The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1044

The earliest speech is swaying: "Oh, work is impossible to work ....."

"Less talk nonsense!" Some of the prison in a big pot knocked on the house. They glanced at them: "I have a meal!

The two evils quickly shut up, waiting for these two prison, the two evils were more and more: "What is it inside?"

"Meat." The first prisoner whispered in the mouth: "Every time it is a special person to send me, the location is still the most inside, I heard that it is a high-level land?"

"Fart! There is a place where it is the sanctuary!"

"Can the Master of the Shengfang can also be caught?"

"Don't say it." The prisoner who was more old suddenly was dark: "I still killed the two! Laozi was a mixed, the result was to find the two sanctuary, I don't know how to put it. My old nest gives it! Executive! "

"You are still boss?" The guy who said that it impossible to work is excited: "Wow! Everyone in this place is a magic!"

"Don't mention it, don't mention it." The prisoner helpless.

"Hey? Brothers have been killed in order to protect you?"

The guy shakes his head: "Don't mention it, a group of grandson shakes out for the sin of the sin, and they have a servant. As a result, they have a servant, and Laozi still doesn't know when to come out. ! "

"So saying." Another prisoner looked into yellow bread: "Going out is also a serf, it is better to stay here."

"You know a fart!"

The kung fu of the two evil spirits, the dungeon suddenly brought!

The two devils also open: "Start again."


"We are the Elf Dynasty to make the minister !!" Charlie said: "Not a robber! Spy! We apply for redeemed! Redemption!"

The redemption is actually the aristocrats caught on the battlefield generally not kill, but closed, and then the other family can spend money to redemption.

Especially the elf, they have signed an redeemed agreement in almost every country in the mainland.

Not only the nobles, even the civilian elves are caught also enjoy the right of nobles.

but now....

"Redemption of a fart!" The jailer pushed in, and said: "The last time, the child of this sentence, the inheritance, now also dig the stone in the quarry! You are really in the blessing I don't know the blessings, we will raise you in a big trip, or you don't even have you to work! You have more opinions more than those you live every day, I think is the idle! "

"Do you see what you have to eat!" If you can't point to what they sent in, I opened it.

The green leaves, wash the clean tree roots, the uncooked mushrooms, and a large plate of grass.

"You are feeding the mouth!" Asked with teeth.

"Are you not a forest elf?" The prison is frowned: "Forest elves don't eat this?"

"Who is telling you that the forest elf eat this!" Sandwei eyebrows jumped: "I am afraid that it is a petal nectar, we are just a food! We have to eat meat! Eat meat!"

"Meat?" The prison is worthy of them: "If you don't have meat, you can't bite a few pieces from yourself."

"We are the sanctuary!" Charle is low: "We have to match our identity!"

"Isn't this?" The jailer is inexplicably: "Isn't you be close to this place?"


This jailer is turning his head, and it is no longer entangled with them.

When I left, I finished a cell next to it: "You learn people, you see that people don't have noisy! What is it, the same is the gap, the gap is so big?"

"Bastard!" Charle is ok.

"Hey." The sound next to it sounded: "I said three, save it."

I saw a man who sat up from the bed and looked at the three: "Winter Municipality is very monsted, you can talk to you, you can talk to you, don't have any good end , They said yes, don't know the blessings in the blessings. "

"Is there any qualification for your guy in this unfameful brotherhood?" Take the slag maths: "Yes, your brother will not pay for you, but our Elf Dynasty will not let go of the companion!"

"Idiots." Tosologue turned his body: "You don't know what to face, what is the madman."

That's right, this is the first dark brother will be awarded the Dark Brothers of Cornus.

This guy has been close in the morning of the winter.

Charlie's mouth: "Everyone is also closed for so long, see you every day, you have a dead look, you have always thought about running away? How do we do a transaction?"

"No." Toros said: "I have not prepared to escape, and I don't have interest to trade. If you know what I have experienced at the time, I will definitely disappear with this idea! I am now in this tasty life, not Caught by the plan to go to the experiment! "


"You don't know?" Tosologue looked at three elves, recalled the scene: "That is a technology that can draw a graphicity of the santawa! I look at my colleagues in a blood red magic. In the array, it is pus! Finally, I have disappeared! I look at it a few minutes ago or a high-level semi-charm becomes a holy area! And the ability of this holy area is still my colleague! "

"Believe me, you only have to see the scene, watching the hardship, the time to complete the time to complete the sanctuary, is a desperate thing to take away from others! Look at a person, then suddenly I don't have any horror! So ... I don't want to engage in things now, I just hope that I will not be the next. However, the defense of the south is the weakest. If you want to go, you can try again. test."

Three elves are awkward: "Are you helping us?"

Tosologa laughed: "Don't misunderstand, at least .... If you fail, I will not be a sacrifice."

The three elves are still digestiving the words of Tosologia. It is just a few prison, then refers to the three forest wits. After selecting one, standing back: "Just he, pull it out. "

Brush! This elf's face is full!

PS: Sure enough, the New Year's partner gathers, that is, ..... Eating - Internet cafes. Eating - Internet cafes. Eating - Internet cafes.

Four wars, no exception! ! !

Thank you for the 280 rewards of the dust falls! ! Thanks for the 101 blade that symbolizes the freedom! Thanks to the only 23 blade!

The ninth hundred and thirty-six: still you will live

"Always, finish."

Tosologian looked at the elves that were brought, sighed: "A good sanctuary, finish."

"Shut up!" Because the cell is not the same, Charle is taken out, Charlie and Charle can only look at it, there is a crying next to this, and suddenly it is still not possible.

"Don't go wrong." Tosologu was hot on his bed: "Do you still understand our value?"

"What do you mean?" Charlie asked.

"We can all be the sanctuary." Tosong knocked on his own staple, then referring to the chain of their stomaches and hands: "Sanctuary!"

"What happened to the sanctuary?"

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