The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1029

Black horn is laughing: "Thank you, than Babo."

By Babo, I watched Kelly, then nodded: "Sorry, I will add trouble."

"Nothing." Kelly waved.

By Babo did not receive a look, but touched Kelly, suddenly said: "New? Didn't work?"

Kelly nodded.

"That ... is there interest to apply for a martial arts guard team?" Babo suddenly asked.

Kelly: "Can human beings can you?"

"Need some review, and it is the work of standing, and there is Winter Municipality, and what race can be found. The patrolman is unable to pay."

"City owner?"


Kelly moved in the heart, she is now full of interest in the guy yesterday. I nodded directly: "I can try it."

Bi Babo took out an address to Care: "In the afternoon, you can come to me, now I have to teach this kid first."

Said, I took Taylor than Babo.

A group of people followed behind.

After turning a few bends, Taylor broke away, asked: "I said old ... captain, I said the captain, it is a woman who can't get calendar .... Do you recruited her inside?"

"When a vase is seen." Beibubo said.

"Vase? Is this ugly vase?"

"You know a fart!" Babo glanced for this product, then said: "I have been so long, I haven't seen this in the Hall!"

PS: I have written a bunch unconsciously.

Thanks - Tongman - 40 reward! Thank you for the 29 rewards! Thank 9038669158 reward! Thank yourself, Four ship 58!

I owed four today.

Image: "Background", location: "Images / 1549391518-100072907-102852426.JPG"

Sleeping sleep, tomorrow, I will win the word early, go to the wandering earth!

Chapter 923: What is the time?

Jia Pilana did not let the dracton disappoint.

Today, I took her to see it today, and the ancestors have been sleeping directly, and when she went back at night, she slammed to sleep.

Anna and Croatia said it is very pleased to this matter.

And Xunzu is not idle, find those beads, and then enter the system space again.

Throwing a few times, Springs discovered some new things.

The Monchus watched this underground shelter in the first time.

This bead record is an ecology within the shelter.

This is a picture of an aerial photography, with enough light sources in the entire shelter, and each of them is later activated.

The central fire furnace also exudes a little bit of light, and the hand can see that the stuff should be the power of the elements.

However, this was originally thinking that only those connected cylindrical buildings were survived, but later Sigs found that those peripheral areas were actually planting flowers.

Just look at the aerial shot, no one will think this is an underground world.

Dussen also saw a living gnome.

Their life status seems to have no difference with the general wisdom creature.

Six arms they started to make some things. They are also very flexible.

Then, the aerial photograph starts to change, from one entry to the room.

The first thing passed by a food area. Before the drawn, there was no entering the food area before, but now, after seeing the massed plants, the Springs understand that the ancestors of the original Anna did not be starved.

And these things are extremely fresh.

Why can Springs say this.

Because of the supply of elements, these plants grow at the speed of naked eye and then withered.

After they enter the soil, they will once again become the power of the elements, as if a permanent movement is general.

During the accelerated mode, it was found to be a day.

Every day, these plants will perform a cycle cycle.

Can this not fresh?

However, this picture is also here, and after watching this, after the merits of the day, it will go out directly.

At first, the Sugus has not figured out what is going on.

I didn't think of the store in the original!

That time is still stored in the room!

"This is ...." Springs selection once again played, watching the plant growth cycle, the sound of the dramatic voice: "Do you have a time magic? This is a change to change the 'plant'? "

The existing time Magic is probably a space ring.

And this ring is unable to store live, as long as there is a living thing, you want to put it in the space ring, the space ring is completely non-bird.

Similar to the dragging folder, then the folder has not responded.

At this time, Dusus thought another question.

Plant seeds are also living, or say, some fruit flowers, it is also growing in the soil, theoretically, as long as the individual cell membrane does not have a problem, it should belong to 'live.'.

Why, store these things in the space ring is completely no problem.

And even if you leave this kind of thing, Mrus also knows that this world is never observed by human eyes.

These, it can only be said to be a macro world, and under the macro world, even the science waste, the score, the comprehensive results may not even know that in the macro world There is another micro world!

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