The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1038

Xunzu shakes his head, hehe ... This broken dragon's IQ, Dusse feels that she is deliberate.

"Don't fall asleep." Dusus took the way to the mouth.

"Do you feel free to worry." Jia Pilan is swaying.

Dusus went out, but he was still a little unassured, looking back at an eye.


Jia Pilan is lying in bed and breathing.

Sprinter, this is a few seconds?

He low-channel: "When you fell asleep, you may miss a lot of gold coins."

Jia Pilan is played up: "Reassure!"

This was loose and went downstairs.

Breakfast was ready at this time, and everyone's land continued to come out from the room.

Xunus looked at it, doubtful: "Fiisi?"

Mili Station is on the side: "The adults of Phiis have been in the city hall last night."

"Didn't come back?"

"She is preparing for today's things." Kalaire reminded: "You will go directly to the city hall for a while."

"Is it really dedicated?" Xiusi smashed: "How to arrange it? Safe?"

"Here is a plan." Kalare handed the document to Springs: "You have seen it in the Hall."

Duus looked at it in his hand, then nodded: "This method is not bad, you have two."

Barbara came to the head and smashed his head, and then said: "Boss, Jia Pi Lille wake up? Don't plan to start, her old man also called to sleep?"

Xun Art looked at Barbara, this two guys ... how long is it?

Anna wiped his mouth: "I will stay in the Winter Municipality to lead the broadcast, um ..... Croaty?"

"I don't follow it." Croaty said: "I opened a field in Beicheng. It is studying those plants from shelter. Anyway, it is not a pit ... It doesn't matter."

Different differences.

These two people seem to have a good relationship from yesterday.

I thought about it, Springs said: "Just, I will sort out the information in the dream of the Dream World, I will give you a directory in the world, and I will give you a directory. In Lasas, let him go to the dream of the dream to guide the BOSS of the machinery, inside the mountains of the south of the seven main city. There is something he wants. "

"Yes, the Hall."

When Karair came again, the breakfast was eaten here, and Zunz took the snow and Barbara launched the carriage to the city hall, left the city mainfare.

They first came first, and today, things about Monas have to show the miracle Unicom canal have spread.

Many residents gathered next to the wall of winter, waiting for broadcast and delivery.

Springs and others came to the City Hall, Kalare took the way to Fisquis, but outside, he suddenly heard the sound inside.

"You are a monk!"

Springs have paid a look and don't know what happened.

The sound inside is still continuing: "This is the order! Go back with me!"

PS: There is still one more.

Chapter 929: Are you not doing?

Carlis pushed the door, and the monks came in, and saw an old featheore in front of that desk.

He is behind the four-wing, sitting there not angry.

Fiisi has always followed her holy area at this time at the desk, listening to the old Duke of Eger Bott.

Dussen people came in and obviously the absence of it, and the Duke of Eigbot looked up and saw the hand.

However, the number of old Duke is still there, he stood up and bowed towards the Springs: "Springs Hall."

Duus walked to the work desk, the mouth was in the mouth: "Duke of Eigbot? How long have you been here? How to come to the winter, you will not tell the king."

Eigbot raised his head and smiled: "The old man just came to deal with some private affairs, this is the matter of the family, how do you dare to disturb the Hall? This is not ready to handle it, go to see the Hall?"

"This way." Dusus went to the desk: "What is the private matter of the old territor? This king has heard what goes in the door?"

He looked at Fisi, and found that this note was a little helpless at this time.

Aggbot laughed: "It's not a daughter at home. How long have you been out, I don't know if I go back. I am thinking about it."

Word looks to Fisi, then laughs: "Old Duke, are you going to catch people?"

Eigbot shakes his head: "You must not have a countertop on your own daughter, and the family is also worried about her."

"Nothing?" Miss said: "Miss Fien served as the municipal officer in the winter, the whole winter of the city, in addition to Carlis, what is Miss Fisher, and the well of the well is coming. If you still say that Fiis is not allowed to be on the table, the king relies on Miss Fissel, isn't it even more unbearable? "

Eigbot blind eyes, smiles unchanged: "You misunderstood this hion, this girl is just luck, and the old man in winter is heard, it is completely your hostess your English leaders and Kalaire. The overall situation, don't say that Fisi, you just change the devil to sit at this position, the development of winter in the city will not fall. This is your trial, this gimmick is just mixed. "

Signs in the heart, it is worthy of the Duke of the new generation, this cautious and strain ability is really not covered.

There is no loophole for a few words.

Word looks to Fiis, and the Miss of this Yu Devil has some of his eyes.

Eigbot coughed on the side, then said: "Fiis, what is wrong with your father?"

Fisher's eyes dodge, don't answer.

Aggbot is sinking: "I talk to you!"

Fi Ni raised his head, and she had not waited for her to answer.

"The Duke of the Old, this is the city hall of this king, Miss Fisquis is the municipal official of this king." Duus is unsuccessful: "You said that the family is not out, while the Duke of my face Field? Is it a bit unsuitable? "

I just became a smile: "His Royal Highness, is this not afraid of your business?"

"Since this is the case, the Duke of the old is let it." The Dusn went around the table to the home position.

The Duke of Eigbot looked at his position. He didn't say anything next to it. He gave the position to make the position, the opening: "Hall .....

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