Pirate's Most Powerful Villain

The most powerful counterparty of the pirates, Chapter 581

"Don't close to him! Idiot!"

Akiri is intercepting a knife, and it is blocked in front of Takasaki.

Under the warehousing, Kurosaki fired the biller, and then he was slammed away, and the whole person flew down and rolled down to the feet of the dead wood Lucia.

"What ?!" Shosaki was shocked, looked at the red-haired man who suddenly appeared, said: "You ... Death!"

He is full of mist, not to say, a city, only one dead god stationed?

Holding doubts, he looked at the dead wood Lucia next to him.

However, the dead wood Lucia seems to be more surprised by him, widened, looking red-haired man.

"I will know that since the virtual appears, as long as you are alive, it will definitely appear."

Ahiri's love squatted his eyes, stared at the dead wood Lucia, biting his teeth: "What did you do!" I lost the power of the Death! Give the power to this man? You are crazy! Lucia ! "

"Love ..."

"do not come!"

Ah Junyi's face is slightly changed, and immediately shouted: "Don't be close, this guy is very dangerous! Run!"

Wen said, Xue Sheng can't help but laugh, "Don't tell me like a flood beast, my holy will not be what you are."

Still not good? Yesterday, I almost killed the dead wood captain!

Apage of the Azole and I have a deep suction, and it is more concerned about the dead wood Lucia: "You will run, let me give it! Don't look back, how far!"

"What happened?" Heysaki was a stupid expression. "Who is this weird man? Lucia, do you know?"

The scene is very complicated, and the atmosphere is solidified.

Amia is angry with an annoyed: "I still don't run! I can only stick to a few seconds, take this time, run!"

"What a few seconds?"

When I heard this, the snow was picking up his eyebrows and said: "You look too much, Azhi, I want to pack you, I am enough."

The voice fell, the holy posture disappeared, the next moment, has appeared on the side of the Azolei.

At the same time, the right hand gently hit the other's chest, as if the door is tapped, the action is light.

"So fast!"

Apijing love pupils, the eyes can barely see a silk shadow, but the body has not been able to react.

Next, he only felt a few bones in front of the chest, and the whole person flew.

"Unauthorized, unauthorized interruption, I read you first, and gave you a life."

Snow Sheng said that: "Heysaki is a protective, the dead wood Lucia, since you take the initiative to find here, then clean up."

Wen Yan, the Kurosaki's protective look is very shaking.

Just now, a sword was forced to retreat to his death, and he was killed by this person. !

This guy is not human! Not God!

"Who are you?" He lost his voice.

Chapter 0452 Chapter Zero

This is not human! Not God!

Without the feeling of push, there is no more human breath. It is a kind of cold.

"who are you?"

Takasaki is a protective road.

Snow Sheng Mei stepped, gave him a very oppressed feeling, "Kurosaki, you are in the power of death, from the dead wood Lucia. General humans can no way to absorb the power of the dead, you don't feel strange ? Who are you? What can you? "

I have heard this kind of words, but not only the Kurosaki is guarded, and I think about the consciousness of the dead wood.

"You, you know me ..." Heysaki was shaken, and today, it was too weak to him.

"Of course, you have been paying attention to many people from your birth."

Xue Sheng didn't want to say more, and after two people, a snow blown.

Positive to bear the snow, the Kurosaki, a protective wood Lucia, only feels stiff, as if the blood vessels, the nerves must be treated by the snow.

"and many more!"

At this time, the sound of Azhi's love, he covered his chest, his mouth is full of blood, dragging the heavy injured body, step by step: "Let them! Large monster, I don't know your Objective, but this woman is just a small role ... "

The Snow Holy side glanced at him, and immediately waited for his right hand, the snow is swept, and there is a snow in the day.

When the wind is scattered, the four people have disappeared in this small alley.

Just a short day, the top of the small alley, a young man who left the yellow 1 color, and the young man who saw the hanginger suddenly appeared.


The man frowned and looked at the virtual, a flashes, and he came to the front of the virtual.

He is watching, the more you look at it, "from the outside, it is gently solidified, and it is smart from the level of the soul. Strong guy, who?"

So, he reached out his fingers and gently greeted the mask of this virtual.


It's like the dominoes, the moment it touched, this is the beginning of the head, and the dust is dissipated, and it seems like the hourglass, and a little bit is scattered in the air.

The man is deeply sucking, and she can't help it: "What happened to this city? What happened? Yesterday, today, it is even more than one week ..."

A week ago, the head was broken, and he was easily killed.

However, it is an extraction of ordinary imaginary, although the extent is very high, it is very weak, not worth mentioning.

"There is a spiritual residue of death, in addition to this, there is a more powerful, cold breath ..."

The man scratched his head, and his demested was lazy ~ "Forget it, the things of the gods, close your ass." ··.


Abandoned cathedral.

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