My wife is the Pirate Empress

My wife is the chapter of the Pirates, Chapter 1227

"He didn't like tolerance from small!"

"But this time he suddenly coma, can you tell you?"

The red-haired Ni Ni face has a pretty face, and she has already appeared, she is very strong in front of her outsiders, but she is free to cry.

The man above the bed is blood song.

The blood songs at this moment, heard the sound of the system in groggy.

"Hey, Congratulations to the world,, system to improve the overall strength of the Naruto World, and the other secondary world in front of it."

"Hey, the host is in the world of Ninja, sets the identity, the brother of the whirlpool."

"Hey, the strength is still reserved, the black sword, the clumps are in the system space."

"Hey, the strength is still still"!

"Naruto World Power System is to endure, neurine, endure, shadow, superb, God!"

10 stars ... 49 stars to endure!

50 stars ... 69 stars to endure!

70 stars ... 89 stars to endure!

90 stars 100 star shadow.

100 stars are super shadow!

150 star is God!

"How much is my strength?" In the white system space, the blood song curiously opened. The sound of the system is also an immediate answer, "Do not use Cong Yun tooth, not practical use, your strength is 895," "

When I heard the system, the blood songs were speechless. It turned out that his own strength, just a picture? ? ? But carefully think about it, it seems to be a few more than that.

Thinking of this, the blood of the blood song is flat, and there are few people who can overcome him in the village! Moreover, the blood songs are still the card.

"Hey, the system changes, and today, the system is called the deprivation of the replication system."

"Dry copy system ???" Wen said, the brow's brow wrinkled, and there was something to think. But I don't know if it is right.

"The system is divided into deprive, copying two kinds of strength."

"First, deprive, deprive each other's tolerance, after being deprived, the other party will no longer have the kind of tissue. Of course, the blood session is the same.

"Second, copy, it is the ability to copy each other, compared to your swallowing fruit, it can copy more, not just the power, the chess and calligraphy is the same."

"Is there only this kind of power?" Blood Hao.

"No, the previous system still exists, deprive, replicates, this is more functions."

"Good." The blood song is nodded.

In the white ward of the village of Woody Village, the blood songs were finally gradually opened.

"Oh, have you been awake? I have also wanted to watch the hand," the wave of the water wakes up the blood songs, such as the sun, laugh, and the road.

Looking at this blonde's teenager, blood song eyes are also a condensed!

His handsome and blood songs are different!

The handsome songs of blood songs are like the king of the night!

And the handsome of the waves is the gentleman under the sun.

"Name: Wave Water Gate"!

"Strength, 95 stars!"

"Level: Shadow"!

"Introduction to the character: The four-generation eyes of the country, the three-generation eyes, the three-tolerated disciple, the protagonist whirl, the father of the rigmatism, has a calm and wise mind, good at developing and improving the sickness, high strength, speed The crown is in the world, is known as "yellow flash". The four generations of fire shadows in Wuxi Village. Soon after the end of the third endurance battle. Huangfa Lantai, usually wear "four generations " words The cloak has a good quality. Since the battle is often won in the battle, there is a "yellow flash" title, it is also known in the endurance, is one of the third endurance of the woods. After sealing the nine tail with life, it was paved as a hero of the guardian of the wooden leaves.

Ninja School graduation age: 10 years old

Task experience: 122 times, C-class 147 times, B-class 216 times, A 323 times, S-class 39 times "

"Little sun, although he woke up, but you still call a master, I don't try myself." Yu Ni Ni looked at the blood song, and laughed.

Swirl Yu Xin Ni.

Looking at this woman, the blood song face is also lighter, no matter what to say, Yu Xinni will be her sister, in this case, the blood song is naturally to protect her.

Blood songs, the fists under the single, no longer hit it! Swirls, Sini is the mother of the protagonist whirlpool, the wife of the four generations of eyes, her wife, she has a strong, lively and lovely personality. It is good at sealing and printing, and has a strong and special Chakra that is able to press the tail, as well as the strong body quality and vitality as a whirlpool family.

Originally, the vortex of the vortex vortex vortex village, and later brought to the national woody village of fire in the fire, it became the column of the second generation of nine tails. In the end, in the nine tail hit the wooden, the water door was sacrificed to protect the village.

Blood songs are not allowed to sacrifies the swirls.

The color of the wave of the waves hoped at this time, it was a weird, strange, I just had a feeling of strong people.

It should be that I have been busy with some files recently, so too, I have a mistake. The Wavelet Water Door is not coming!

The whirlpool, Ni Xin, I looked at the blood song, I laughed. "After waiting for it, my sister will boil me."

When I heard this sentence, the face of the waves of the waves was more strange, and the blood songs certainly noticed the face of the waves. Blood songs, swirls , it should be difficult to eat!

"Hey! Hey! Hey"!

At this time, the door of the ward was knocked. The wave wind garde walked in the past, after the door opened, a beautiful brunette woman was coming in with a brunette.

"Meiqin, you are finally coming, it is really great." Looking at the black and beautiful young woman, the whirlpool smiled.

The wave style is also a mild smile laugh.

"He woke up, it is really great." Yuxi Bo Miqin nodded toward the wave style, whirlpool, nodded, seeing the blood songs above the bed have woke up, and smile.

"Hey, discover the system A level task!"

System Task: Bubble, Bubble Zhi Bo Meiqin. "

"What ???" I heard the system this task, the eyebrows of blood songs have been frightened, just like a hemp rope, the heart, "Can I change??"

"Well, the system tasks, the swirls are vortex."

"..." The blood songs on the bed have been speechless.

Chapter 721 Huie Ninja Chapter 2 Ninja Road

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