The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1047

I checked a slag, he hurriedly came over: "Your Majesty ....." He looked at a group of people in the house, ok, four sanctuary.

And it seems that there is still a legend in the top.

In addition to the legend, these people are watching him.

Check the slag heart bitter.

He biting his teeth, looking for a sentence? This far is not as close to you! Yes, this is this sentence.

He quickly opened: "Your Majesty, when I just came, Charlie and Charle were still good."

Feel the surrounding tension and dissipation, check the graft tone.

He regrets that it will pick up this!

In the past, the three brothers were dealing with ordinary guys. On this continent, the Sanctuary was that they were walking, coupled with their three qualifications, baby, to come to the mainland a lot of people. It's almost six hundred years old, I have eaten it! Even the big privacy of the half-step legend, you have to be free.

After all, they can want to live in the spring.

When I was ambitious! Good results, come here for a month? It's encountered in this place.

"They just fainted the past." The monthly magic of the hand of Croaty was recovered, and the mouth said: "It seems to be stimulated."

The Saxon Sanctuary is low: "Springs, what do you do for them!"

"Not we did." Croaty stood out: "You think, we know that you have to follow it, don't you find trouble for yourself? Everyone is the Elf King, you should be clear, if you I have to kill them, I have a way to know, and some is a way to let you know! "

Saxon in the newsletter is completely thinking: "I know these things, but my subject is already like this! They are the sanctuary! It is not ordinary elves, there is a rich out experience, not those who have never seen it. The elf of the market! Do you tell me that I have been stimulated? What is exciting? Scared? "

Croatia nodded: "It seems to be scared."

"Are you teasing me! The Queen of the Night Elf! You dare to swear by the name of the moon!"

"Why not dare!"

At the time of the two elf kings, when I was in a hurry, Barbara suddenly shouted: "Wake up awake!"

Indeed, the two elves don't know if they are arguing, or the holy area has played a role in the sanctuary. At this time, he holds his head and holds his body.

In an instant, they attracted everyone's gaze.

The two sanctuary wizards opened their eyes, and saw that Xifus, Croaty, Barbara with Carlisle.

I haven't waited for them to continue to look down, I only listen to two, the two of the two people have been set.

After the end of the road, Poros made a sound: "Oh, I am scared to death, think that it is scared to death, harm me almost the pot. Real, death can't die now."

Charlie and Charle are trembled, but all the eyes are all gathered on Barbala face.

In their head, recalling the wonderful speech of the Toros, it is a woman who is demon, the woman who is in the corpse of the collimose, the corpse of the necked egg, and the sound of the tomb of the corpse. ! Let the two wizards completely close.

At this time ...

"It is." Barbara in front of him: "I also expected you to fish, how to die!"

" ~"

The two two eyes turned, and they fell down!

Barbara: "......."

Springs: "........"

Everyone: "........"

Xun Scormed the head to see Saxoxon: "That ... you have also seen. They seem to .... I am afraid. I don't do anything?"

Saxon: "........"

Duus said that he hurriedly said: "Pick up, the ban is picked up! Don't wear it again."

"Hey, good." Barbara wipes the cold sweat of the forehead, quickly locking their banned, this time she gave this to Poros.

Barbara is very afraid, this land has added 300,000 gold coins! Maybe it may be dead.

Otherwise, there are so many gold coins, you can estimate that you can only pay!

The good news is that after the ban, the two sanctuary wakes up again.

A face of Barbara is above the two, and when the two people saw Barbara's big face, there was another sentence: "Ah, finally wake up!"

"Ah!" The two eranges were scared, then fierce.

But at this time, there should be no restrictions on the ban, and the two wizards that were scared did not directly fainted, but the face of the face was looked at the house.

After seeing the slag, their eyes suddenly looked up: "Sweeping! You are fine, slag!"

Ziquo is confused: "What can I have? But you are nothing? Do you do this, let go! Your Majesty still looks."

At this time, the two wizards are a state of holding together, but they can obviously have not realized.

"Your Majesty?" The two elf look at else, Croatia opened his body, and then they saw a face of Saxon.

The two are all eradication, and they quickly released each other: "His Majesty ... His Majesty!"

"The forest of the forest wizard makes you lighten!" The body of the forest elf king is trembling.

Charle was scared and shouted: "Your Majesty ....."

He didn't finish it, the body was taken.

Charle and Charlie turned back and found that Jiamieira, hanging face at the door.

"Just asleep, I was awake." Jia Pilan is an instant a huge faucet vain, and the voice is full of angry: "Wake the old lady once, the old lady eats you!"

Charle is stiff, he is looking at the view with Charlie, and then two people point to each other.

Then .... The body is soft, lying on the ground.

Croaty quickly saw it and looked at Saxon: "It seems like ...."

Saxoxon This time is very subtle, there is a kind of .... I don't know if it's a lot of red dust or a nauseaful, anyway, it is very stiff.

He is silent for a long time to open again: "This king .... Suddenly I don't want to save."

"Don't!" Wonderful: "The price is good!"

"Mainly can't afford this face!" Saxon looked at the Sudu: "Let's talk about the incide fee."

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