The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1028

Don't say that public security officials are not all after things happen.

You are demon!

demon! !

Say good, don't do it!

Why, I'm called the security officer!

And your governance officer is, but you are so good to like a little devil!

On the side of the attack, I was shouting: "They first started, everyone saw it, they first started! I will have trouble for a moment."

Your mother! Why!

"Miss, hello, we need to include your testimony." A Black Corporate, a black horn in front of Kelly, said.

"Ah? What?" Kelly is still thinking about why.

"This is the case." That public security officially took a smile: "According to someone else's testimony, these people want to do it for you, then they will help you?"

The security official pointed to the wings.

Keli looked over, this guy was also left behind by the public security officer, what is it is asking.

Seeing Kelly looked at yourself, the goods laughed.

what's going on? In the demonic city, the lawn officer of the Devil City, in the case of a large number of people, in the case of human beings, actually ask the devil?

This kind of rigorous and just is completely unlike demon.

"Then I asked." Kaili asked questions in his heart: "Do you still ask us?"

"Of course," said the security officer said: "The Secretary said, even if it is a defense, you must ask for a summary, multi-person data investigation. After all, there are always some guys who love the empty space, stimulating with words, motivation, motivation, gesture hint To conduct 'induce crime' these things are our policemen to take into account. "

"Amount ..... well, yes." Kelly nodded: "They are for help me."

As a hierarchy, Kelly suddenly felt some things at this time! How does this demon feel more than yourself!

I thought that this is over, and the public security official once again: "Do you ask, what is the dialogue between the two sides?"

Kelly thought about it, then said: "Mr. that Wings warned those human winter in the city ban."

This public security official nodded: "Thank you for your cooperation."

Said, he waved back his hand: "Let it, it's okay."

The wing is laughing: "I said the police comrade, our guests are the people who obey the law, the rules under the rules, the rules under the top of the temple are strictly obvious! You see .... There is a meditation medal. ? "

"Well, Taylor, you all put this pub into this." The police said: "Can the next fight can be worried about the environment?"

Tate laughed: "This is going outside, is there a bad influence? Do you accidentally hurt the innocent passers-by?"

Kelly listened.

This group of demon can consider so much?

"I know, I thank you this time, I will encounter this kind of thing next time, timely alarm, no matter what this matter. Don't be fine."


Kelly looked at the security officials to take out the few people, then looked at the wings.

As a result, the wing of the devil did not look at her, but went to the black corner of the magic girl, smiled: "Little sister, brother is not happy!"

The black horn sister looked at the wine, said: "Tate people, you just don't take the table, definitely be more handsome than now. Now, you have to move a new table."

"Adult?" Kaili's heart moved, she suddenly thought that the wings were medium devils! Why do you give that low-level black angle magic face? Even if it is a security officer?

And the strength of this guy!

She thought about it, I have left: "Thank you just now."

Taylor looked at Kelly, then shook his head: "Don't, don't thank me, I am afraid that you will take every weight. You ... how to say there is a high-level strength? Look at the face, new Come? "

Kelly thought about it, then nodded: "Well, until Wen City."

"That is normal, the goods just estimate is also the guy who came to the winter of the city. Usually, it is easy to engage in this drink."

"How do you know that they are new?"

"More fresh." Thaler said: "But if you come to winter in the city, you know the rules of winter in the city. Have you seen those boxes hanging on the city?"

Kelly nodded.

"There are some people who are not obedient there."

Keli stunned, then asked: "I remember that the Wing should belong to the middle and higher devils? Just" the security officer ... "

"Don't say, there is no status in winter in the city." Taylor swayed, said: "Winter is only a rule, don't say that I am a wing, and I am playing a wings. One almost hit his car, then hit the police. Now it is still close to the winter in the winter. The Senate of the flying dragon is coming. The result is all in the Hall. I can't do it. "

Kelly said: "The nobleman is not?"

"The temple said." This wing magic replied: "In front of the rules, the aristocratic civilians look good. No one has privileges. At that time, the winter is a lot of nobles, those who look for it, there is one, no one running Understand!"

"This public security bureau ... really dare to catch?"

"Don't dare? The rule of the Temple is a rule of death! That is true to recognize, saying that you can't. People are coming. I listen to my public security bureau said that this guy was in the magic. I caught the Hall! An anyway, the guy ... I don't want to deal with him. "

Kelly: "..."

Kelly recalled that the appearance of thessians yesterday, this speech is conditional, getting careful guy. . . . Can you be so fair?


Is it wrong?

At this time, a charm walked into this pub.

After this charm came in, I walked directly to reach out to put this wing of the ears: "Mom! I didn't see you for me in one day!"

"Pain, hurt, old hurt!"

"The old brother fart boss!" This charm, a slap in this wing, the head: "Call the captain!"

"Captain, Captain, I am not saving people?"

"Save you, do you smash the pub? I have listened to them, and a few people stopped you put it!" This charm said, took out a few gold coins on the bar: "Shantou, If you don't do things, don't take care of this goods! Gold coins compensate, save the group of human beings can't afford compensation. "

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