The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1039

His sentence has not been finished, and the Springs lifts that he doesn't talk. He sat in the position just now, then look at Fisi: "Do you prepare today in the city hall in the city hall?"

Fiis screamed, but she will react quickly. The opening: "Well, because the things under the temple are more rushing, so only overtime."

"It's good." Xunci smiled: "If the municipal officers in winter, if you are like you, how is it prepared today?"

"It's ready, just wait for you to go to the place."

"That's good." Dusi nodded: "Right, your family needs it now?"

Aggbide has a smile: "No need, since there is a matter of time in the temple, or wait until this is over."

Mrus also reported to smile: "The old Duke, I will ask your daughter again, you will help her have a few decisions? If I don't do this, I will name this winter into black Yucheng, so you are good Direct release command isn't it? I am standing next to you as a sergeant? "

Eigbot has changed: "The temple is heavy, it is a little more edible, Well, Fiis." He looked to his own daughter: "You talk to the hall, the Hall is handled, this is tied to me." go back."

Obviously, the Duke of the Black Emperor discovered that the Dusus did not eat this set, but prepared to show up.

Fisher looks at the Wushes, and the words are still.

Xunx laughed: "Nothing, what is the same as usual, here is Shahua Highlands, is a winter city."

Fiis screamed deeply, her eyes closed, waiting for her to open again, there was more firm in their eyes.

"Father." She said to her father and mouth: "Daughter doesn't want to go back."

Aggbot is a black: "What do you say!"

"The daughter doesn't want to go back." Fiis said: "Daughter is now the municipal government in winter, some of the size of the manager's winter in the city, knowing a number of decisions in the winter, can't go back."

Speaking of this, Fi Ni silk seems to find the usual confidence, in fact, it has become different.

"And, in winter, I feel that my value is higher, so I don't want to go back, you can come to see my daughter, my daughter is very touched, waiting for when the winter is boiled, the daughter will go back. "

"Mono!" Eigbot eyes: "Last year, the Duke of Anderson discussed good things. In a few days, Pu Chuan has to bring people, you still don't go back!"

"I don't like the dragon lizard." Fiis replied: "Don't want to marry them."

Eigbo took a deep breath: "Is this kind of thing you can do!"

"Why can't you?" Fiis asked: "My own feelings, my marriage, I can't do it yourself?"

"Joke!" Eigbot angrily said: "Fiis, you are really wings, this kind of thing dares!"

"Hey," Springs looked up his hand and did not have to be tired: "I said the old Duke, talking, what is not your voice, if you are more than the mouth, the scorpion is now the magic Lord. Also ... I listen to you? I am ready to make marriage? "

"His Royal Highness." Aggbot did not have a good face at this time: "Marriage is always the master, you will not have a marriage contract with Nini Corshire."

"Yeah." Springs smile, sound is negative: "Isn't it gave it to a group of old things by the Senate? So I now hate the marriage. Who will mention this? I will be anxious! Oh is the Duke of the old. You are not the Senate? Don't you mean? "

Looking at the laughing of the laughter, I Gbert didn't know why, I suddenly became a bit.

I am a half-step legend!

PS: I owe it more today .....

Actually there is only one more! I don't feel the picture.

Image: "Background", location: "Images / 1549567123-100072907-102858022.jpg"

Speaking of the first seventh day to go to the cat .... Be prepared something ....

Chapter 939: They don't dare to have comments

To be honest, if this is not the Eittport, the Eittport is the father of Fis, and the Springs now flipped.

After all, sometimes the face is still to be given.

But .... This is also a time.

For example, now.

"His Royal Highness." Aggbot settled his emotions, and the expression was also calm: "Fiis is really important, the old man must take her back!"

"The Magic of Winter Municipality is sitting there without moving there." Unless she wants to go, anyone can not force her to go anywhere. Include your Duke. "

To be honest, this half-step legend will definitely go around the circle with him before.

However, before the Word said, sometimes some troubles are still there, now there are some good, now I still have a legend in my bed, who puts you a half-step legend?

Eigbot obviously does not eat this set, as a Duke, Anderson can directly Wu Wushen on the main hall, this Duke is also temper.

His voice is low: "This is a husband's daughter! His Royal Highness, you are a bit too much!"

Zunus hout: "How? Your son can stay in the magic, the daughter can't stay in the winter of the king?"

"This is not the same!" Aggbot opened his eyes: "His Royal Highness, I think I still need to talk to Fisi."

"No need." I don't need to open the mouth, Fiis is the first to open: "I just serious my father, I am in the winter, I will not go!"

"Mix!" Aggbot was angry, and the momentum was soaring.

Carlisle step forward, the mouth is in the mouth: "The Duke adult, when you leave the magic, the anger is still not going on? You can consider it, this is preparing to help the dragon lizards to the province?"

Aggbot did actually diarrhea, but said in the mouth: "His Royal Highness, the old man does not trust Fiis in the winter of the winter. This is the concern of the father to her daughter. If you are alone, then the old man will go, but will immediately go Magic Subsidic Senate.

"Hehe." Sprison: "Do you think of me?"

Eigbot is not refundable: "No, this is only a thing that is the only thing that is a father."

"This king, if he is afraid that the Senate is not dead, before the group of men in the winter, I can wait for a good time. But forget it." Springs stood up: "Since the Duche people are for Fisi Safety consideration, the king is not good, after all, the winter is a border city? This ... I am a little bit, you wait until we are busy? You are here, very fast "

However, Eigbot is slightly narrow: "Sorry, the old man is applying to go."

"?" Xuusi brightened pick: "You are still afraid that I have running with Fii silk?"

"Don't dare." Agge Bot is slightly down: "This is only concerned."

Xunzu shake his head and said: "This world is concerned about the persecution of care and love package. However, since you have to follow, then you come."

Fiis looks to the West, the latter gives her an assured look.

Barbara is a mouthful: "The face, it is a hit itself to the run."

"Let's go." Duus walked out.

"A Tiger, followed by Miss." Eigbot said.

Fisher's face is black.

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