The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1041

"The residents of winter in the winter are the leaders of the king. The original residents of Shahua Highlands are also the leaders of this king, put down the slaughter knives, and the sinners of the punishment of the law, and the leaders of this king. Serf, Slave, as long as you are in winter, it is the leader of the king, so this king is here. "

"The opening of the canal is significant for the winter, the meaning of this king is significant. Previously, the king did not have been in the city because of some rumors, let the police station have caught many people. It is hope that the people of all people will know that this king is not damaged. I hope that there is no matter whether it is prison, serfs, or the residents of the winter. Whether it is a devil, human beings are still a orc. I have to work hard! Working you will have a better tomorrow. "

I don't know who is a head that has a head, the thunder is a general applause.

Barbara was trembled directly below, muttered in his mouth: "Sure enough, the boss is very bad, ten words can't believe him."

The Duke of Eigbot was inexplicably.

Speech for civilians? Is this not a national turmoil, or when the country is still there?

How to dig a canal, do you want to force so much?

Just when this old trick wondered what happened, Wusn took the applause.

But this pressure seems to have something.

The whole ground began to tremble, everyone is unclear, so look at the left and right, don't know what is going on.

Suddenly, a voice rang from the crowd: "Walk water! Dig to the underground river!"

Xunzu first stunned, then the reaction came over this water is not a fire, but leaks, even knowing this thing, this time the draft is still a difference.


I saw that the ground in the distance suddenly sprung out huge water columns, and a large amount of groundwater was like a tsunami.

Barbara covered his face, even the snow frowned: "Who arrange this kind of thing? How can the underground dark river have such a big power?"

"Bill did it." Fiis also smiled: "Who knows what he did .... I have to see any difference."

"But some people who have a little bit of knowledge will definitely look out." Xueer looked at the half charm next to it, said: "Barbara sister, you go to inform the human magician, tell them to throw some elements in the inside What is creative, when we arrive, it is good to come back.

"Cheng." Barbara said that it disappeared.

Unlike the few people who know what to happen, and other people have been scared and fleeing after seeing the situation of natural disasters.

However, Dusi did not leave, he flew forward, the sanctuary was opened in an instant, and the soil wall rose from the ground, blocked the rushing water!

The sound of the sounded, the soil wall was broken, but the last two layers have supported it!

Springs is like a hero that blocks thousands of horses, raising your hands, manipulating sediments and natural confrontation!

However, a roaring, the ground starts to crack down, even many guys standing on the slope case, all of them have fallen into the canal in the canal!

"Play it?" The prostitution of the Duke of the Melody looked at the fortune of the distance, but he didn't see any loss from the Xunzi, this guy took out one ...

Communication Crystal? Is that?

PS: I just saw a video at the B station. The Japanese variety, a few rich and actors (falsers), then follow the girls who can talk to people in it. And the identity and income of the same is true, let them judge themselves.

How do you say .... Look at the goodness, especially a few women, a few words in the hearts for a fake, huh: Oh, woman.

PS: Thanks to the right, it is my 37 reward! Thanks to Arthur King Altolea's 20 blades!

Chapter 932: Realiang

A dragon screamed throughout the Shahua Highlands.

The Duke of Feifevine stayed there when he heard the voice.

"This is!" He suddenly went to the direction of the winter!

The figure of the fire will whizzed from the direction of winter in the city!

Looking at this figure, the voice of Eigbot has begun to tremble: "Jia ... Jia Beilla?"

Why can't he think of it, how can he encounter such a legendary creature in this place!

The first reaction of Eigbot is that Jia Beilla is coming to find yourself! The reason is nothing, the original Piera seal in the ice mountain range is the three Duke of Cruze and the Second Moz.

The legendary speed, as long as they are not intentional, then the speed is very fast!

Aggbot has a bitterness, has given up the escape!

Jia Pilan is so embarrassed in the Emperor, Cruze will not react!

Poor this feather Duke is just a half-step legend.

At that time, Jia Beilira had a complete qualification that he was completely qualified.

"If I am you, I won't do this." The sound of Xueer sounded behind Eigbo.

"What?" This old feat is looking back: "Is you? What do you say? Don't do this? Shantou! Do you know what is the sky!"

At this time, Fiisi and Barba have joined the rescue army of Shuus, and the snow is left here alone because of the strength problem.

"Red Long Jiamilira, the Queen of the Fire, the Dragon Dragon of the World." Xueger shrugged: "Is this her title is not?"

The old featheina saw the snow, he suddenly found out that this mixed-blooded little girl .... In some movements, it seems to be similar to the Hunus guy.

Even the look at this time is also.

"That is the legend!" Eigbot bite his teeth: "Do you understand the legend!"

"Of course, I understand." Snow smiled: "Winter Municipality is not the first time, the most important .... The legend is the legend of Jia Pila, Master is the legend of the winter."

"You are a little girl ....?" Original Aigbot also wants to teach two sentences in Xueger, but after listening to this sentence, there was "what you said? Legend?"

"The Legend of Winter Municipality." Snow said: "When I talked with my brother in the city hall, Jia Pilaira sister is sleeping at the city owner."

Aggbot's eyes: "You are teasing me!"

Xueger learned the appearance of the monarch: "Duke adult, I am a child, lie to you is interested?"

Eigbot jumped with eye angle.

This is asked .....

Snow continued: "But Jia Pilai, sister's temper is a bit weird, so I advise you to do this, look at it, don't ..... I want to kill you .... "

Eigbot looked at the getting closer Jia Pilana, and looked at the confident snow. Suddenly I don't know if this little girl is, I still believe in my own intuition!

Speaking, why do you have this inexplicable choice in this kind of thing! I must believe you!

The determination of Eger Bot just wanted to respond, the snow suddenly opened: "If she is really going to kill you, Fi Niki is estimated to lose a few months of salary to ask her to eat hot pots to come back. The life. "

Eger Bot, who is preparing to do again, once again.

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