My wife is the Pirate Empress

My wife is the Pirace, Chapter 195

There is a slight loss between Hancark's beautiful eyebrows.

"This man, I want to set it. The Queen of Jiu Shu Island, it seems that I will grab it with you!" Standing in the kitchen, Esdes turned back, and the blood song did not chase her, but ece Dest is a challenging smile.

In the main hall of the bar, the blood songs are not helpless!

I don't know my blessings! Looking at the blood songs of sigh, Bergadonk is an envy!

He is an old bachelor!

"Bergamak, you are routing Coratus to the room!"! Blood songs. I heard the words, Bergamako nodded, when I left, I still didn't forget it back asked. "I really can study the Pluto Bayer ship after that,?"

Blood song nodded.

"Great"! Bergamo laughed smiled, the old man was also jumping up.

At this moment, the blood song lifted his head and saw Monet wearing a white vest, slowly walked down the stairs.

"How to Little Sister," Last night, Monet came with Xiaoli, and Monet found that he would like Xiaodi, which is small, and loves.

"She," Blood songs, I was gone here, I saw that I heard myself, I said, "She is washing my face."

"This"! Should be, Mo Na was lazy, I yawn.

Then, Monet, Upstairs, Bergamak on the floor.

Monet saw the person of Bergaron, could not help but

At this moment, I also got into this bar.

"Can you stay in the store?" Luo walked in, just asked.

When Luo saw blood songs, he could not help but a slight glimp.

Then Luo noticed the Kolason carrying Begado. Eyeson is cold!

Coratama, but Luo's rescue and loving object, Ziro called Mr. Cola!

Seeing Begakk on the Coolass, the first founcing, Luo first felt is to knock down the old man carrying the Kolason.

When Luo Zhong wants to shoot, the blood song sticks out a arm to stop Luo!

"I feel that you may be very different, but you are not my opponent now. In the past few years, if I am still, you can find me challenge!" Luo deeply saw the blood song. Since become the capacity of the surgical fruit, I realized the power of the surgical fruit. Luo is a confidence in myself!

Mo Ni has also noticed Luo at the moment! Monet, she recently received the requirements of Duofangming, Duofangdeo asked her to join her family! So Monet also learned some of the strength of Doming Brother.

And Luo, is a famous warfare!

"Don't hit it, you are not his opponent." Mo Nuguo stepped up, stopping.

Blood songs are slightly condensed! Haven't hit, how can you feel that you are not a robe!

Luo also believes this is a matter of course, and then go to the stairs!

And blood songs are also following the past, stopped Luo to go! Bergamaku is already a blood song, the blood song will not hurt him!

And Kora lase is a servant in the blood song. He will have been standing in Plutore, and the ! How can blood songs be willing?

Look at the blood songs and stop your own way, Luo's brow does not help but wrinkle! Looking at the blood songs in front of the two hands in front of the pocket!

Monet looked at it aside! Really want to fight, Monet thinks that blood songs are derived, Luo once known that the strength of Duofangming's battle will be the most advanced!

Can you hit the boy in this bar? How can this be!

"But I don't want to hurt people." Looking at the blood song, Luo Kang said!

Wen said, blood songs are not smiling! Luo, give him a few years, you can have the power of the Queen Seven Wuhai!

Such a person, blood songs don't mind increasing his "Devil", let him become a member of the Devil.

"I lost, your stay, the food fee, all the blood songs" blood songs, I have a strong sense of life, so I said.

Wen said, Luo's eyes are also bright.

"What are you talking about?" Looking at the teenager standing in his face, Luo did not help but ask.

The blood song nodded, this guy is still full of experience, hook. "Of course, if you lose, you should listen to me later."

Luo did not hesitate to nod!

Monet looked at the blood song on the side, sighed, and then "where there is a injury, I will go to you first."

The blood south is smiling, there is not much to say!

Talk to strength!

Blood songs will go up toward Luo!

We must blame me, who makes the avatar on the reward of the Navy? Is it three years ago?

Whoever broke through the big sword, the temperament changed again, and there was no strength that could not be found.

Then the blood songs stand in front of Luo.

"Then I am welcome." The voice fell, Luo finally shot!

"Room · Slaughterhouse"

[Manufacturing round shaded space, the object conversion, the object is re-combined after separating the object within the scope of his control, the separated person will not die, no pain, no blood.

At first, Luo continued to look at the blood songs in front of him.

"I seem to be your master."

The 231st chapter is not in the pool

Luo looked over and found that the blood songs were there after they attacked themselves!

"It seems that I will, if your master is!" Standing in front of Luo, the blood song said.

Wen Yan, Luo will not smile "This is impossible, this time, it may be my own mistakes."

Even if Doyoroming brother wants to resist his attack, you have to hide! But in front of the boy, I just stood there, but I didn't have something.

Luo I will definitely be my own mistake.

Don't just think so, Mo'er, is also thinking.

"I think we don't have to fight." Blood songs.

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