Except for the third strongest clan of the Senshou clan and Uchiha clan, the hidden Insolo clan even fought with the two powerful clan during the Warring States Period.Hundreds of years ago, Asura and Indra's eldest brother, Insolo, the three reincar
Except for the third strongest clan of the Senshou clan and Uchiha clan, the hidden Insolo clan even fought with the two powerful clan during the Warring States Period.
Hundreds of years ago, Asura and Indra's eldest brother, Insolo, the three reincarnated together and became three reincarnations.
"Your eyes will become the most powerful reincarnation eye, or reincarnation eye."
"Then when can I open my eyes?"
"Look at luck."
- 1 Huedingshi Hidden Layer 1 Chapter 1
- 2 Rigs' hidden lonely chapter 2
- 3 Rigs' hidden relics
- 4 Rigs' hidden lonely chapter 4
- 5 Fire shadow's hidden forest rule 5
- 6 Rigs' hidden lonely chapter 6
- 7 Rigs' hidden lonely seventh chapter 7
- 8 Rigs' hidden allergic chapter 8
- 9 Racating Hidden Landscape Race Chapter 9
- 10 Rigs' hidden lone ruins 10
- 11 Rigs' hidden lone ruins 11
- 12 Rigs' hidden lone lone 12
- 13 Rigs' hidden lonely chapter 13
- 14 Rigs' hidden lonely chapter 14
- 15 Rigs' hidden world
- 16 Rigs' hidden lonely chapter 16
- 17 Rigs' hidden alone on the 17th chapter
- 18 Rigs' hidden lonely chapter 18
- 19 Rigs' hidden lonely chapter 19
- 20 Rigs' hidden lonely ruins 20
- 21 Rigs' hidden alien chapter 21
- 22 Rigs' hidden lone ruins 22
- 23 Rigs' hidden world, the chapter 23
- 24 Rigs' hidden world of hidden forests
- 25 Rigs' hidden alien 25
- 26 Rigs' hidden forest lone 26
- 27 Rigs' hidden world, chapter 27
- 28 Rigs' hidden world of hidden forests 28
- 29 Ringer's hidden world of hidden forests
- 30 Rigs' hidden lonely ruined 30
- 31 Rigs' hidden world of hidden forests 31
- 32 Rigs' hidden world of hidden forests 32
- 33 Rigs' hidden forest lone 33
- 34 Rigs' hidden alone on the 34th chapter 34
- 35 Rigs' hidden world of hidden forests 35
- 36 That's hidden heel of heels 36
- 37 Rigs' hidden forest lone 37
- 38 Rigs' hidden world of hidden forests 38
- 39 Rigs shadow hidden lonely chapter 39
- 40 Rigs' hidden forest lone 40
- 41 Racating Hidden Layer 41
- 42 Rigs' hidden lone ruined 42
- 43 Rigs' hidden world of hidden forests 43
- 44 Rigs' hidden alien ruined 44
- 45 Rigs' hidden world of hidden forests 45
- 46 Racating Hidden Layer 46
- 47 Rigs' hidden alienated ruined 47
- 48 Rigs' hidden alien ruined 48
- 49 Racating Hidden Layer 49
- 50 Rigs' hidden world of hidden forests 50
- 51 Rigs' hidden alien ruins 51
- 52 Rigs' hidden world of hidden forests 52
- 53 Rigang's hidden world, the 53rd chapter
- 54 Rigs' hidden world of hidden forests
- 55 Rigs' hidden world of hidden forests 55
- 56 Fire shadow hidden alone, Chapter 56
- 57 Fire shadow's hidden alone on the 57th chapter
- 58 Rigs' hidden alone on the 58th chapter
- 59 Rigs' hidden alone on the 59th chapter
- 60 Rigs' hidden world of hidden forests 60
- 61 Rigs' hidden alone on the 61st chapter
- 62 Rigs' hidden forest lone 62
- 63 Rigs' hidden world of hidden things 63
- 64 Rigs' hidden alone on the 64th chapter
- 65 Rigs' hidden alone on the 65th chapter
- 66 Rigs' hidden forest lone 66
- 67 Rigs' hidden world of hidden forests 67
- 68 Rigs' hidden world of hidden forests 68
- 69 Rigs' hidden forest lone 69
- 70 Rigs' hidden alone on the 70th chapter
- 71 Rigs' hidden world of hidden forests 71
- 72 Rigs' hidden alien chapter 72
- 73 Rigs' hidden alienated chapter 73
- 74 Rigs' hidden lonely sections 74
- 75 Rigs' hidden world of hidden forests 75
- 76 Rigs' hidden world of hidden forests 76
- 77 Rigs' hidden world of hidden forests 77
- 78 Rigs' hidden alone on the 78th chapter 78
- 79 Rigs' hidden aliell rules 79
- 80 Rigs' hidden forests
- 81 Rigs' hidden world of hidden forests 81
- 82 Rigs' hidden world of hidden forests 82
- 83 Rigs' hidden alone on the 83th chapter
- 84 Racating Hidden Layer 84
- 85 Rigs' hidden alien chapter 85
- 86 Rigs' hidden alone on the 86th chapter
- 87 Rigs' hidden world of hidden forests 87
- 88 Rigs' hidden forests 158
- 89 Rigs' hidden alone on the 89th chapter
- 90 Rigs' hidden alien ruins 90
- 91 Rigs' hidden alone on the 91st chapter 91
- 92 Racating Hidden Events 92
- 93 Rigs' hidden world of hidden forests 93
- 94 Rigs' hidden lonely ruins 94
- 95 Rigs' hidden forests 155
- 96 Rigs' hidden alone on the 96th chapter
- 97 Racating Hidden Lands 157
- 98 Rigs' hidden world of hidden forests 98
- 99 Rigs' hidden lonely Chapter 99
- 100 Rigs' hidden lone ruins 100
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