The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1030

And this micro world is also a 'live'.

Bacterial, viruses, microorganisms these messy things. They are all live, if the ring can't be replenished, then ... theoretical these things are impossible to come.

"Sure enough." Springs smashed the head: "The more you know about a matter, there will be more things, now it is getting more and more comfortable."

"Perhaps this thing should make professional coming." Xuus temporarily put down the calculation of this time magic.

Springs continued to view similar things, and finally he found anything to have a relationship with the food zone.

This is a boot video, telling the scenarius that is related to time magic.

And is the most straightforward way!

"Before picking the time to go." The goblin that was responsible for explaining: "If you don't close, choose to enter, please ensure that your life is sufficient, but it doesn't matter, even if you come out, how long does it take? Don't refer to this rule not afraid of death. "

Duus stunned, the time of the time at that time .... Can you get effective for the organism?

In other words, this theory is more unreliable!

After all, the current understanding of wisdom creatures does not exist.

This kind of living is just a guess!

Or, the experiment is guess.

Next, a lot of things have seen many things.

About time this, the Hunus has prayed that there is such a thing in those information you come back.

Mrus will look at the other things.

There is an ecological condition of the shelter, there are some moving things, and some about the production of the big machine.

These things have not been used for the current Springs, but it is estimated to have a lot of weapons research and development department.

But how can you see that it is a matter.

I want to think about, the dramatic opening: "The system, the information here will add the game world in addition to the implantation, can load the game world."

[Can be loaded into the game world in plug-in tasks]

[Any information on the database can be loaded into the task world. Once you enter the world of tasks, the host will not be systematically acquired.

"Yes, you have this sentence." Springs elected a note on the machine manufactured by Mechanic, and the video loading of these machine has entered the game world.

In the game world, a mechanical chemical plant is beginning to appear, then derived a small monster, elite, boss.

These materials have also automatically generated a reward.

When choosing item rewards or information rewards, the Springs directly selects the information reward.

If these things are implanted, they can only be implanted in a head, which is the most effective way of implantation.

But this is undoubtedly a great risk.

Now, join the game world, the weapon research and development department can be less in winter, at least recently, it will be a lot more, after all ... they take some time to spend some time. These things.

Most importantly, Mrus found how to let those human alchemists will be willing to stay in winter in winter.

After these finished, the Springs opened a new video.

And this time ...... Duste is obsessed.

PS: Thank you Huo Jianhua, who loves to sleep! Thanks to the 88 reward of the ruling of the world! Thanks to the 143 rewards of the Sword Uncle Blue Road!

PS: Say, there is no broken during the Spring Festival, but it seems that every year's Spring Festival ... everyone doesn't have time to read the book .... I hope I will come back.

So ... you do your own automatic subscription!

Chapter 924: I was

This picture is different from the previous peaceful picture, and the picture is full of desperate things.

"They are coming." The owner of the video trembled: "I want to record this scene, send it to other shelters! We can't stop them, hope ... our compatriots can live."

The picture is at this time, and the sound of the system sounds.

[Detecting other category information files, do you have an investment watch

Springs chose it.

[Invitation and Watch Open Hall open, please take the host]

Duus walked out of the book, and the white room opened a door again.

After the walked, when the door was pushed, it was a virtual space, and it was walking into the change in turns.

When you turn, the door is still there. The light is bright, the dark is dark.

[Information loading]

[Information load is completed, the scene construction]

[Scene is completed, if there is any discomfort, the host can be exited at any time]

Next, a spot appears in the dark, and the spot 4 shot countless lines, and the lines begin to build a building.

After a while, a 'world' is formed in front of the Dus.

It is the

However, the big boiler of this shelter did not break, but .... The entire shelter seems to be filled with a depressed atmosphere.

Dusc didn't know how to describe, he felt a depressed in this shelter, and felt despair, this is a feeling that only in the face of it, and now ... just like this.

Dusus even suddenly has a feeling of passing the time!

But immediately, the Springs denied this feeling.

Because it is directly wearing the body from his body!

Just like in the game time, the difference is that this success can not be transformed from the world.

His mind is slightly moved, the body has already fly, then the body is traveling, directly through the thick metal wall, enters an architecture.

And outside, the sound of shouting has appeared.

Xunju flew over the air again, he saw a great abundance in the entire shelter, and outside the wall of the shelter, the door of a space appeared.

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