The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1045

"The prisoner in the sanctuary is not and attached to it." Tosoang said: "Those who caught our people want to take out how many things from our mouth, you don't know. Don't say big punishment One day, I have tried three or four times, and the door is forced to talk about half a day? "

Charle and Charlie saw each other and shook his head.

"Hehe." Tosoang smashed: "You are still in the first time? But it is also right, elves! Deli, but your identity, what is right? I think, how much you want to ask something from his mouth, probably understand. "

In this way, this two wins are clear.

Indeed, I caught an important guy, I have to think about something from his mouth.

"This ... What happened?" Charlie asked.

"I haven't seen it yet?" Toso horizon: "Laozi is better than you, this month .... I will eat every day, in addition to the jailer and the magic class Other one has never seen it, it is closed for this place, did not ask, did not review, even a chat, I went, Laozi is the deacon of the Dark Brotherhood. How many secrets on this group There is no more concern. "

"Maybe people know?" Charle asked.

Tosologi is a brids: "What about you?"


"As far as I know, the winter in the city is the night elves? And the night elves seem to have been separated from the Elf Dynasty. You are the forest elf, what is it?"

If you do two eranges, Tosologi continued: "You don't have to say nonsense, know you can't say. But see that you just like the arrogant, the Mr. Winter City still doesn't know your purpose. ? "

"You are caught in your own base camp, and the three sorrows have sneaked into a action in the magic country. To reason, as long as you have a bit of your mind, you will know that your purpose is not simple. And you should already take it. Isn't the kind of not a brain? "

"What do you want to say?"

Tosologu: "You are all caught in ten days or 11 days old? Someone tried you? Is anyone interrogated you?"

The two eradiffs are a bit awkward.

Tosoang shakes his head: "Now understand? Does people do this because what they don't care about your secrets, or .... You, not, we have greater value ! It is not weak to carry secret value on us. "

Charlie teeth trembled: "What is your holy area? Don't you tease! How do you transfer it?"

"I don't know how to know!" Tosologa suddenly excited: "If I know, I will go to the trouble of that Mrus! Just before my eyes! Just in front of me! They are in front of my eyes A large number of magic material is used to draw a magical array with the spring of the elements! The room is painfully painted. I don't know how much blocking. "

"My other colleague is placed on that faction." Tosologue is twisted, the finger is awkward: "It's so above! Then the high-level half-charm station The upper is above, you don't know the miserable call of my colleague! Later, he didn't call. The whole room is a crisp with bone breaks. The whole room is bullied by the bones. So, looked at him from a living person, becomes more and more flat, more and more distorted! Finally, the pus and blood disappeared! "

The elf heard his bumps on the side.

The voice of Tosologo is still continuing: "Then the half charm of Barbara is fainted, but I feel the familiar holy area of ​​my colleague from her! So you understand? For Winter Municipality, we don't need things in our heads in the sanctuary! This group of devils, they only have strength! "

"They don't trial us, they are still here, just because the time is still not yet! They are picking the right guys who are suitable for inherited our sanctuary! We are still dead now, because we are winter In the future, the 'food'! "

Charle and Charlie heard cold sweat, it was not panicked in his heart.


"Yes, forget them. Hey ... this time is too much." Dunn's office, he took the brain, saying this.

During this time, Sucens has been found in other time, but it is basically not going out at other times, but has been studying the information of underground sheltering in the system space.

There is time to study.

Today, if it is not a matter of Croaty, I'm going to find the forest elf, saying that she will need some forest elf to help, and the post is almost forgot to grasp the three forest elf's holy area.

Word looks to Carlaire: "How is the ring deciphering?"

"It has been completed." Carlis took out the ring: "There are two things to pay attention to this."

Carlis took out a reel with a crystal.

"The reel still doesn't know what." Carlis said: "But this crystal is a super-distance communication crystal, the use of the way ..."

Croatya Express: "Contact the Elf Dynasty?"

Carlisle thought and then replied: "Otherwise I don't understand what is used here."

"So these three may be to explore the information, the night elves of the night elves?" Wost frowning: "They seem to say, the previous work is the right thing to catch people? ! Elf Dynasty is now in the wild . "

Said, Xuus looked to Croaty: "I cut it or cut it?"

Croaty also understood it, but let Mr. is unexpected, Croatia shakes his head: "Don't kill it, it is a pity. The Elf Dynasty is not awkward in the elf Dynasty. Don't say three sanctuary. "

When Hitton, the eyebrow opened his eyes: "I will have a day."

Croaty face is red, then settled to a look: "Don't not have a serious, Kalais, can this thing can be used?"

Carlisle shakes his head: "Need special band, only the user knows how to use it."

Word 1 Table: "What are you waiting for, let it get out! Such a good leisser!"

PS: After everyone's reminder, I deleted a lot of inexplicable gates today. Still use 360.

In fact, I know that 360 is a big rogue software, but .... I use it just because this big rogue can kill a group of hooligans! A fool-type operation of adding some additional features, it has been used.

Some people say that normally use the computer, do not have this anti-virus software is the best.

I also know.


How can the computer have been using it properly ~~~ The hard disk is to be stuffed ~~

Chapter 937: Scared?

It is not reason to check the residue.

Because this guy is brought by the police station.

A holy area brought by the group of police ..... Can you remember your jail?

When I checked the graded, I was still in my heart. Although I know this lottery is not a legend, but .... The Winter of the special nation really has a legend!

After the results came, he was informally to let himself open the newslette crystal.

And unconditionally cooperated.

It is not surprising to this March, which is a law of the elves. It has encountered a danger to contact the Elf Dynasty This is their best choice.

As the communication is connected, everyone sees a green hair Elf King - Saxon.

After seeing the other party is not the elves in his hand, the Elf King is also a clear man, just asked: "Queen Night Elf Queen?"

Croatya smile: "Winning Wang Sakston?"

Saxophon nodded: "The this is aunt?"

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