The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1046

Sprinter sway: "Springs Dolton."

"So is my person in your hands?" Saxon asked.

"A robbery, an alleged stealing winter, a confidentiality, one for them to arrest." Springs said: "It is legally arrested."

Saxoxon snort: "When does the devil need to come to the elves?"

Duus smiled: "I have been promoting the elf's demon generation, after all ... Everyone is the Overlord, no wealth, but is still the same, is it a bit?"

Saxon's face did not change: "I heard a few days ago, a demon prince got to the Locke Kingdom, and finally gave the human holy three seats. Today, you really have ordinary Demon is different, at least not so annoying. "

Croatia is a whisper: "I said, the elf is face."

Springs: "Too truth."

Saxon said again: "Right, this king is curious about some information, the night elves are working with the devil?"

The hand on the hand lit up a month, smiled and said: "Is the Elf King know what this is?"

The forest elf king is a blink: "It seems that they say it is right! Yuehua Shen, are you really god? I thought ..."

Croatia said: "Do you think that the night wizard is the same as the dark essence? It doesn't matter, anyway, you always think so?"

Saxon shakes his head: "This king has never doubts the belief of the night elves. Since things have arrived so, this king is now thank the Elf Queen and the devil tell our rules."

"Okay, let's don't have a guest." Springs sat on his own chair: "Let's talk, how do you prepaid to redeem the three in my elves?"

Saxxon looked at the slag, the latter was ashamed.

Saxon This is only open: "Then, according to the rules of the Elf Dynasty, the Sanctuary Elf, each redemption of the price of 150,000 gold coins, and promises that they have not allowed to be in the Hall of the Hall of the Hall of the Hall of the Hall, and the night wizard step."

Word looks to Croatya.

The latter step forward: "Is this the price there?"

Saxoxon frowns: "Is there any difference? Devil has been taking advantage of this side, there is nothing to contact here, is the price should be less? I am showing my sincerity."

Croaty shakes his head: "The forest elves king, this can't be so much. Whether it is Shahua Highland, or the big forest, is it too far from the Elf Islands?"

Saxon eyebrows: "What do you mean?"

"In this place where the Dynasty reached out, in fact, how do we dispose of the three elf Elf Dynasties, there is no way?"

Saxon faces black.

Croaty continued: "But, following the guidance of the three gods, I don't want to go to myself. But the corresponding price ... maybe I need to mention it?"

"Say your conditions." Saxon's straight mouth: "But please don't be too excessive! The Queen of the Night Elf, don't forget that you are the believer of the three gods!"

"Of course." Croaty said: "The Elf has already so little, I know what you are doing. There is no problem in the price of more than 150,000 gold coins, but we have condition."

"Please say."

"First, we need three gods." This is a good order before the Muzu. About God's information, the elf is definitely the most complete preservation.

"The night elves are migrated all the way, and there is a lot of information on the road, so we need the revelation of the three gods."

The expression on the Face of Saxon stretches some: "No problem."

"Secondly, there are some things that are planted here take the forest elves to help, so it may be to borrow these three masters. In this period, we will give them free activities, but we have to surveillance, if there is anything We will increase the ransom inappropriate. "

Saxon considers it, then asked: "How long."

"Very short." Croaty said: "For five years."

The Elf King heard that nodded this time: "Well, it is quite short, no problem. Isn't there anything else?"

"Paying two-thirds of ransom in advance." Croaty said: "One-third of the rest is paid when we let go."

Here, this Elf King is unhappy: "Do you deduct my subject five years, I want to pay first?"

Croatia's face does not matter: "We don't take prisoner of steel print on them, and the external propaganda is also the elf adviser to the Elf Dynasty. Of course, you are not willing to make it. How do you see it? They are fast. "

Saxon took a long time, this only opened: "I have to confirm that my subject does not have something."

"It's good." Xunz laughed at the side: "I am taking someone to bring them."


Winter in the city.

Bolos took a few prison to the sanctuary, he suddenly found out that the two sanctuary, the two sanctuary is now shameless, don't know what I am thinking.

He didn't think much, just told this prison: "I gave it out, this group of elves are really troublesome, one is not enough."

Brush! Charlie and Charl also look at Poros.

Poss was seen in Porth: "What?"

"What is your eyes!" The Poss of the reaction came back to the elf: "I will send you a circle with my brothers! Happy!"

The two elves have no blood in the moment after hearing this sentence, then ....

" ~".

Charlie and Charli brushing have grown in the past.

"Lying!" The Poros outside is flustered. "What is the situation? Is it scared in a word!"

PS: I want to sleep ... but ... I have to update one chapter ..... But I really want to sleep ...

Chapter 938: Riffus Direct Drop!

The scene is very embarrassing.

When several night wits lift the two masters of the Shengmi, they saw that the wizard king was extremely gloomy.

Barrool's face is a cry. "His Royal Highness, you listen to me! I really didn't talk about them, it is a saying that these two have not come up, planting.

Zunus took the temple, told: "Barbara, you open their own ban."

Barbara runs the ban on the ban.

Saxoxon has an angry voice already sounds: "Springs, don't you explain what is going on?"

"This ....." Xu Run: "I swear, I just shut it up, even if I was tried! Don't believe you ask yourself."

Saxophon is low: "Sweater!"

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