The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1012

In this way, I can try these people for what.

As a result, Mr. was more unexpected, but the old man still smiled: "You don't misunderstand in the House, the Action of the Falcos is just that he is not related to the sacred court."

"You are teasing me?" Dussen disdain: "A bishop is not related to your holy court? What, is the Pope's behavior?"

Kelly suddenly looked up, and the eyes were brushing to see the dragon.

Carliel moved a step forward.

However, Springs and Ehib raised their hands at the same time, indicating that everyone should not be nervous.

Duus raised his hand because of this moment, Kelly's state became annoyed, the state of Ehib is still friendly!

But this time, I am talking about Ehib, Kelly is impatient. "This is not related to the sacred court, is Falcos that is stupid, you don't listen to the order to make things. And that is stupid Are you killed by you? "

Duus is awkward, don't say it, Kalaisa behind him is.

what's going on? A Paladin ... Next to a bishop of a campaign, another collusion?

Girl, your road is a bit wild.

PS: Completed before the second larger, there is also update. Thank you, the next chapter, let's talk.

Incidentally, update lol today, discovered the lottery. I took three hundred, I got a dog annual La, then other synthetic, changed a VN. After I finished, I was very happy to ship. But think carefully.

This is a special! Isn't that Laozi spent three hundred bought two skin!

Hey! In addition to the IG champion skin! I will never charge it again!

Chapter 909: Information

Cough and cough.

Ehib has a cough on the side, and the opening: "That, you don't mind, Kelly knight is more urgent, talking is more straightforward."

"Amount ..." Some reactions do not react, this is a bit straightforward problem?

But I don't know how, after the paladin is open, there is a sudden atmosphere that has just changed.


Euba also obviously discovered this problem, and immediately said: "I need to explain with you this matter. When the command received by the Bishop of Farcos came to the sacred empire, and the line should It is five people. However, Falcos in the middle of Falcos is very eager, and two people entered the Kingdom of Locke. This has a matter of things. "

"Hehe." Springs: "So, should it be five people to catch me?"

"No." Euba said: "At that time, he quickly sent a follow-up team to chase Farcos when he found out this matter. The result .... I haven't waited for them to catch up, you There is happening over things there. In this regard, the Holy Temple of the Temple is in a sincere apology. "

Croatia said on a side, stun: "So, what is your apology is to send two people to apologize? It is actually not so troublesome, is it convenient to write a letter?"

The tone of the Elf Queen did not cover up.

Ehib is still laughing: "We know that this matter has a small impact on the House, about the true apology, we hope that the temple can go to the gods of the sacred empire, the Holy Tree will inevitably let the temple To our sincerity. "

"Hey, your face is a bit thick." Zunzu said: "The purpose has been defeated this is also ready to deceive me?"

Ehib shakes his head: "You have misunderstood in the Hall, this is no malicious invitation. You can take the country diplomatic program."

"If you don't malicious, how can I see it?"

Ehib is silent, then open: "Okay, I don't have a hall, this time, there is a matter of a pope."

"I finally said that I was right." Springs played a yawn: "Let's talk, what is."

"About your identity confirmation." This bishop took the expression of playing, but it became serious: "The Shenghui in the fourth area is extinguished, just in Farcos chasing you, and According to the alternative bishop, the temple, you are a mixed-blood devil, do you learn Shengguang? "

Xunzu is slightly smashed: "How? Shengguang does not pass it? I am not only holy light, I will also magic. Is this the role of my human blood?"

Ehib shakes his head: "Don't have a hion, the Shengguang is not the ability of talents, but the ability to god. I can ask, when you learn the Shengguang, is there any change?"

The eyes were squinted: "Why do I tell you?"

"Amount ..." Ehib suddenly cardd a shell.

The old man who has been with and angry does not seem to think that Springs will resist this.

After all, this is just a sentence, and he is a devil to learn the Shenggui, is it not curious about his body's state?

At this time, Kelly opened: "You tell us what we want to know, we tell you what you want to know, this is always? Bishop, I said. Your set is not available here."

Duus blinks, this paladin is really a bit straightforward.

"I asked first." Springs said.

"No problem." Kelly said.

"Why is the Chinese people who want to find me?" Said: "What is the relationship with the first magic? Why is the first magic to open an eyeliner on my big brother, will you have related?"

Kelly Zhang Zhangzhu, what to say.

It is quietly waiting for this side.


This big wavy knight looked to Ehib: "Yes, bishop, why? I am not understood, why do we have to find a devil?"

Springs: "........"

You don't know what to do here!

Ehib heard this answer but slammed: "Wonderful Hall, do you still don't know your identity?"

"Ha?" Wonderful face is inexplicable: "Springs Dolton. The three princes of the second magic."

Ehiba is confused: "Then you don't know who your mother is?"

Springs stunned.

Yeah, who is your mother?

The memory of this world has always been from the previous Sprus, so this causes a question that he is not intended.

That is what the problem is encountered, and if you want to think about the answer.

Didn't encounter things, about this world, about the memory, Mrus didn't think, I can't think of it.

Or, I don't know if I don't have this memory, or because I don't want to think about this memory.

As for your mother's things, I think.

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