My wife is the Pirate Empress

My wife is the Pirace, Chapter 194

So the problem is coming, what about blood songs?

"Pluto Warship." Blood song said, then remove the Pluto warship of the Baqi!

Looking at the Pluto Battleship, Bergamon brows can't be frowned.

The material of this model is very special! It seems that all the materials of this world!

The shape is also very exquisite.

But this is mostly super model, how can it be the legendary Pluto? Bergacon, once also wanted to make a warship that was comparable to the legend of Pluto, but it failed!

Blood songs see Babigon can't believe that the corner is smiling, nor is it, it is throwing the Pluto War.

Next moment, Bergamo's pupil could not help but be wide, in his sight, the small model of this bar is actually large, becoming a length of five hundred meters of super battleship?

And this battleship, the material under the moonlight, blooming black crystal light!

"This is really a Pluto?" Bergamon could not help but swallow the water and asked.

Pluto, known as the most evil battle ship in the history of ship, the super battleship built by the seven water, you can ruin a island!

But how many years ago is it built?

Is there a superb technology in many years ago?

When I thought here, Bergamako had dark her face and sighed.

He just said before he had no ancient people! Now think about it, Bergaron can embarrassed.

"Go up."

Blood songs took a hand back to Korapun, who entered the Pluto Warship.

"Master, where is it going now?" Among the control room, the sound of the Pluto warship sounded.

"Shampooland Islands." Blood Song Road.

"Understand, master!"

Then Pluten Salary, go to the shampoo island.

Where is Babagonak now I have to manage the Kolane in my hand?

I was thrown into the side, it was the gambling of the Glittering Warcad Control Room.

Seeing this scene, the blood is launched.

Just now Begadon can also say that blood songs will throw Koral on the side, too worry.

Fang Nai Baggunk, still a sense of justice.

Begadonke also told the eyes of blood songs. The old face could not help but be red, and continue to take it on the ground.

"Just now, I will lose your hand." Bergamon said.

"..." blood songs are speechless!

Blood songs with Bergacon, dull past Kolan to the shampooland, returned to the bar.

At this moment, the morning! Xiaodi is sitting on the bar's counter!

I don't know what to call.

"How can you get up so early?" Blood song asked. Will you be abused by Plutore?

"I miss you" Next moment, Xiaoli twisted his head and looked at the blood songs, and continued to come in the mouth.

"What?" When I heard Xiao Ni, the blood songs were slight. "Who do you study?"

"Hancark sister, sleep with me last night." Xiao Ni Si's head shook his head, "she said the dream, I miss you!"

I heard the words, the blood song nodded, Xiao Kiri smiled, "I just asked your tone, what do you most want me most."

"The sleeping Hancark, I want you to be happy and you are in the bed!"

"" Blood song baubles are filled with black lines!

This is really taught to teach the child!

"There is a system task." A cold air strikes, Esdes has already standing in the blood song and there is a Babagon, which is carrying the Kolason.

"S-class task, your opponent, not simple." Esdes clamped his waist, one hand, said in the shoulders of the blood song.

"Are you a man who sees you? Esdes!" At this moment, a slightly errandant voice came.

"Tick, what?" Esdes is also a battle to see it.

The second hundred thirty chapter Queen's contest! Esdes Hancuk

Esdes, Hancark is both eyes and cold looking at each other.

When the blood songton, I felt a lot of money!

"I don't know what I feel about you." Next, under the eyes of Hancark, Esdes walked to the blood songs, reach out and stroked the chest of blood songs! The soft hand seems to make any men irresistible.

"But now I know, no one can take you away." Esdes glanced with the queen ashamed to the blood song.

Esdes is very close, and the blood songs are worse than the distance between two or three cm.

Zhu lip opened, mouth, the mouth, let the blood songs are also a different.

Then Esdes didn't know where to take it out, the next moment is to copy the blood singer's wrist "task, wait, now I will go to my room with me now."

"Aromatic legs!" Next moment, a shadow of the shadow, Handcuffs in Esdes, have been kicked into crushing by Hancark's light spirit.

"Don't be such a man who is in the body." Hancark is also a queen.

"Yes?" The Esdes mouth pulled out pretty smile.

Two queen is like this.

Then two people don't care, one goes to the kitchen, one is going to the backyard!

In the backyard, I look at the strange flower pots in front of you! Pluto Relie made Hancark in this flower pot, and Hancark found that this flower pot has a weird, that is, transplanted a flower, the flower will also. wilt!

At the same time, Hancark looked at the eyes, the blood song did not chase.

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