The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1011

"There is one thing in the Hall."


"We just caught a .... Elf Sanctuary last night."

Word 1: "Hey? You also arrested one?"

Carlisle stunged: "I also caught one after you mean."

Springs blinked: "Clever."

PS: I am going, scaring me after returning home. Is the code word, suddenly . An energy-saving light in my room seems to be. Then ..... The lighting system line inside is directly following the problem. The road lights in all rooms cannot be used ....

I can only wait for Dad to come back to see what I am going.

It's just a problem that the light is problematic, and there is nothing else. The computer can be used or can be used.

Chapter 908: Wild Road

The Charle's family is back because there is too much, there is no time to handle him.

So directly let Pos are giving up in the brigade.

"Charlie is still checkered?" Asked.

"." Mukus stunned: "Have you get the information?"

"No, I know."

"Sweater." Mucus replied: "But now there is no result, after exposing his identity, this guy is closed. It has not progressed."

"They are sent out of the Elf Dynasty." Xuus said: "The secrets of your body are definitely can't be tried. This is still me, you go bigger one, find Poshi to take the ban, Then sent him to the big prison, let their brothers see each other. Um ... Notify Poss, let him leave the heart to see what they will say. "

"Yes, the His Royal Highness." Mucus nodded: "Then I will do this first."

Dusi nodded.

Marcus left, and Mrus only continued to address the things in winter, and the Croatya went out for a while. When I came back, I opened: "Springs, Carlisle came back."

"Oh?" Xuzu came to the spirit: "Where did he go?"

"You still go to see it." Crone Ya expression is quirky: "He is not alone, and there are some human beings, the most important thing ..... He gave people to us."

Sprint: "What is it?"

Croatia laughed: "The forest elf is guys, the last one is caught by Carlisle."

Springs: "........"

"They are luck like this is good or reversed." Springs said: "Let's go, go out, where are they?"

"City Hall Meeting Room."

In addition to the meeting, the city hall is in addition to the meeting, there is also a place to receive foreign guests.

However, now the foreign guests in the winter in the city are directly went to the castle of the dragon, and the remaining foreign guests do not need to receive.

And this need to go to the conference room, but it is impact that it is .....

Do not please.

When I was pushing the door, I found out that this time is doing a white-haired old man and a golden wavy, a gold wavy woman.

Before the golden hair, the priest is like this, but the hair is more embarrassing, tied to a twist, more like a known woman. And this ... is a wild wild.

Between the eyebrows, it is also a burst of inflammation.

And the old man is so amiable, a friend on a face hangs, and anyone will feel that he is very kind.

How do you say it, this old is sitting together, it is a bit strange.

"His Royal Highness." Carlis greeted.

Duus nodded, he walked into the meeting room with Croatia and Fisi, looked at these two guys who didn't know, was confused: "This is ....."

Ehib stood with Kelly.

The white-haired old man smiled: "The Holy Empire, the bishop of the Holy Tinton Second District, Euba Deng does not ask you. Dove Dalton Hall."

Kelly voice did not have this kind of foreign diplomacy, just a light road: "Paladin, Kelly."

"The Holy Empire?" Wutch frown frowned.

His first reaction is to get revenge.

After all, the bishop of the armover is broken, and now the golden wire on the bishopional robes is drawn by Barbara.

But Mrus knew them, wrong, the two sanctuary came to find a fart?

Where is this revenge? This is a head.

"Two, please sit." Said that everyone left, and said: "I didn't expect that the Holy Empire actually ran to our distant winter city, this is too incredible. But say This king should have no communication with the sacred empire? The sacred empire is also highlands with Shahua, even with the second magic, there is nothing to borders and even trade? I am curious, two big old people come to me this winter What is it? "

This two positions were observed when Mrus spoke.

The Deng many bishop .... Although I want to vomit, I really feel that it is his long phase, and the name has an inexplicable kindness.

The old man has no change in expression.

But Mrus knows that two of them chased their own holy area, but they only killed one. The other goes not to tell?

This is impossible.

As a result, when I said, when I said my words, I actually be self-satisfied?

As for another Kelly, it is a full-way expression, as if this negotiation is not related to her.

This guy will not be hard to come from selfless here? It's so thinking in the heart.

After the war after Shu, Euba said with a smile: "You are really noble in the Hall, you should be in the past half a month, you will follow the four districts. Does Falcos have seen it? "

Is it true for the old man?

The heart moved in the heart, he knew that he had to take the initiative at this time: "That has been chasing me, the Kingdom of China, the old man of the Holy Taoist court?"

The Dusch is not pleasing: "I thought it was only a ordinary god, the result is a bishop? This ... um .... Ehib, you mean what this means? Come on the winter Is it to declare war? "

This philosophyllosis is full of gunpowder. Anyway, in his own site, the bottom gas must be hard.

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