, on the street, there are various shops, of course, the most popular is tolerance store.

At this moment, the hospital in the village of Wumi Village, the whirlpool of the fourth-generation wave of Water Watermen, is in a bed, looking at the face of the face, a red-haired boy, On the pretty face of Xin'er, it is not a strong concern!

The room is very quiet, just a bit of ticking!

"Have you come again?" At this moment, the ward is coming in, this is the handsome man of blonde. He slowly walked around Yu Xin Nai, and the greeting of concern.

"Little sun, he is my only loved ones."

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