Pirate's Most Powerful Villain

The most powerful counterparts of the pirates, Chapter 580

This, the black cat is really stupid, is this big monster? Still not afraid of it run?

"No ... This person does not seem to have traces, but I must have a backhand, maybe I have traced the demon law on me!"

The black cat flashes, hesitated, and did not choose to escape the first time.

If you let the snow know that it is thinking in his heart, you must laugh three, what is the tracking demon, just know that the calendar of this black cat is not afraid that it will run away.

And not to mention the situation in the abandoned cathedral, after the snow leaves, soon appeared in a campus.

He is overwhelming, looking at the windows in the third floor, visiting a classroom, and a man sitting in the classroom.

" ..."

Chapter 0451 Xiaosaki


" ..."

The snow is standing, and the hands are supported, and the teaching building below is staring. From the window of the three floors ~ go.

In the classroom, he saw a teenager of orange short hair, as well as the death of the death of the dead, Dimia.

Of course, the current dead wood Lucia is a student dress, not the dark death, not only that, look at it, seems to have lost the power of the dead.

"Is it a righteousness?"

The righteousness refers to the flesh that is utilized when the loss of the power of the power, or for the convenience of action, temporary "container".

This is the righteousness of the dead wood, of course, is not manufactured by the Technical Development Bureau of the corpse.

"So, Pubao Hope has been in this righteousness?"

Snow is considering, is it possible to take it, although he already has mature collapse, but if it absorbs a failure, it may have further improved.

However, taking into account that he did not take the technology of the righteousness, I thought about it, or gave up, anyway, the collapse was there, can't run, not in a moment.

I was thinking, the teaching building sounded in the teaching building.

After the teacher left, there was a student jumped up, shouted: "A guard! You look, the window is outside the window, is there anyone fly in the air !?"

Boys have a short hair, a lesson, just next to the seat of Kurosaki, a strange place.

"Someone is flying, see!" He accused of the position of Snow.

"Ha? Are you not awake?"

The Kurosaki has turned over the eyes, and it is seen in the eyes of the other person, but he didn't see any shadow.

However, there is a piece of snowflakes and dances, and it will be integrated into the world.

"?" The boys also slightly, "strange, just clearly ..."

"So, you are playing me ... !!"

The words have not yet finished, the face of the face of Kurosaki.


The scream of a monster came from the extremely far away, clearly audible.


Heyaki is in the heart of the heart, and then recalls the night before a week, he saved a girl who fainted in the river, so that I took into the bizarre supernatural world.

And that girl, I have come to him at this moment.


"Time is urgent, there is anything to say."

The dead wood latch is dignified, she puts a red gloved, and then grasses the brain of Kurosaki.


The Kurosaki's guard only felt that his soul was shocked, and he was grouped up and then saw his meat 1 body.


In the next moment, I didn't give him any opportunity to talk, and the dead wood Lucia took him with him, ran out of the classroom, leaving a group of student.

They can't see the spirit, but they can see the head of the dead wood Lucia, and then the head of the Kurosaki, and the Kurosaki is on the table.

"Wait! You are so forced to pull me out, have you agreed with my consent?"

The Death Form of Kurosaki, one dead, and the back is a long big knife.

"Purifying the virtual, is the responsibility of the dead! I have lost my power, so my duty will be loaded by you."

The dead wood Lucia said seriously: "If you let go, there will be a lot to get you swallowing the soul."

On the one side, she recalled the night before a week.

The mysterious man, asked her a word.

"Do you know that Kurosaki protects?"

This sentence is still in the ear, and it is the 16-year-old student.

What is the relationship between the two, the dead wood Lucia does not know, I want to report things to the corpse soul, but now she lost the power of the dead, but also sold the power to humanity, this is a rebel, it is She has retired Valley, she has to hold the status quo.

However, lost power, but the duties can not be lost, and thus the work of purifying the deficiency, there is only to hand it over to Kurosaki.

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry!"

Under the three urgent, the Kurosaki has only headed.

The two pursued the illusory breath, came to a alley, I thought that the virtual was swallowing the soul, but I didn't expect, but I saw a person.

That person is in a snow white robe, like ancient arrivals, the other party seems to see the virtual, standing in front of the virtual, standing straight.

"Is it scared?"

The black appearance of Takasaki changed, and immediately shouted: "Hey, avoid it!"

Said, he took out the huge chopped knife on the back, and he went to the direction of the man.

However, it has not yet been waiting for him close to ten meters, from the other side, suddenly appeared a red-haired figure.

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