The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1048

PS: I have to go to sleep to sleep.

PS: Thanks to the 100 rewards of ! Thanks to the 23rd reward of the Red US Bell! Thanks to the sauce is a 114 reward of Xiao Bi Pool! Thanks to the 20 blades of the red bell!

PS: This, can't put a picture. This month's ticket 124, reward 607, blade 170.

I owe 6!

Hey, I thought that the blade rewarded the boom has passed.

Chapter 939: Things

After the Elf King and the Jia Pilana that came in, after the close talks.

This situation is calculated by the situation of the three brothers.

In particular, Jiamielira was in the noisy, I didn't believe me to go to your Islands waters. After the Treasure of the Islands, the Elf Wang He gave up the idea of ​​talking about the conditions.

As before, the commission will be sent together with the information, but you need to send a back to take this.

I don't know why, this Elf King is alive, does not agree with the elves to send things over.

After the end, Crone Ya's explanation was that he was afraid to come back to a group.

Dusus is very depressed, is it a person who has a person who has someone else?

Everything will give people a good time!

For example, the carava, which was robbed before the elves robbed, Kalaire asked how to dispose, and the Springs also made it back to others.

After all, as officials, some money can be taken, don't take, otherwise no one will take you.

Duus is now different from this gold coin.

As for this matter, it is natural to hand over Fiisi.

Next, it is the time of the winter in the winter.

Duus still studies the knowledge collected from the grounds every day in the system space.

All of the monarchs on the machinery and magic classs are placed in the game world. After one of the tasks, what the ability to get the ability to see those the city defense army and the police.

Dusus did not think about the ability to choose one by one, and the sure is thrown away from the world.

How to decide or choose it yourself.

However, Monu is not letting in any case, at least Piedes is now studying things inside the dream world every day.

At the same time, the popularity of the dreams of dreams determined before Dusi also spread all.

Embroacheng residents can receive a dream world scroll, but this collection is an external release version.

It is the kind of agent who took the agent.

This is the welfare of winter men's residents. For this reason, the winter in the city has to raise resident conditions.

Winter Municipality is now divided into residents and temporary people.

I used to buy a property in winter in the winter to become a resident, but now I can only become a temporary residence.

If you want to join the winter, you will have to pass a series of reviews.

This matter is responsible for Carlisle and Fiis, and established a civil affairs bureau for this. Separate from the city hall to deal with this matter.

Responsible personnel audit and ID card issuance.

As for human hand and talent issues, Fisi has adjusted some people from the family territory.

The Duke of Eigbot is now supporting this.

It can be said that now, the Springs are lying in bed, and the development of winter in the winter will continue.

It is only a big direction responsible.

Many times, as long as you open a thoughts of your mouth, the next thing is much simpler.

With the opening of the canal, a lot of businessmen have poured into the winter in the winter, and most of them are rushing to the dream of dreams, but they come, some necessary development is also needed.

As for the death of the Winter Municipality and the sale of dreams in the dream of dreams, the Jerego Chamber of Commerce is not concerned with the Red Dragon Chamber of Commerce.

Because everyone did not have a deep business conflict.

Even if it is a modern society that is very developed, some places have hundreds of pounds, but some places, the watermelon still does not have a pound of money.

The real businessman will not spend this kind of thing.

At the same time, the court of winter in the city is also completed.

Not accident, the old man of Edison still agreed to serve as the first Dafa Emaster of Winter Municipality.

The small problem police station can solve it directly, and the criminal case must be prosecuted by the police station, the court is completed.

However, the current meaning is to remind the city hall and the police bureau's old oil, so the law is not completed.

Therefore, the time to take an hour every day now to discuss the customization of the law in the conference room.

The Kingdom Code has been put on the table, and everyone eliminates the aristocratic privileges and then set up new laws.

Every time, each study is a headache.

For example, about this matter and counterattack, how to judge the just defense before the Earth, and he also encountered this problem.

After all, if the other party has a counterattack, even if it is just a defense, then a little bit thoughtful, and the words are angry with words, you will 'induce' crime. This is also necessary to consider.

To put it bluntly, the people are ruled by law.

However, these two things are still inseparable, and everyone can only summarize the discounted solutions in the daily discussion.

Then there is a problem with people.

The judge cannot only have one of the old man of Edison, and the winter in the city needs to cultivate a variety of talents. But if there is no teacher, are you going to train?

At this point, everyone is depressed, and Edson lifts.


The reason why the old man is also very full: "There is also a lot of nobles who love yourself, and their municipal officers, they also follow the will of the Lord. As long as people can be used."

However, a film is not recognized by such a program.

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