My wife is the Pirate Empress

My wife is the Pirace, Chapter 196

Luo's strength, blood songs have already seen it!

There is no good news from Luo, blood songs!

Now Luo, still does not have the power of the Queen Seven Wuhai! In the eyes of blood songs, it is completely like anti!

"Okay, I think it is, don't beatented." Luo smiled and should be. After all, Luo didn't want to be with his own evil fruit, bullying people.

Monet is also loose!

next moment.

"I mean, you may still don't understand." Looking at Luo, the blood of the blood, the mouth of the blood, "I don't want to play," I don't want to play, I don't think you call me directly. "

I heard the words, Luo Wei smashed, and the brow did not help but wrinkled.

"It seems that I have to teach you!" Luo's vision has been moved with a silk ambience! What is old, these two words are now the most hated!

Because Duofangming's relationship! At this moment, there is a row of Doroming brothers!

Luo went up with blood songs, today decided to teach people!

However, at this time, a powerful momentum, suddenly slammed from the blood songs, pressed on Luo.

"I have three sounds! You call me boss." The blood song is faint!


With the blood songs, the pressure on the Rot is also climbed between the sudden, let's not help the heart, this is this, how can this power?

The anger of the staff has disappeared, and it is shocking!

He is Trafalga Luo! Perhaps the name is not big now, because he has been hidden behind the Doroming brother, and these years are also in secret!

But I didn't expect to be suppressed by the momentum of the teenager in front of him?

Monet didn't know what happened, because the blood songs of the dragon emperor were domineering, only one of Luo Yi!

But Monet also felt that the blood song changed! The blood songs in the eyes of Monet are a gentle, calm teenager.

But at this moment, Moni looked up again. I feel that the blood songs have a tyranny, domineering the air field!

"Two!" Blood songs are also a good!

The momentum is once again deepened. On the forehead, it has been cold and lingering, under the blood songs, Rooli will not refund one step.

In this moment, I only felt that a momentum was pressed against him, and he couldn't breathe! There is no good war in Luo Ya.

Luo himself also felt ridiculous, will be a teenager who is a thirteen or older, oppress this level?

Even if Duofangming can't do it!

"What is going on? Luo seems to be very afraid, in the back." Mo Ne could not help but

"Luo, do you want me to say?" Blood songs are smile in Luo! At this moment, the blood songs are laughing, in Luo Eye, like the king of the king, the duckweed of the mouth smiles!

Luo also knows, if the blood song says "one"! Maybe blood songs will be shot!

The momentum is powerful to this level!

If this is, how is it?

"I have been admitted." Luo Shen took a breath, and the eyes were confused. Originally he thought of his strength, enough to mix out his own world!

I didn't expect that I can't beat a young man now!

"Call the boss." Blood Song. Then, the dragon emperor was replenished, and Luo impersonated the body's easy.

"Boss!" Luo I thought about it, it is really lost!

He is also a person who bets!

"Very good, you are now the Devil, No. 3 member." Blood songs hope, the road.

"What is the devil?" Luo Yook asked.

But the blood song did not answer, but went to wash!

"This is definitely a genius!" Luo Yi deeply looked at the figure of blood songs, and his eyes were admired, and also feared!

Just now, the blood song can be mentioned!

Such a palm power! There is also the strength of the age, let Luo Xipei.

At the same time, Luo felt blood songs, as if a layer of fans! Luo doesn't know who the other party is still!

What is the devil in the mouth!

What is his purpose?

This is let Luo, can't help but fear the blood songs.

"Are you a row of Duofangmingge?" Mo Ni went up and asked.

Luo took a look at Monet, nodded "I know you! I also know Duofangming, I want to pull you."

"Yeah." Mo Ni nodded, and then asked in curious, "Yes, why don't you follow the Doloming brother?"

"Oh." Wen Yan, the smile of Ruhahe, "I advise you not to follow Doloming brother!"

I heard this sentence, Monet couldn't help but I thought about it, I also understand this sentence.

Luo is to let her don't add a family of Duofangming.

Luo came to the next chair to sit down. At this moment, the morning, the air also took a silky cold, "In fact, if you really want to prove yourself, then follow the one you just, maybe it is a good way."

At this time, Moneti is awkward. "Do you think that the boy is more than the blessing, this is not possible?"

What is the Doloming Brother? Moneta is clear! One of the Queen Seven Wuhai, and the world government gives the provision of seven Wuhai, controlling many industries around the world. Such as the "human auction venue" of the Shampoo Gr1, at the same time, the heline group is much more, such as the "Hyena One Piece" (already destroyed, only the captain "hyena" Bellai survived), "Harthai Thief Group "(Detached). It is currentlyas that it is the largest seven Wuhai.

Luo took Monet, and laughed and didn't talk. Luo himself knows well, he knows that the boy, must not be the pool.

Now Luo's most want to know, the dileon, when can you rise up?

After the blood song washed, I came to the small yard.

"very hungry"! Xiaodi's belly, a hungry is going to walk, you can't move!

""! Blood songs go up, "When you are hungry, you will go eat."

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