The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1042

The hot pot he was heard. When the group came in the winter, the guys who came in winter to the city were full of praise.

And I heard that the price is worth it!


What is it? How many times have a half-step legendary life?

Is it not enough to use it? Or is there a hot pot too much?

Why do this thing will be compared together!

And he was a surprised kung fu, Jia Beilila has come to this side of the flood.

The arrival of the dragon, the legendary pressure, let everyone feel like God!

In the air, Jia Pilan is said in the dragon: "Um ... save people ... um ... What is you? Oh, I think it is!"

Next moment, Jia Pilan is long-distance!

Then, let the countless person shocked the scene of the chin!

At least a thousand people struggled here! There is a serf in Winter Municipality inside, and there is a prisoner who has been excavating to make money.

At this time, they didn't divide each other under this dragon, and they were all pulled out from the surface of the water.

It is quite a big kitchen pot, and the food in the pot is generally visual effect.

The guys were then all thrown on the shore of both sides.

The dragon is shouted with the dragon: "Jia Beilira, the river!"

Jia Beilla in the sky is given by Dragon, and then he swords, and the figure is in front!

Long Yan sprayed from her mouth!

This dragon inflammation is generally in the huge plowing machine, and the gaps in the gully! The Jia Beilla wings flashed down, just like the sky!

At the point of the dragon, the river burned out again will once again!

Duus and Carlishe's magicians jointly supported a lot of magic shields to block the threat of Legends.

However, the shield that supports it is already spread over! Fortunately, before this, I told Jia Pilan to let him control the power.

The Duke of Feng Devil has been stupid, Jia Pilal .... actually really come to help them!

And the throat that just succumb .... I have long heard that the mouth is to communicate with the devil, but ... who can think of your special devil's dragon! !

This is not magic! No school!

And ... Cruze? The second Mozu has come in a legend, your magic?

At this time, the Snow's voice appeared again in the wind in the wind.

"This is your last chance." Snow said.

"Ah?" This half-step legend, the world feels that the world will receive an impact. When you look back, you are full of confused when you look back: "What opportunities?"

Xuener refers to the elements of the unfamiliar with the unfamiliar unfamiliar with many magic masters, and the mouth said: "The opportunity for your last repair relationship is not? Or, the Duke, you still have to stick to yourself. ? "

Eigbot looked at the snow, and the snow also looked at him with a smile, as if seen through everything.

"Do you make the most sensible choice?"

Eigbot took a deep breath, then bowed slightly towards the little girl in front of the eyes: "Thank you, Xie Xueer reminds."

Next moment, the fifth wing of the fifth wing was boiled. Magic can be turbulent!

His mouth is even more shouting: "Take the Hall! I will help you!"

The snow shook his head below and smashed the mouth.

"Really fragrant."

PS: I have to have an advertisement that I am playing an advertisement in my home. A few hours. I have been hand-off before, I can't help but use 360 ​​in the lower right corner of advertisement.

Ok ... This intercepted problem, he left the lower left corner, the upper left corner, the upper right corner, the middle ..... go special, in addition to the top right corner!

This is not enough! !

Today I found out that when I was zero every day, they will also collectively appear!

Brush! The screen is full of advertising bulls! ! !

The advertisement seems to be Taobao Tmall Jingdong, there are still a few broken news ... Day!

My Baidu's way is to use Tencent Manager ... Is it useful? Still 360, I don't know the intercept function?

Chapter 934: Change

A huge stone is standing in the center of winter.

At this point, the stonemason is engraving what is carved above.

This is a new statue, which is a huge statue next to Shu, and the carvings are the guardian of the city today.

Red Long Jia Pilan.

At this time, it was already a week after the canal.

Winter Municipality has a legendary dragon guardian thing I don't know how far it has been passed, but it is time to pass at least in winter.

The rumors who have never attack themselves. In addition to the identity of the prince, Zunus has been added to the new person.

Now the propaganda minister of the Bill is smirk every day, and he just took the propaganda language thoughtful, not only did not have false propaganda, but now it is true!

The newcomers on the propaganda department see that the Bill is respected, and the city hall also called the propaganda minister's first hand 'prophet'.

On the other place.

"I never thought about it would be so worship?" On the streets of the winter city, Springs are taking Jia Pira. Of course, the hand is easy to have.

At that time, the dragon was coming back, and then claimed to be a nap, this was a week.

Listening to what I am afraid that I am still discussing my own things, the tone is like a speech, I smirked all the way at this time.

"This feeling." Jia Beilila looked at the Sushu: "It's really good. You don't know, I have passed the place, not running is the scream either is a curse chasing, wow .. Now this is really cool now! "

Obviously, Jia Beilla is very enjoyable now this has a lot of fans.

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